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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. I didn't say vegans have less testosterone. I made it clear that a number of foods consumed in large portions by vegans decrease androgen sensitivity and/or the conversion of testosterone into stronger androgens. You see the difference, don't you? I don't have to bother dropping you pubmed studies that you can literally find in 10 seconds on google. Did I deny this? I just said that green tea could have an anti-androgen action. Yes, you want good amounts of DHT because it is a significant benefit for fertility and mental health. DHT and its metabolites are much more effective allosteric positive regulators of GABA receptors than testosterone alone. DHT is also needed to antagonize estrogen receptors. I regularly play with my hormones and do blood tests, when my DHT is low I become depressed and passive aggressive. When I pump my DHT through the roof with my DHEA + raw milk + caprylic acid + very strong coffee + creatine + sorghum "milkshake" solution I become extremely calm and sociable. In this case testosterone does not change (around 800ng/dl) and neither does e2, but DHT is at literally double the other range. Anything anti androgenic will theoretically limit prostate cancer. Testosterone does that too, DHT is just stronger. That's like saying goitrogens are anti-carcinogenic because they make you hypothyroid. Being hypothyroid will technically make you less prone to developing cancer by lowering the whole hormonal cascade, but you don't want that.
  2. I've soaked beans for several days in a row in basic water before pressure cooking them for an hour. I still had gas and bloating
  3. @KobywithaY You need carbohydrates, without carbohydrate your production of gnRH and therefore testosterone will be very affected. Shawn Baker is hypogonadal, Tufano was too... ( You do not consume dairy products, if you are young and more stressed by exercise and poor sleep under you need a lot of calcium, like 2g per day. ( You may also be hungry, you should eat at least 2500 calories per day at 19 if you are sedentary and not very tall (under 180cm), if you are active AT LEAST 3000 calories per day on average. Try to include at least 300g of carbohydrates per day, if you want to avoid starches take milk, fruits, fruit juices, honey, maple syrup etc. example : Breakfast -> well cooked gluten free oats with maple syrup and frozen berries Lunch -> 6 eggs fried in some butter with 100g of Parmesan pieces (or other less expansive raw cheese) , whites pasta or rice. As a "dessert", 500ml of orange juice, Red bull or mexican/european coke. Dinner -> 3/4 fresh oysters with citrus or pig/beef heart (less expansive) , one big sweet potatoe. Snack before bed -> "milk shake" raw milk, honey/maple syrup and two whole raw eggs, 2 big tablespoon of beef gelatine for diminish cortisol ( Admit that it makes you want
  4. Many vegans will consume products that greatly reduce androgen sensitivity and/or the conversion of testosterone into much more androgenic hormones (DHT, then androsterone, androstenedione…). These products are Tea (especially green), polyunsaturated fats, lauric acid (coconut oil), certain edible seeds such as pumpkin seeds, brown rice, certain nuts (apart from fats)… So even though they may have normal and sometimes even high testosterone levels, they may become more effeminate in their behavior, way of thinking and appearance over time. The effect is all the more dramatic on children and especially adolescents where a high level of DHT and downstream hormones is essential for the. masculinization. Most of the vegan boy kids I see on YouTube look like chicks.
  5. @Enlightement @Thought Art Weird. For me it has always been pure chaos/nihilism. Not mean, but meaningless. Even 4 HO MET which was supposed to be a nice enough tryptamine was actually more serious/deep to me. I don't have that with other tryptamines. Maybe too much sensitivity to the dopaminergic agonism of LSD and that skews the trip. I dunno.
  6. You forget to specify that the sardines and the pork are only one ingredient, possibly salt. Men are not herbivores, no one wants to eat beans and brown rice, this is incredibly boring especially if your calorie demands are high, plus it gives you gas, possibly poorer cognition due to endotoxins etc. So you're obviously going to cheat by making "bean and oatmeal patties" armored in spices that vaguely resemble meat to make it more edible. With baked potatoes, because obviously you don't like the stuffy starchy texture of potatoes and baking them in the oven allows you to pass it all off because the taste of the thin cooked layer due to the reaction of mayard on your potatoes reminds you of the unami taste of animal proteins. A little ketchup and you're ready to eat then post on that veganism is awesome, like the sjw "supremeyingyang" above you who supposedly literally blocked me for politely feeding my own topic, because he didn't like my questions. -> Stop lying to yourself
  7. Just because something improves LDL cholesterol markers doesn't mean it's healthy. 1) Your vegetable oils are already largely rancid (oxidized) when they are sold in supermarkets, even olive oil rich in oleic acid and therefore supposed to be more resistant to oxidation is easily oxidized. They are simply not products that can be bottled for a long time and you will smell it anyway with a bitter dirty taste. 2) You can't deny that eating high amounts of polyunsaturated fat is modern. Even if you subscribe to the vegan thesis that humans are starch eaters you are automatically in favor of the oxidation of saturated fats because the fats created from glucose are overwhelmingly long chain saturated fats and oleic acid (omega 9). Muscles at rest consume a lot of fat and these fats are preferentially saturated 3) Polyunsaturated fats are estrogenic and carcinogenic. You can see ray peat's other works.
