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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. This problem disappears when we limit ourselves to following our interests. Here we might just be right.
  2. I don't think you've ever used psychedelics, this classification is weird. There are three common classifications that work quite well : -Classic serotonergic tryptamines. (Psylocibin, N N-DMT...) -Lysergamids (LSD, AL-LAD, LSA, LSZ..) which act longer and are more stimulating. -Phényléthylamins (MDMA, Mescaline, 2cx...) with mostly additional empathogenic properties, probably the least safe given that most function at least in part as direct inhibitors of monoamine reuptake and/or by directly increasing their release.
  3. So the postmodern paradigm is further from God, from the truth. Deep down, conservatives intuitively fear that society gets lost in additional layers of concepts.
  4. Be careful, the monks are working.
  5. Lol, dont worry. It's just in your head.
  6. This is not uncommon, it happened to me at least twice in my class at university. If this doesn't happen to you it doesn't mean you're too ugly, but since women are more expensive than men (because of the superior sexual energy of men), she doesn't need to go see you and prefers to wait, to be passive. Between us, women should stay away from dating sites, for this very reason.
  7. You are the one who is not rational. No one wants to "work", or at least put effort into most of modern works. You don't want the benefits either, a very big house is useless, a sporty car is useless, a new phone is useless. Any material good will give rise to a little euphoria at first before you return to normal, ultimately 3 days after purchasing your new iPhone your levels of dopaminergic neurotransmition, pleaaaaasure, will not be different than if you had bought a Nokia 3310 , can be even worse when we take into consideration the consequences of owning an iPhone (social networks for example). Alain Soral speaking about feminism: "I understand that a woman doing a job wants to work less, and that a bourgeois book seller says to herself 'I don't understand, it's good to work'".
  8. The only effort to be made in the wild is to hunt/trap animals, gather what there is to gather, move, and then repeat the process over and over again. Modern civilization is perched far above our natural way of life, and much effort is intuitively considered useless, hence laziness. Walking or doing group activities can require a lot of energy but will cause much less laziness than stupid activities like running or weight training, the same when comparing work which can sometimes resemble "games/puzzles". "(IT, construction work, etc.) to purely repetitive and cumbersome work, such as public administration positions, shopkeeper, restaurant waiter, etc., whatever, that people usually struggle with for reasons of survival. The statement in the title of the topic amounts to saying: "The strangest thing about my MacBook Air is that I can't play GTA 5 with the graphics at maximum, otherwise it rams and the fan blows like hell!😤" lol Everything is linked to nature.
  9. These are excuses to refuse your offer. Women are not just more afraid of physical confrontation than men, they are also afraid of saying something as simple as “I’m not interested.”
  10. Of course, it's not for nothing that the majority of authoritarians, from Nazis to hysterical vegans to jihadists, are physically repulsive. The better looking you are, the more liberal and cynical you are.
  11. Lol, it looks like a marketing communications course in business school. Yes, it's hurtful to be rejected not to be chosen by a girl for someone better, and whether we like it or not the choice is much more a matter of "vertical" characteristics (beauty, charisma, social status, money. ..) than "horizontal" (dress style, energy style, points in common...)
  12. I have a hard time feeling love, much, much harder than I did a few years ago. Agree, and It is precisely for this reason that pornography leads directly to more or less obscure paraphilias.
  13. What do you think of Bart Kay, Anthony Chaffee, Robert Kiltz, Ken Berry and other Dr. Carnivores? These guys seem to get by on a carnivorous keto diet, much more athletic than the high carb vegan dr, maybe just the high protein intake? Idk.
  14. My coolest trip was at 150 ug, I "danced" with the plants in my living room while crying in ecstasy. Fantastic.
  15. I already dropped 750ug in one go on an empty stomach for the experience, in the end I curled up in my room and had a "black out", when I came to my senses the trip was already towards the end and I felt like my brain had been violated with a screwdriver. 150 to 300ug is probably the best way to go.
  16. Certainly not, you want at least 100 grams of protein if you are young and active otherwise you risk losing sporting and intellectual performance, you also risk quickly being deficient in fat-soluble vitamin, choline, vitamin b12, B6, O3 EPA/ DHA (unless you consume tons of ALA). And above all this diet is filthy.
  17. Fake It depends a lot on the culture you live in.
  18. No, everything is fine, it’s even a manly attitude. It's not like you put a hand up his ass or acted like a jerk. Well, if you don’t want to be friendzoned you just need to advance your agenda in a subtle but concrete way until you reach the “gray area of benefit of the doubt”. If she refuses advances like an invitation and/or becomes more "curt" you will know that she understands and is trying to get the message across to you. It's obviously the same the other way around unless the girl is particularly naive/stupid, in which case it's not your fault, obviously.
  19. I don't think all of India is like that, there are a billion and a half of them. We must also wait for changes in hygiene standards, a few centuries ago in Paris people still threw their excrement out of windows.
  20. Yes but no, because it's an overall reduction in the flow of thoughts and therefore in my ability to use humor, and therefore my presence in general, not great for a date. THC at least makes me go crazy, I turn into a tiger from packs of cheetos lol.
  21. Lol And what superpowers will I have if I connect with my baguette tradition ?
  22. THC turns me smarter (at least in the short term, for the duration of the effects) while CBD turns me dumber.
  23. Above all, I noticed that most of the time, women were more "delusional", less rational. I mean on average.