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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. True, but the androgen influence actually protects against these problems. The more you are rich in androgens, the more ataractic you are and the more the problems seem surmountable to you in absolute terms. Being courted is also a problem, because women can be manipulated and tormented because of it, especially since as I have already said above they are obviously more sensitive and vulnerable than men.
  2. Schizophrenia is similar to what can happen on a high dose of lsd. Datura and other anticholinergics look more like a severe form of dementia. McKenna's datura trip made me think a lot about my mother's memories of the time when she cared for elderly women lol.
  3. The aggressive accusations set up as a petitio principii (underlined) and especially the injunctions to compation and repentance (in bold) show that you have a low or even very low level of androgens. Do you think a guy known for self-help (particularly the art of fucking women) who goes on a carnivorous diet, and takes the world's strongest psychedelics without shame sounds like that? Seriously ?
  4. @StarStruck Me it's the opposite, I'm 19 and I would like to make love and even be in a relationship with a 35/40 year old woman. I don't know what is creating these trends.
  5. Children, who are basically the most "yin" human beings, love simple, sweet things, and basically things that match human atavistic urges. Women tend to have similar tendencies to a lesser extent, and even some soy boys noticeably low in androgens. This seems normal, now the question I ask myself is why most men, as their brains and bodies in general are exposed to high levels of androgens, develop an honest distaste for "sweet things " and a taste or even a preference for "hard" things such as game meat, very spicy and/or vinegary dishes, strong alcohol, strong coffee, dark chocolate, tobacco... I noticed that on myself, I can't buy any more industrial cake because it literally disgusts me, unless tonight something particularly bitter, with a taste of mint or something like that. What mechanism could explain this from a "spiritual" point of view, the role of man in the human species, etc.? If we omit the explanation at the level of neurotransmitters.
  6. I saw somewhere that thc increases progesterone
  7. why is there something rather than nothing ? / why god exist ?
  8. what is a conservative person?
  9. I tried but it didn't work, even with a very large dose of memory, I may have done it wrong. My terrifying experience was through the nose
  10. I had drop between 20 and 40mg nasally, assuming some would go down my throat. All I remember is that within 5 minutes of the drop there was extreme terror, where I was trying to google antidotes to 5 meo dmt and thinking maybe calling an ambulance so that they're raising this to me. Finally I spent a quarter of an hour tossing about on my bed, squealing, bending over, and clinging to the sheets. Apart from the bodyload I'm not sure what really happened, even doses like 5mg were purely unpleasant.
  11. The feeling/energetic match (call it what you want) or common interests, "intellectual correspondence" ? I mean in the probability of leading to a serious and lasting relationship.
  12. I did a vegan week, I was energetic but I've never been so mean / snide, when I saw someone with a characteristic I didn't like I couldn't help but say "oh he is said to be stupid/ugly/weak etc, hmmm!!!". I see a lot of vegans with this kind of irritating behavior, so maybe it's the food, I don't know. I also go a lot of gas And brain fog caused by legumes.
  13. citruline and/or viagra
  14. You look pretty sad/low energy in your photo, it's a selfie so I'm guessing that's your energy in a "neutral" state. Do you have a history of malnutrition/overtraining/insomnia/loneliness/emotional abuse or other stressors? Sorry if it's out of place.
  15. I think that's what we call the energetic links between two or a group of people. Do you subscribe to this idea? I thought about this a while ago, there is a girl in my class at university who sometimes looks at me, the only one in the class who does this and it was particularly noticeable. Shortly after I started thinking about her (not even in a really interested way), I started seeing her in public places even at times when the risk of meeting was quite to very unlikely, several times in the same week. The interaction is very good, very fluid, the "energy balance" that governs the exchanges is balanced, nothing to do with another girl in my class where I was almost "forcing" and where I looked like a simp as a result.
  16. @Léo Gura have you tried cider vinegar enemas? ingest raw garlic cloves? charcoal ?
  17. what are his health problems? i just heard about sibo
  18. I suspect the carnivore diet, look at Bart Kay, one of the main proponents of this diet. He has this very aggressive and unpleasant character. I see many followers of this diet developing a strange character, becoming a scammer, liar, manipulator or simply mean. He also probably has problems in his personal life, just because you're spiritually advanced doesn't take away your quirks, you're still human.
  19. What do you mean by "tricks itself" ? I'm not perched enough yet and I just had a sleepless night so it's not easy to understand lol.
  20. I don't think I understand much of this. Yet I am here to write to you behind my macbook. Maybe you're taking what psychedelics have shown you too seriously, basically it's just a molecule that attaches to serotonin receptors and can trick you into believing things like solipsism
  21. it's not just this post But anyway it doesn't matter too much, I'm not here to say gnagnagna Leo is not nice. I'm just interested in what's causing what in whom, and I noticed it looked drier, well I guess.
  22. 1)You have suppressed the FODMAPs, and therefore the intestinal inflammation and/or the production of endotoxins that go with it. 2)You may have been deficient in protein, or just zinc, iron or something like that. Enough quality protein is needed to produce different neurotransmitters, as well as certain micronutrients.
  23. Are you upset right now for certain events in your life or is it just a "natural" impulse to call people rats and be so dry ? Are you still on the carnivore diet ? some people often become angry and unsympathetic on this diet.