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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. @ValiantSalvatore You bother too much with pompous, long, mechanical descriptions of things that are simple and sentimental in nature. You're probably confined to being nice to girls without "pushing" the point, you have to research it and it seems to me that Leo talked about it on one of his videos on the subject.
  2. For me LSD is going to be the one that will get me the most "high", I can feel, say, think, and do really weird things, I don't want to be seen on LSD lol. It's one of the most powerful/brutal I've tried, while still being relatively holistic. But it's hard to be introspective because it quickly becomes too messy/chaotic, so it's more challenging. The best trip I've had being 150ug on an empty stomach where I literally danced with my plants, it was a lot of fun. 4 HO MET will be much more controllable mentally while being able to go far, in other words you will be perched while being able to appear much more easily as "normal" and act rationally, it is more visual ("round" visuals, closer to mushrooms, if you know what I mean) and physical than LSD (while being less "heavy" on the body/psyche). I find it better than LSD for introspection. The dose varies quite a lot according to people I think, 40mg on an empty stomach is great.
  3. In any case it will be particularly mental rather than physical if you dose enough, and obviously it depends on the trip. They are still tryptamines.
  4. 4-ho-met is great, very visual and euphoric, I find it quite hard to mess with and this is my favorite psychedelic so far When it starts to kick in you (with 40mg let's say) have an electric/joyful feeling in the body (especially the legs) and a very erotic feeling in general (if you know what I mean), and at the same time it is good for introspection and very visual, internal as external . I would assume that 40mg would roughly equal 250ug of LSD in terms of potence. If he were a student in the psychedelic class at school, he would be the serious and wise, and at the same time very sociable and athletic student that everyone likes. You want to take it down because this pseudo perfection irritates your ego a little, but if you're honest it's just the best to frequent lol I read somewhere someone comparing it to a "psychedelic candy", I pretty much agree. A friend tried 5-meo-mipt and explained to me that it was very powerful and physical, that he "felt the energy of gaia" lol. Compared 20mg to 300ug of at least
  5. + to give an example: see how you seek to justify yourself then through posts as long as your arm to simply say in substance: "oh I'm unhappy, I want to make love and hug a girl but I can't because I'm inhibited/too nice and too socially unfit at the moment, I would like some advice" See also how a person like you who is supposed to be "high iq" and who probably already has the solution in mind (go to google), prefers to post a topic on actualized, certainly under the impulse of frustration. The only purpose of your topic is to ask for the love/attention that you are in short supply of in everyday life. But it won't work, because even there, anonymous on a forum, you censor yourself and reproduce the usual pattern. In short, most people will read your pad, have a headache and leave. Do you feel concerned by what I wrote? If yes how much? I too am looking for the wild truth to improve my glasses
  6. Your pad looks long, boring and wakes up my brain fog, I barely skimmed it lol. Since you seem a little aspie, I guess you like to be reasonable and productive, even though it's savage. The whole problem is that you seem to be used to being submissive to authority because of your fear of dying, probably an early childhood trauma. You have to do exercises and experience things that will make you realize that the balance of power is much more on your side than you think. I speak of authority because I assume that inhibition is caused by the unconscious recognition of energetic tendencies which, applied in matter, would attract the animosity of others and in particular your parents. I can recognize how a person is internally twisted in his way of expressing in a box what could fit in 3 sentences subtlety understood. Btw, thank you for your post, it helps me by mirror effect to dig my own mechanisms. Because we are all one, and what I must recognize in you I must recognize the possibility in me and, potentially, the activity.
  7. Are you aware that personal experiences are not proof? I saw a news report not long ago about a schizophrenic who died trying to convert lions to Christianity. I will give you 1000 euros within 5 years (I am very serious) if you manage to answer the following questions during your next awakening. 1) What was my mom's favorite dish when I was little. 2) In which city did I study last year. 3) What is the name of my best friend. Otherwise sorry, but if you tell me that you are not omnicians while you are omnipotent, I will consider you by default I will just consider you a somewhat crazy type who writes cobblestones in capital letters on a forum.
  8. That's true, but it's only temporary. It's also a crazy feminine state of mind, not "realistic but brave" if you see my point. The ultimate goal is to have such a wise and strong mind that you take actions in your favor even if it seems excessively unpleasant to you. That's basically what the military teaches you.
  9. I tried a few routes to see and there I am pursuing a degree in ancient languages + philosophy. Want to become a teacher of one or the other within 4 years.
  10. How much do you weigh ? I believe that if you are very active and/or have a history of metabolic problems, undernutrition etc, you should consume a good amount of calories to stop the HPA axis and finally have the torpor to fall asleep. As a rule of thumb, the more physically and mentally stressed you are, the more calories and fat you need to be. This can go up to 4000 calories per day. Me too I have big problems on that side, I suspect malnutrition so I'm going to make a day at, say, 6000 calories. If so then I should crumble lol. I'll let you know.
  11. Which isomere ? It has importance, is seems that R-Ketamine is more "psychedelic" than S. Like R > RACEMIC > S I have S and it mostly felt recreational and numbing.
  12. Do you have the same symptoms by eating fish ? (like salmon, trout...) If the answer is yes, raw fish or cooked, how ? I guess omega 3 supplements can be more contamined by some stuffs (mercury), largely oxyded or something like that.
  13. Looks a bit like cherry picking, This is especially true for the new rich with a "low level of consciousness." The "real rich" (senior civil servants, head of a large group...) that I see are mostly elegant people, with not so expensive clothes. Rather large expenses in food, their house etc. And again, I see dropshipping millionaires strutting around in randoms t-shirts edit : Spot on
  14. I'm too detached and that's also a problem, because my rough and awkward expression attracts other people's animosity, as well as, by extension, this daily feeling of emptiness and loneliness. It also translates into a fear of awakening, in a different way. It's an another kind of problem. All that to say that the grass is not greener elsewhere. Attachment is your "burden", but savor this love. courage
  15. I'm pretty sure that good sleep, low stress and enought micronutrients are 90% of the work.
  16. I turn around in my room.
  17. lmao That said, you can increase the size of your leek with large doses of DHT cream.
  18. It's just an antihistamine, it's not a dangerous drug. But it has overall anti-psychotic action, so if you have a problem in the future...
  19. He probably just saw it somewhere and spit it out loud and clear to inflate his ego.
  20. Have you considered taking cyproheptadine before bedtime? it is a potent serotonin and even dopamine agonist at high doses (like >2mg). Something like 6mg an hour before bed. The anticholinergic action should also help
  21. I'm interested, if I can make it I'll even pay you
  22. Maybe the onset of schizophrenia, be careful.