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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Slight anxiety and difficulty to "leave". Benzo works well for calming compulsive thoughts, but also suppresses small, unimportant thoughts that actually help you drift off to sleep. Also, sleep is poor under benzo (alprazolam in this case).
  2. Benzo works average for me, it does not target my problem well.
  3. @SQAAD Have you tried cannabis indica before sleeping? The antipsychotics are horribles, and benzodiazepines are effective but you have to dose more quickly because it's more a "physical" relaxer than a mental one, if you know what I mean.
  4. spot on, kinda like a "psychedelic candy" lol How does he feel compared to 5 MEO MIPT?
  5. Yes, the richest people in a country are often of the most common ethnic group in that same country, that's normal. And anyway you don't have a source
  6. I took 4 HO MET several times, it's super cool. Very visual with a "wacky" vibe, not at all brutal and you maintain quite strong control. I also often felt a strong sexual as often under psyche. Under LSD I have the impression that it's sexually more brutal, with magenta / coppery visuals, black and white lines, a "strong" feeling in general. Under 4 HO MET it's more feminine, round, wavy, tasty, sensualllllleeee etc etc. I don't know if it's just me or even if you can see where I'm coming from, never mind my two cents.
  7. Is the performance similar? ty
  8. Coca cola is the "healthiest" and best tasting brand I've found.
  9. Lol, it's as if I said that "Asians" did some bullshit "example: Pol Pot". Doesn't make sense How can you quantify this, it's beginning the question. Hans will be preferred in far east, Bantus in West africa etc (except when white tourists are privileged in certain third world countries, not because they are white but because they are taken for human wallets). You can't prevent people from having endogamous preferences out of idealism (protecting your ego). If the diasporas are not happy, nothing prevents them from leaving the countries where "they are oppressed", ie where they have strangely chosen to migrate.
  10. Yes, but that does not contradict the existence of an objective reality
  11. ... I don't think I have enough experience to fully understand where you are coming from. Maybe soon.
  12. Seems wonky and anyway, again, brought without evidence. An alien would say the same of a human being.
  13. Maybe, it's just a weird bad guy who says to himself "maybe if I say that to this guy who is filming me, they will take me for a nice person and bring me help" .
  14. Did you do a TR ? + What do you think happens after physical death?
  15. Do you have a girlfriend? children? Do you still live in that ugly, overpriced devil's hole in the middle of the Nevada desert?
  16. When I was little I cried hard because I had hit myself. Now I would have to cut off a finger and maybe more to have a similar reaction.
  17. Source ? I'm pretty sure that's completely false. Btw humans are animals.
  18. It's hard to convey good non-verbal communication with this kind of smiley, it's not nuanced enough. I want @Leo Gura to update the risibank addon so that I can use my favorite tickers
  19. Almost all problems are just communication.
  20. Was it on the substance? I had a psychotic friend who took pleasure in pain, including scarification.
  21. I recently killed someone before stealing all their money, but this post will pass as a joke. ha ha ha
  22. Lol I knew I wasn't the only one
  23. How is the texture? You tried "raw" (overnight porridge) ?