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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. These are excuses to refuse your offer. Women are not just more afraid of physical confrontation than men, they are also afraid of saying something as simple as “I’m not interested.”
  2. Of course, it's not for nothing that the majority of authoritarians, from Nazis to hysterical vegans to jihadists, are physically repulsive. The better looking you are, the more liberal and cynical you are.
  3. Lol, it looks like a marketing communications course in business school. Yes, it's hurtful to be rejected not to be chosen by a girl for someone better, and whether we like it or not the choice is much more a matter of "vertical" characteristics (beauty, charisma, social status, money. ..) than "horizontal" (dress style, energy style, points in common...)
  4. I have a hard time feeling love, much, much harder than I did a few years ago. Agree, and It is precisely for this reason that pornography leads directly to more or less obscure paraphilias.
  5. What do you think of Bart Kay, Anthony Chaffee, Robert Kiltz, Ken Berry and other Dr. Carnivores? These guys seem to get by on a carnivorous keto diet, much more athletic than the high carb vegan dr, maybe just the high protein intake? Idk.
  6. My coolest trip was at 150 ug, I "danced" with the plants in my living room while crying in ecstasy. Fantastic.
  7. I already dropped 750ug in one go on an empty stomach for the experience, in the end I curled up in my room and had a "black out", when I came to my senses the trip was already towards the end and I felt like my brain had been violated with a screwdriver. 150 to 300ug is probably the best way to go.
  8. Certainly not, you want at least 100 grams of protein if you are young and active otherwise you risk losing sporting and intellectual performance, you also risk quickly being deficient in fat-soluble vitamin, choline, vitamin b12, B6, O3 EPA/ DHA (unless you consume tons of ALA). And above all this diet is filthy.
  9. Fake It depends a lot on the culture you live in.
  10. No, everything is fine, it’s even a manly attitude. It's not like you put a hand up his ass or acted like a jerk. Well, if you don’t want to be friendzoned you just need to advance your agenda in a subtle but concrete way until you reach the “gray area of benefit of the doubt”. If she refuses advances like an invitation and/or becomes more "curt" you will know that she understands and is trying to get the message across to you. It's obviously the same the other way around unless the girl is particularly naive/stupid, in which case it's not your fault, obviously.
  11. I don't think all of India is like that, there are a billion and a half of them. We must also wait for changes in hygiene standards, a few centuries ago in Paris people still threw their excrement out of windows.
  12. Yes but no, because it's an overall reduction in the flow of thoughts and therefore in my ability to use humor, and therefore my presence in general, not great for a date. THC at least makes me go crazy, I turn into a tiger from packs of cheetos lol.
  13. Lol And what superpowers will I have if I connect with my baguette tradition ?
  14. THC turns me smarter (at least in the short term, for the duration of the effects) while CBD turns me dumber.
  15. Above all, I noticed that most of the time, women were more "delusional", less rational. I mean on average.
  16. It only takes a few days of abstention to regain concentration. The worst is music, it destroys motivation/concentration to the point where I wonder if the Islamists are not so wrong to condemn it lol.
  17. -Milk. -Beef heart. -Eggs. -Bananas. -Parboiled rice. -Pasta. -Zucchini. -Broccoli. -Your neighbor and her dog . -Legumes.
  18. Except for 5 MeO DMT, at each fairly heavy dosage I have never really had a bad trip, or even a good trip. It was always "intriguing", alien, beyond bad or good.
  19. And yet, it's not as if anything really has "meaning" in the end.
  20. Is there anything in particular you want to do with your phone or just casual use? 🤔
  21. Because it's nice. So I shouldn't take a shower because it's not necessary for my survival? Why do anything else instead of being here? It's just a hobby alongside my work and other activities. yes 👁👍
  22. Do you count water in foods? Just drink 500ml of water and I don't feel thirsty all day + clear urine.