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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Adversarial reversal, do YOU have tangible proof? The primal/paleo diet (carnivore was a provocative misnomer, call such a diet what you will) is amazing to me and many others. The more I eat like this, the better my cognition, the better my poo, the stronger I am in the gym etc etc. And obviously the taste is much better than a vegan diet, while being really satisfying in terms of appetite. Troll/provocation aside, I've shared and suggested checking out the story of other people on even stricter diets than me who don't have health issues including artherosclerosis (despite high LDL), while recalling that, here again, carnivore is a vague and provocative term to agree on a diet based on animal products. And you ? What do you have apart from generally epidemiological studies. For the 10th time, regardless of the quality of the studies and the fact that we can be interested in them, they are impersonal and manipulable. You absolutely want a study? giveaway: ditto + and yes I cover the vegan diet, both because it's the elephant in the room when we talk about a carnivorous diet and because I suffered from it I don't know exactly why I said that and I can't find the original message, it may have been deleted. I think it was a question of accusing me of having a marginal position. Yes I have a marginal position, you too in another context, so don't accuse me (you or anyone else) of that. You lie, you are a liar. I talked about myself, then I took the example of two people that many people know, and then I insisted on checking another example. Do you understand that I don't have to ctrl+c and crtl+v all that I can/have been able to see on this kind of diets? Ok Yes, I too like fruit to a certain extent. There is no opposition between fruit and butter. much better for you Yeah, I think it's pretty clear that there's an evolutionary reason why the palate likes certain things and doesn't. And "a bit boring" is an understatement, you know that as much as I do, Michael That's like saying it's okay for people to drink their urine, because you can enjoy it by adding maple syrup to it. And again I don't want to force anyone to do anything, it's the complete opposite of my point. True, but you can say that about any way you eat. It is for this exact reason that I do not have a diet and that I just eat/promote foods that are natural and that I like. Fiber doesn't mean much. There are a large number of different fibers, with different sizes and structures, soluble in water or not... I will answer whoever accused me of dunning kruger below, the accusation is basically the same No Why should we eat like these? And especially : -They weren't vegan and couldn't be vegan anyway. -They didn't eat "kale with sweet potatoes and beans", if they ate fibrous things they were well prepared (long soaks, cooking, fermenting) and usually eaten with fat for taste and digestion. You have to see the bean-based recipes that date back to antiquity, these things were literally swimming in olive oil ah ah. I'm not crusading against anyone, I don't care. Worst case consider me a troll. It is not because you eat meat that you will have colorectal cancer, it is not because you eat a lot of fiber that you will have sibo. Besides, I'm not saying that humans are big eaters of red meat, it seems pretty clear that humans evolved around the consumption of white meat from small mammals, fish and shellfish. Ah and second lmao gift: It's on rats, so do what you want. "Should" according to what criteria? "Paleo" includes all hominids before the mastery of agriculture pr homo sapiens Just because Homo erectus ate beetles and tender roots doesn't mean it's an attractive and favorable diet for modern man. As for fruit: You can also watch any documentary on hunter-gatherer tribes and you will see that they consume fruits and honey, sometimes fatty fruits (coconuts, avocados, palm fruits...) yes The whole point of my topic is to troll a little by making a statement based on very basic things, and by extension showing that it works on various people. We could fight over a "more perched" debate on a certain number of studies, but that would be long and uninteresting. If you want my opinion on such and such a study I can tell you, possibly. All right
  2. Test your testosterone and thyroid hormones
  3. Every time I take large doses I turn red like a lobster and look puffy/weird. I feel like I'm all wet in my face when there's nothing there. Can psychedelics be dangerous for people with adrenal problems, hypertension or that sort of thing?
  4. What markers? What are you eating ? ?
  5. You are right, but I do not follow anyone and therefore no form of marketing whatsoever. I don't want to gain weight/lose weight, cure anything or whatever with a diet, I'm not even afraid of dying ha ha. I just eat what I like and draw conclusions. The purpose of my arrogant/playful attitude on this thread is to troll a bit and provoke an attempted response to my conclusions based on things as simple and basic as taste. This is a serious question, I quickly looked at your YouTube channel, you seem nice and I subscribed but can you explain why you need to put fruit (sweet stuff) in your cereal porridge to make it more or less edible? I can simply heat up a steak with butter/bone marrow and it's simply a feast for the taste buds, just two ingredients from the same source! Can you also explain why the "carnivores" I quoted are in good health including no problems with arteriosclerosis? There are some carnivores with problems but I suspect they eat too little fat and just eat steaks, or too many vitamin a rich organs etc. And again I'm not a "carnivore" in the strict sense of the word, I see no problem eating fruits, honey, tubers and my easily digestible vegetables (I should have said paleo I know) Also understand that I cannot spend days trying to debunk your petitions of principle and therefore by extension those of some of the nutritionists. It is obviously too long and complicated.