  8. I always want to jerk off on LSD.
  9. Sorry I'm not awake yet, but if you believe in solipsism why are you asking people on this forum questions when they don't exist. Or do you think that in another dimension god dreams of them and that ultimately it comes down to the same thing? something like that ? + tomorrow I have 300ug of lsd waiting for me normally, I'll think about it
  10. Lol, I regularly play with my hormones and am regularly over 1200ng/dl of testosterone. I'm not at all more aggressive unless my e2 is out of control. What is true, however, is that testosterone can make you meaner, not by making you more aggressive or angry (because androgens tend to calm you down) but by making you more permissive. The more testosterone you have, the less guilt you have in your actions and have an "I do what I want" mentality. You won't want to be vegan, you won't want to be part of a charity, you won't want to follow a religion, you won't want to be orthorexic, you won't want to welcome migrants to your country and be kind to criminals, you will not want to be prevented from using and selling drugs, you will not want to be prohibited from being homosexual or part of a social minority etc etc etc. It's the hormone of libertarians if you will.
  11. Testosterone does not increase aggression, it just makes you more confident and therefore likely to assert your anger/displeasure on an ad hoc basis. Testosterone also increases the release of cothecholamine so you can be more impulsive. Otherwise testosterone and androgens actually make you more relaxed and sociable, the sometimes observable association between testosterone and aggression comes from testosterone converting to estrogen (particularly estradiol), which is actually the cause of increasing aggression AND manic libido by increasing the signaling/release of serotonin, histamine, and other neurotransmitters involved in this type of behavior.
  12. Paris is a very expensive shit hole, ethnically replaced by Africans, and sometimes dirty. There is also regularly a huge traffic jam at rush hour if you live in the outskirts or even outside the Ile de France. If you come to France, go to cities like Bordeaux or Strasbourg, or even better in the provinces (Alps, Périgords, Gers, Pyrenees-Orientales (not Perpignan, it's a shit hole!) etc).
  13. You say nonsense, I literally spent two decades in France (all my existence in fact) and I have never heard of orgies, as in all countries there must be some but in an extremely marginal way. And there are also no "frog soups" there are restaurants, sometimes, that offer frog legs, usually cooked with butter and air like snails. Do you have a problem with this. And there is no hint of Nazism in Germany, it's just in your head. And the French are actually probably more conservative than the Germans, on average.
  14. I may have misunderstood your answer, but I meant romantic in the philosophical (and artistic) sense of the term. "Idealist if you will" Nihilists do not commit suicide, they are idealists in cognitive dissonance who do. This idea of suicidal nihilists in the collective unconscious comes from a sociological bias, the majority are (even unconsciously) idealists, both by attavism and by cultural background, and are ultimately confronted with nihilist ideas only in troubled situations see dramatic. You are nihilistic if you embrace, accept, this vision of life and of the world. Although obviously the worldview is more complicated and subtle than these terms.
  15. I'd rather be a nihilist than a romantic, which induces a form of idealism.
  16. What do you mean by "death is imaginary"? Saw it from Leo and other people. What will happen when I'm old and my body is going to fail, my brain is going to malfunction, etc. This question has been asked several times but I haven't seen a clear answer.
  17. You don't have to answer me on this topic, no one has to answer me. I'm not a spammer so I'm not getting any replies I'll stop and that's it. I just ask, in a polite and simple way, to have it explained to me why my nihilistic "ideas" are wrong, but all I get in return seems fuzzy and irrational, and if I dig I get surprisingly hostile reactions or calls for silence, whether here, at the university, etc.
  18. Atypical things attract atypical people
  19. So it's also "selfish", the purpose is not "animal welfare" but to feel good. The difference being that if an average person will take more pleasure in eating animals, while you, because of your guilt, will rather take more pleasure in depriving yourself of this consumption and feeling proudly virtuous. No ? That's what I meant, I may have expressed myself badly, I'm not an English speaker. It's true that you can be too sensitive to kill an animal and eat it for environmental and genetic reasons. But suddenly it's not "ethics", it's just that you can't, it's a limitation that comes down to hardware (your mirror neurons, balance of neurotransmitters...) in the same way as a quadriplegic is not "ethical" if he cannot do the same thing. Do you think, if you actually act out of empathy, you are more "ethical" than someone who simply has less empathy? You haven't really answered, why do you absolutely want to minimize your impact on animals if it ultimately has no repercussions on your life?
  20. why ? i don't understand.
  21. Why ? What will this change in your life? You don't want to be hit because it's "immoral", you don't want to be hit because it bores you. But you're not that animal, you're you, so what's the problem with killing an animal to eat it since you don't feel its pain and you're not afraid of being punished by a superior entity? There is no double measurement. Besides, do you pay so much attention to animals, including humans, in other sectors other than the consumption of animal flesh? Do you pay attention to where you buy your exotic fruits (annanas, bananas, dates, certain nuts...) which often exploit precarious Third World workers or even children? Are you panicking at the idea that thousands of small animals still end up literally squashed in cereal monocultures? Are you careful not to take a phone so the CPU was not manufactured in foxconn, qualcomm or other factories known for the number of employees who died by suicide?
  22. What is your "ethics" based on if it has no bearing on your life? If you are not religious then who decides on ethics? where is it written? in the clouds?
  23. Are you a woman or a man? The only reason that would push me to cheat is sex, and it's precisely because I don't have a big libido that I don't consider it. + why are you talking about pornography?