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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. There is nothing to do. What exactly can you do?
  2. Salt/sea (quinton) water nasal spray. Honey and coconut oil.
  3. Crazy behavior typical of chronic brain inflammation as I told you on the other topic.
  4. Drugs do not change the neuroendocrine "guideline", so you will develop a tolerance. Try to improve your diet, and especially your lifestyle. Lack of love/surroundings is very stressful on the brain, even if you don't realize it.
  5. Get social and find a nice, pretty girl to make lots of mini Emotionalmosquitos. No need to go in the pick up path.
  6. No, it's pointless and just annoying unless you have a wacky brain lol. Basically the worst sport.
  7. This video is useless, it's just Leo making obvious statements for two hours straight (beggining the question btw) with a serious tone, and people pretend it's extraordinary.
  8. Ditto
  9. Let me drop some physiological red pills
  10. Yes, there are moments of energetic de-pression where you can appear to be tiny and moody, and moments on the contrary more manic where you put a photo of yourself in a suit as an avatar before recounting pseudo-elitist obsetional-compulsive axioms. Sometimes it's winter and sometimes it's summer, it's good. Perhaps you should especially see if there are insecurities and twisted patterns in particular that tend to exaggerate this “Psychic Newton's Pendulum”.
  11. LSD does the opposite with me lol, makes me very sexual/perverted and obsetional compulsive
  12. I believe that everything is technically changeable, but that there are fundamental layers of the ego that are so compulsive and ingrained that it is impossible to change them unless you kill yourself (well, imagine killing yourself, solipsism all that) or have yourself lobotomized. But there is the possibility of changing more superficial layers of this spectrum even when it is always about attavistic and potentially unconscious energies, because they are always essentially epigenetic and above all twisted in such a way that they can become an obstacle to flourishing. in the matter of spheres of your ego more primordial and anyway, once again, invariable. I believe that it is the holy ego/unhealthy ego dichotomy that KB once invoked when speaking about psychoanalysis. I came across a video of a psychologist who talked about the death drive, and I found it interesting. We could define this as the compulsive need to provoke significant events (well the symbolic, ultimately) for the attavistic pleasure of becoming the actor again. These are dreams, sexual fantasies but it is also the basis of your character in everyday life. I noticed that I had a compulsive tendency to put myself in a confrontational situation with a certain number and type of person, particularly obviously where I have the most power (on the internet), to manage so that they don't really like me or hate me. I realized while watching the video in question that it was a way of bringing trauma to life by becoming its author. But obviously, this goes against deeper needs like being surrounded by a group of humans and basically being more "lovely" etc.
  13. Is there just one thing that isn't an illusion? Well, I guess by debunking them into consciousness we'll end up with infinite white lights.
  14. I mean it's an incredibly stressful practice and probably, potentially potentially harmful from a holistic perspective. I don't see why stressing over any life problem would be harmful by causing oxydative damages and this kind of stuff, but putting yourself chronically in hypotermia would not be. Despite gender there are benefits in certain contexts, such as athletes.
  15. In english it would be something like "Blah blah blah" or "Yada yada yada"
  16. So it's not fundamentally change? isn't it ? I don't have enough perspective, but I recently saw a video from a philosopher therapist that I follow closely, he explained that in their spiritual approach, people essentially wanted to transform themselves into something magical and incredible. , but that was never what happened. In fact, I have seen a lot of spiritual gurus and absolutely none who managed to become the being of light they were aiming for and were even in fact simply neurotic for some.
  17. @Jason Actualization It's great ! I'm asking this question because for my part my insomnia and any stress have broken my ability to make new acquaintances. Not only in terms of physical availability but also and above all psychological, it's like being naturally under Cyamemazine lol. I assumed that it would also be complicated with this kind of chronic pathologies. I don't want to drag you down with your possible regrets eheh, but she's a pretty woman, you're lucky.
  18. The study says that for some reason adrenaline has replaced cortisol as the main hyperglycemic hormone, and increased. It's still a stress, probably even worse.
  19. gnegnegne
  20. What I see is that men are less empathetic, but also more phlegmatic and will therefore paradoxically behave more kindly in a number of contexts.
  21. -Penis/Testicles -Physique taller and heavier on average. -Facial shape (especially a much larger glabella/brow bones) -Emotional/energetic world less deep and sensitive, and at the same time more uninhibited. More direct, less emotionally empathetic. Variable energy, some very virile men are hysterical and aggressive, others are phlegmatic bears. The first point is obviously the main thing, lol (excluding the gender problem).
  22. You can't "detoxify", "purify" your mind, it doesn't mean anything. Eventually, your mind functions more or less well depending on brain inflammation, the energy available to the nervous system, and these kinds of parameters.
  23. Of you are masculine, we instantly guess that you are a man by looking at your profile photo, the writing does not particularly betray a particularly "feminine" energy either. What is masculinity other than having testicles, a penis and physical and mental signs of androgen exposure?