  6. It's true I can't, there's usually too much to get rid of, I can feel it in all my experiences. Are there psychedelics better suited to evacuate buried energies?
  7. @ZenAlex 1)Plants doesn't have or/are very deficient on : -B12 -EPA/DHA (unless you consume silly amounts of flax/chia seed) -Vitamine A (same but with carrot juice, sweet potatoes etc.) -Zinc (Vegetarianism will drastically increase the copper to zinc ratio, and increase the metabolism of dopamine to downstream stimulatory catecholamines, while having lower gaba signaling, zinc is also very necessary for the production of sperm and testosterone, it is literally one of the first supplements used to boost these.) -Choline (Only in large quantities in eggs and animal flesh, necessary for the synthesis of seminal fluid and especially acetylcholine, itself necessary for good muscle and especially cerebral function, also serves to balance excess catecholamines.) -L-Carnitine (also needed for the brain) -Heme Iron A significant portion of the world's population is anemic, and even without it your levels may be too low. (that's my case). You can't reverse anemia with non-heme iron unless you use monstrous amounts, and it will damage your gut flora. -Proteins (sports vegans and in particular bodybuilders all gorge themselves on protein from peas, rice, hemp etc. There is a German powerlifter (that nobody knows lol) presented in the game changers, the guy made a video "what i eat in a day", he was literally fueled with protein powder smoothies. Of course these athletes also do (or have done) roids, otherwise they are all slow and skinny fat. I also sometimes see guys here quoting sadghuru, I don't know how you can take this guy for a reference in terms of spirituality and health, he is a caricature of a skinny fat Hindu guru who speaks in slow motion. My grandfather who had terminal cancer had as much energy as him lol. 2) Why do you need to justify your food choices based on what you can theoretically do without. Why do you have this slave mentality? were you humiliated in your childhood or something like that to the point of taking the holding back of your cravings as a virtue? This is a recurrence among vegans, especially the most orthorexic. I want to be nice to myself and others, I eat meat and sugar and I wish the same to the people I love. You must read Nietzsche
  8. @The0Self What is the link between ray peat and what I say/do? Ray Peat spared like 50% protein by the end and was basically a vegetarian, mostly said to eat skimmed milk, well-cooked vegetables, fruits/fruit juices. @Michael569 Hello Michael, I like you but once again you speak before thinking. Hello Michael, I like you but once again you speak before thinking Paul Saladino is 44 years old and has been a carnivore/primal for several years. Dr. berg also did this recall test and his score was PERFECT, he is 58 years old and has been on his keto diet for like two decades, maybe even longer. It's not a carnivorous diet but ok. There's also this guy I quickly found on Google: I've seen other testimonials but I'm too lazy to find them and I don't have to chew the work for you. On the Vegan side there is this arteriosclerosis invention image of an esselstyn patient that vegans spam everywhere, but the guy actually had a lot of failures, and the people in question were put on statins , diet and sport. I find that bogus. @DefinitelyNotARobot What do you usually eat ?
  9. Anatomy has no value, some animals have more of a carnivorous anatomy but are actually more herbivorous (example: pandas). Man is a primate and it is normal that we have kept a relatively similar anatomy, especially since the evolutionary process is slow and that: 1) We eat a certain percentage of certain plants 2) We didn't necessarily need to evolve to chew meat because we are able to use tools to facilitate the processing/consumption of meat. Vegans are ok with eating inedible foods raw so you wouldn't have the nerve to deny that argument, would you? Going back to the anatomy: Humans cannot digest cellulose or ferment it in a consistent way for energy, humans have quite strong stomach acid and even stronger than that of canines, humans can very digest animal proteins (proteases) well, the human palate loves salt, animal proteins, fats (especially animal) and monosaccharides. We don't like starches and vegetables of all kinds. A lot of fiber will create dangerous intestinal discomfort, if you persist and manage to increase your intestinal flora no one will want to be your girlfriend because no one wants to have a relationship with a human bio-gas machine. You need a descent amount of omega 3 for your brain and it's pretty obvious that we didn't evolve from flax seeds, lol. You can watch rags like "what the health" or "Game changers" made for modern dumb people, or you can watch documentaries made by serious people. I recently saw an Arte documentary on human evolution, it seems from archaeological evidence that the human brain evolved in speech from migrants to northern Africa after periods of drought, particularly following the course of the Nile. (fish and shellfish fishing) This is a non-exhaustive list, I would like someone to be able to debunk everything I said ?
