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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Can you listen to music under LSD? There is always a moment when I feel a kind of sensory "saturation" which pushes me, and even obliges me, to stop all forms of external stimulation, starting with music, and I want to lie down in bed.
  2. The only person I saw with terminal cancer who said he was on alternative treatment died barely three months after his diagnosis. In the meantime my uncle is ok and has gone back to work
  3. Every time I take a high dose of any kind of tryptamine I experience this incredibly weird, brutal, alien feeling during the climb. But I never remember, is it possible to remember and rediscover/"handle" this substanceless state? Perhaps with meditation? Always been too lazy to practice that so I don't know what it's worth.
  4. It just doesn't resonate with me
  5. Not at all, it will just accelerate the cachexia. Cancer patients need to eat well and sometimes even take nandrolone because of this. (testosterone could worsen the growth of a prostate tumor). My uncle is in remission from terminal cancer (which started in the lungs). He ate very well including meat and processed products like Coca Cola. All that did was to trust a group of world-class oncologists in the Paris region, rather than pseudo-scientific bs.
  6. I changed lol. But I still cheated a bit by taking a good image in a video. My eyes are scarred with sleep debt and it's terrible. Fortunately, sleep is starting to return.
  7. Why are you so mean and pretentious. I thought that your super frugivorous diet was going to turn you into a superman who will live 4000 years like krishna or whatever Hindu deity, not that he was going to eat away at your pituitary gland. Unless you are already accustomed to the notion of the caste system of the country from which you draw your pseudo science, considering yourself of course as the pure frugivorous braham who can insult and beat the "untouchable morons". ? Reminds me of when I went HCLF vegan for a few weeks and couldn't stop myself from insulting/talking down/verbally humiliating the people in my head. A kind of compulsive wickedness.
  8. It is enough to push more and more requests that indirectly suggest the possibility of a sexual relationship. Unless your target has a low qi or has a strange mindset she will sense this possible intention and let you know if she is interested or not. I think asking "have a drink at my place" is pretty self-explanatory while still getting the benefit of the doubt.
  9. That's like saying I'm progressive because I installed the latest intel cpu on my computer.
  10. I think it's another false debate, where we agree on the substance but we slap each other anyway because our respective egos are hurt by the way the other processes information. Unnecessary waste of energy.
  11. Sorry but that is not an answer. Can you give me a position on any but important subject that makes you say you are conservative?
  12. I just changed it ah ah. I could smile more but I'm too tired today and every take is bad. This will be it for now. I don't know who this guy is.
  13. lol See how you even used this emoji as a way to assert the sarcastic twist of your response. "Go to the psychiatric hospital, look how crazy you must be to see this lmao" + smiling smiley. This smiley is evil and hides something. ...
  14. Pepsi is the worst drink I've had in my life
  15. All right It's not racism, the diplomas of the schools of the first worlds have simply more value. What part of the world are you talking about, the United States? Yes, a foreign community whose immigration was motivated by economic difficulties will be more precarious than the local population. Why do you seek to turn these social phenomena into "rich whites versus poor, oppressed non-whites." I don't know why you are talking to me about Brazil, it is tacitly accepted that we are talking about the West when the notion of "white privilege" is mentioned. Just because Brazilian society is racist (what does that mean?) doesn't mean you have to use it as an example for the rest of the world with a totally different social and historical context.
  16. Can you give a concrete example of political positioning that would classify you as "conservative" ?
  17. These are false questions, delusions, which hide the real socio-economic problems, the class struggle. Perhaps there would be more blacks underrepresented in Western culture if liberals focused on equal opportunity, rather than beating themselves up to feed their pathological narcissism.
  18. I may know "the story" better than you. It is a right that is granted to a person or a group of people but not to others. It is a term used in the feudal system. These are not privileges. But that doesn't matter, but you can designate that privilege, that won't change a thing. These are just ways to complain. So what ? So what x2 ? There are countries which, for geographical and historical reasons, have economically dominated the world and the population of these countries is white. So yes the intelligentsia of these countries is white. Does this change anything about the social condition of the white proletariat in these countries? And ? blablabla Blacks are associated with lower qi and lower economic status, again for historical reasons. It is not a question of race but of communitarianism. that's to say ? Ditto, can you give some exemples ? It's almost boring to explain elementary logic. Yes, if the West dominates the art market and the West is predominantly white populated, then you will see mostly white actors, especially in the West. If it bothers you so much, nothing prevents you from going to India and watching all the Bollywood series. I don't know why you're all so aggressive and hysterically cocky about this. Fortunately, you are safe behind your computer. Yes, and if Qing China had colonized the United States instead of Europeans they would think that humans look like Han. And so ? Ditto+ complaining about not being able to be black on a random video game sounds like madness. If it bothers you that much you can uninstall it and play another lol.
  19. blablabla Yes when you are qualified and experienced enough you can work anywhere So it's basically not racism, it's at worst a question of class struggle, and of the economic balance of power between nationals of different countries. Good question, I'm just waiting for someone to explain it to me. It's a digression so what is your concervatism based on? Agree