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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Ok he looks quite good.
  2. "Probably a little flu"
  3. Ty, i note. 👍 I have two books of Jung but just read some peace a moment ago.
  4. I see. I have myself an incline to far rights ideas, and even if there is some good to take here i can see how it's fundamentally based on an (sexual ?)excitement about a "far right" imagery, archetype (Order, Unit, Work, Masculinity, Requirement Military suit, Suit, Pragmatism, Realism, Resistance to invaders, Libidinal concentration/intensification (Large military parades, Large joint projects, Flags and eagles everywhere, Sexual repression, Asceticism...), Security, Pride, Brown/Black/Blue color, Countryside, Agrarian, Gray, Slow, Chillness, Melancholy, Nostalgia, Human warmth, Heaviness...) And in the same time, in this configuration i finish by projecting "hysterical leftists" personas, and i absolutely can't stand the feeling of guilt i can see, it's so unbearable than just seeing the word "problematic" made makes me instantly betray this persona and the implied collective unconscious for a completely different liberal, Latin, messy, bawdy one. -> Identifying to far right persona -> Leftist persona in mirror -> Reaction by identifying to irresponsible persona (in fine significatively in contradiction with my original far right persona) I can spend my time in rumination and be unhappy, in fact it almost makes me happy, but excessive humility, guilt, crushing oneself in front of the group is the worst nightmare. So I am regularly torn between my need for power, responsibilities which pushes me towards the hyper-responsable (authoritarian) persona, and the rejection of "social submission" which pushes me towards the second (Irresponsible), even if I believe that it makes me globally unhappy because of passivity. Overall it is the second which permeates me, and the first which is projected. Sorry i didn't pay for a consultation lol, i just wanted to share how it works for me, hot. Ps : The "sorry" is motivated by the "authoritarian" persona, the "lol" is the reaction of the second
  5. Eheh. Some months ago i noted some dreams, sometime very detailed and enigmatic, but my tentatives to analyse them was wobbly and it was rather from a Freudian/Lacanian pov.
  6. It's a super Jungian Dream analysis. Is this your passion/work ? 🤔
  7. @Emerald Neurosis participates to the constitution of any persona, including liberal, marxists, even ecologists ; You can find studies who demonstrate that people implied in charity are more neurotic that the average. People vote Trump because among other reasons mass immigration pose security and economico-cultural issues for locals including and especially for integrated descendant for past generations of latino immigrants. Nobody, think that "it's all the fault of immigrants", lol, except maybe some retards and/or full of ego people ku kux klan member that nobody cares about.
  8. Not for anxious, psychotic and pathological people in general.
  9. 👍
  10. Yes but if you do that you will project that "there is is a wild mess who has to be cleaned". Where i am the solution is in acceptation/love until the duality mess/order becomes obsoletes as a subject, and there you can change of frequency.
  11. I am OP, whoever want to play to controlling/explaining life to others. Caliph in place of the caliph persona. Actually the mirror effect is immediate, so by explaining @integral does that, i'm directly practicing this persona. "Look, here he plays the caliph in place of the caliph" = I play the caliph in place of the caliph. "Look, how he shows off" = I show off. "You're an asshole" = I'm an asshole. etcetc
  12. No, you are the collective consciousness. It's still a tentative to pretend that what you consider being "dumb", "low consciousness" or idk what else doesn't belong to you, to not having to recognize the mirror.
  13. That's true.
  14. Understood.
  15. I see. Don't seems very nice.
  16. Which part poses a problem ?
  17. Supposed duration of the museum visit : 1h. Us : Visit the museum in 10mn just for doing instagram videos and making fun of people + mom who asking me which chicks are the hottest 😂
  18. I pass a huge amount of time of thinking to random subject (otherwise i wouldn't have been insomniac and expert in everything lol) and i can daydream in general, but it's never close to what you can feel by being present and implied in a concrete stuff, in "real life". So ok it's an escape from boredom, but in fine it maintains you in an alternative blunt world.
  19. I'm bored most of the time unless i have almost megalomaniac level projects. Psychedelics reduce this threshold for a few hours but it comes back to normal. My parents are even worst, my father is a workaholic business owner who works all the time and my mother is hyperactive, when we go on tours to pretend to be normal humans we are faster than everyone else, we laugh and call others "suckers" lol.
  20. Ty, i never tested phenibut. Benzodiazepine are privileged by doctor because the GABA receptors they increase activity don't increase as much dopamine neurotransmition, so the net result is decreases libido, euphoria etc. Eheh. How does cocaine feel ? Maybe it's efficient.