  10. Many people have very strong pent up energy charges caused by trauma and/or prolonged stress. It's like having techtonic plates in your brain. I tend to sabotage myself, to tell myself classic incel victimization stuff. One day I got overconfident and for the first time I "flirted" a girl on a train and took her number. After a brief exchange she finally explained that she was not interested. It was nothing, just the refusal of a random girl, but this refusal woke up things buried so strongly that I basically fell into depression for several days, I could not do anything but stay in my bed. , I didn't even want to eat anymore, it was hard. Everything is energy, people take psychedelics/antidepressants/drugs of some sort, not because the effect of the particular neurotransmitter is "good", but because it increases brain activity and blood sugar. I can literally change my mindset and outlook on my image by doing something that raises my blood sugar, like pull-ups, push-ups, etc. Because it gives your brain/CNS the impression that it will be able to absorb (and "expunge") a stronger emotion, in this case failure I also noticed that a lot of ruminating was used to do this, when I was younger I spent ruminating over and over again, fantasizing about destruction, and then a moment passed and I became normal or even optimistic again. The guys on or this kind of forum are just traumatized, they looked for a way to live the emotion they have to live, but they can't/hardly because they are too alone. It's all about loneliness really.
  11. It's about eating what's natural and actually makes you happy. Meat/animal fat, fruits, honey, raw dairy products, low-fiber leafy vegetables, possibly nuts (more like a paleo/primal diet after all, carnivore is a misnomer) Keto is also a mental illness like veganism, they forbid themselves to eat delicious fruits and force themselves to eat filthy goitrogenic green leaves. It's rubbish and based on flawed macronutrient reasoning.
  12. do you have proves ? expect for minor stuffs like lactose tolerance
  13. giga cope vidéo The guy literally can't say anything except: "heuu heuue yes but the ldl blablabla" + link to an epidemiological study The guy eat chilled potato and chickpeas lol + for those who think of the change of saladino. 1) I am not against carbohydrates 2) There is also this type for example :
  14. Obviously transsexuals can't compete with women in sports, especially combat sports, some have gorilla bones lol.
  15. Can you give concrete examples? I know transsexuals who complain about this kind of thing, but in fact there is nothing concrete, they are just paranoid and severely mentally ill. Of course there are idiots who can attack them for real, but assholes are everywhere and I too have to put up with them. This is not just a problem faced by minorities such as transsexuals.
  16. No, I did several trips. It just puts me in a delirious state during the trip, and then I go back to the normal world. You cannot base your worldview on delusional states.
  17. What rights do trans people not already have? What problems do they encounter?
  18. Masculinity is just a spectrum of psychological and physical tendencies related to androgens. Technically you can be a hypnagogic soy boy and be de facto less manly than a tomboyish lesbian woman. It's largely hormonal
  19. It just changes during the trip, the next day you go back to normal. Psychedelics never did anything for me.
  20. It is true that under LSD I become obsessively compulsive and I really want to tidy up my room, wash myself, change my clothes etc.
  21. In the sense of "lack of stress" or above all euphoric/comfortable? (dopaminergic) Maybe low brain activity and low energy in general? (have you noticed that people who are uncomfortable, shy, often don't like to play sports and are "slow"?) I haven't figured out the piece of the puzzle yet, I have a series of products to try, can you help me?
  22. @Michael569 looking back I think my response was too aggressive, mea culpa
  23. Literally every guy I see (especially including on this forum) criticizing blackpill, and explaining that you have to "play" and practice are actually quite attractives. Even Leo passes himself off as unattractive because he's bald and skinny, but it's actually a 6/10, he doesn't have a bad face and is taller. Where are the ugly PUA promoters? Does it exist or are they just mostly liberals who copes by trying to make believe that they have what they fundamentally have by their work? I hang out on forums where a certain number of people who rate themselves between 3 and 6 have never had a girlfriend or even sex after a massive PUA.
  24. It's special but so much the better for you then! I said that because I still see a number of people inflicting on themselves a rather unpleasant orthorexic goal disciple. You see where I'm coming from. Att