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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. More than ketamine ?
  2. No, there is the whole nuance. I mean that men from the south of france (and from southern europe as a rule) had less problems committing actions punishable by law and considered by a certain number of people to be "immoral", including deceiving his wife. Cheating on your wife is not "moral", the French are not polygamous, it's just that I observe that the French and even more from other European countries around the Mediterranean attach importance to respect for the government and cultic norms ("morale") in a much more conditional way. I don't understand why cheating makes me bad, because I don't hurt my wife, especially obviously if she doesn't know about it (logic of omerta, indeed). I said I was trolling in the sense that I was having fun teasing you, but my question is sincere. 1) Trying to hurt me will be the last thing you do in your life. 2) More seriously, why are you so interested in what I could possibly do and which concerns only my private life?
  3. So what is the point of such considerations? Why not kill (at least indirectly through purchase) any animal you choose to eat?
  4. @Devin @Something Funny @something_else lmao, I don't even have a big libido and I don't necessarily "want to cheat". I'm just defending a pragmatic and vain worldview, and trolling a little along the way. It is also in this kind of discussion that I realize cultural differences, I come from the south of France and the majority of people I have met have a similar vision. The biggest clashes I've had are actually on the internet, against people from northern/central Europe, or Anglo-Saxon countries with a much more romantic vision. This sentence seems incredibly strange to me
  5. None unless you subscribe to the idea of karma, going to hell etc. Anyway in reality it is not so easy and you risk being punished one way or another.
  6. It's true that if she found out it could hurt her, but I made it clear that that won't happen in my example. The fact that I have to hide from her does not prove that it is a "bad act", I hide from her because she has a problem with it. She thinks it's a problem if I cheat on her, but that's only true in her head, so it's no problem if she doesn't know. It's like telling you that you shouldn't take psychedelics because it will force you to hide it from your parents (if your parents are against it). The fundamental problem is not to put any serotonergic substance in your body, what is problematic is the knowledge of this act by your parents because handling such a substance is for some reason taboo for them. Now I ask my question again: If I have sex with another girl, what's the problem if I'm still in love with my girlfriend and the relationship is unchanged? You totally changed the meaning of the sentence. I said that even a millionaire I don't want a ferrari because I don't like it, I prefer a cheaper car but that suits me better. Incidentally, I don't compare girls and cars. Either you like cars or you don't, money is just a limiting factor.
  7. @LSD-Rumi 1) Why are you vegan? Are you afraid of being punished by a superior force? 2) Why have a cat, why not have a child instead?
  8. @JannesAre you part of a religion or spiritual dogma that condemns the consumption of animals and threatens you with reprisals (karma, hell...).
  9. This is true for impressionable/weak-minded people. Even billionaire I don't care if I have gold, diamonds, a Ferrari, a villa... I just want what I really like, and what I really like is usually cheap. To get out of the metaphor, how fucking another ass one night will alter the quality of your relationship with your partner? can you give an example? It's just in your head, you created a relationship -> cheat = mean = loser etc. Can you explain how ejaculating in another vagina one night puts me in such a category? Having sex with another woman isn't going to make me love my wife less or just alter the relationship, so I don't get it. Are you a woman? women often struggle to understand the very primitive and emotionally detached nature of the male libido.
  10. Ethics is a subjective and therefore relative concept, and anyway worthless if you are not religious. What is concrete is what might happen to me if I commit this crime? (apart from the obvious pragmatic consequences like retaliation, for example). That goes for any "immoral" action. You may call me lazy, but you're the one who just releases cloudy, murky terms like "ethics" or "ok." Why ?
  11. there is no problem, you do what you want What does "ok" mean to you? obviously you have to be particularly strange and dangerous to want to do that, but do you think that God is going to punish you or something like that?
  12. Beans give me brain fog. Anything that ferments excessively in the intestine will increase the production and therefore the absorption of endotoxins Try to eliminate unfermented dairy products, eggs, legumes, very fibrous vegetables, nuts and undercooked starches. So basically a diet of meats, fermented dairy products, tubers, white rice, fruits, honey, maple syrup, well-cooked vegetables, a little butter/olive oil… You can try including a few tablespoons of white vinegar in your diet every day and/or 1/2 clove of raw garlic, and/or (especially) 5 to 10 grams of activated charcoal, Every night before sleeping because charcoal can "hook" nutrients in the intestine and therefore prevent their assimilation. I also recommend a vitamin cure, b complex of pure encapsulation is good, a deficiency in certain micronutrients and especially thiamine can create brain fog.
  13. It's a begging the question based on nothing. Can you actually answer my question ?
  14. Imagine that you end up with a girl with a good ass and big tits. You can sleep with her and neither your wife nor anyone will ever know. What is the problem ?
  15. I like to play cynical. What's wrong with cheating on your wife? I think it's mostly mental gymnastics to protect the ego. Who cares if I cheat on her and she ignores it? Serious question.
  16. There is everything in both countries. What's your nationality ?
  17. I meant the nature of the orgasm. I just struck while jerking off that it looked like a form of death for a few seconds, I didn't dig deeper than that.
  18. what is "an orgasm" ?
  19. I don't really like the feminine (serotonergic) energy of psychedelics, although travel is cool once in a while. I prefer something more masculine, soft, hypnotic, the kind of feeling that you can have while walking in the evening in winter and listening to music. Esketamine is the closest thing to it, but even in high doses it's too recreational (and disabling) and not transcendent/productive enough, it's good at best for curing depressions or things like that. Obviously it's quite "pro ego" but hey... What do you think?
  20. Interesting, I actually "passed out" on the way up after dosing 450ug one day, and even during my trips I always feel like someone tried to rip something out of me, but it failed and I had to wait for it to heal. As if you tried to pull out a piece of wood stuck in your leg but you had to give up because of pain or something, and wait for it to heal again. I do not know if it's clear.
  21. True, but the androgen influence actually protects against these problems. The more you are rich in androgens, the more ataractic you are and the more the problems seem surmountable to you in absolute terms. Being courted is also a problem, because women can be manipulated and tormented because of it, especially since as I have already said above they are obviously more sensitive and vulnerable than men.
  22. Schizophrenia is similar to what can happen on a high dose of lsd. Datura and other anticholinergics look more like a severe form of dementia. McKenna's datura trip made me think a lot about my mother's memories of the time when she cared for elderly women lol.
  23. The aggressive accusations set up as a petitio principii (underlined) and especially the injunctions to compation and repentance (in bold) show that you have a low or even very low level of androgens. Do you think a guy known for self-help (particularly the art of fucking women) who goes on a carnivorous diet, and takes the world's strongest psychedelics without shame sounds like that? Seriously ?
  24. @StarStruck Me it's the opposite, I'm 19 and I would like to make love and even be in a relationship with a 35/40 year old woman. I don't know what is creating these trends.
  25. Children, who are basically the most "yin" human beings, love simple, sweet things, and basically things that match human atavistic urges. Women tend to have similar tendencies to a lesser extent, and even some soy boys noticeably low in androgens. This seems normal, now the question I ask myself is why most men, as their brains and bodies in general are exposed to high levels of androgens, develop an honest distaste for "sweet things " and a taste or even a preference for "hard" things such as game meat, very spicy and/or vinegary dishes, strong alcohol, strong coffee, dark chocolate, tobacco... I noticed that on myself, I can't buy any more industrial cake because it literally disgusts me, unless tonight something particularly bitter, with a taste of mint or something like that. What mechanism could explain this from a "spiritual" point of view, the role of man in the human species, etc.? If we omit the explanation at the level of neurotransmitters.