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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. It's interesting. Can you explain to me why the op is crap? serious question
  2. For the moment you are the only one here to have profaned insults
  3. These are not my definitions of catabolism/anabolism, these are those of google And anyway we can have as much fun as we want, but from the moment we try to articulate two abstract concepts like the left/right political axis and the philosophical idea of ying/yang , you can more or less conclude anything. Otherwise, yes, I would actually think conservatives are more "ying" because they are geared towards a form of simplification of society and of the mind. simplify and control.
  4. This man is happy and now free from guilt, lol
  5. Anabolism = conservation/volume gain. But I would rather associate anabolism with conservatism, in the collective unconscious the conservatives are the people who are more interested in work, savings, and the values of social rigors as societal in general.
  6. @LSD-Rumi @NoSelfSelf @Sincerity The only problem is the not very "public" character of his way of expressing himself. Otherwise try to Try to increase your levels of Testosterone / DHT / Estradiol a lot by various means (TRT, HCG cure, SERMS ...) and you will see what will happen at the drive level. That's what it's about, not a betrayal of a love bond (well I think)
  7. lmao The automatic translator of google chrome (yeah i'm lazy) automatically translated the topic and translated "girl 10" by the equivalent in my language of "girl 10 years old" I thought that sounded a little too weird. Can you explain to me what you find pleasurable in pornography, anything that seems unrealistic or overplayed seems weird? Otherwise why not just go see an escort? Your wife will never know and her ego will not be hurt and your marriage will be more stable given the release of your "excessive urges". You can also drop Exemestane here and there, it will suppress your "manic" libido without causing erectile dysfunction, nor your androgens (which will even increase due to aromatase suppression).
  8. only missing the moment when the freaky filipino around the corner turns them into Bánh mì
  9. That's to say ? To say that one is harder than the other tacitly implies a similar ROA.
  10. I've seen like 100 times written the opposite.
  11. You're a man ? Take a blood test to -LH -T3 -T4 -TSH -Prolactin -Testosterone -Estradiol -DHT At the same time, do a urine test to test and estimate potential "deficiencies" in neurotransmitters. Then come and possibly post the results here Obviously, it must obviously be understood that no medicine or practice will magically solve a problem that is psychological in nature.
  12. The most understanding people I've ever known were conservative. Not even because they are "nicer" in the sensible sense of the term (on the contrary), but because there is in conservative people, in general, a tendency to greater detachment, greater phlegmatism, which makes them de facto actually more open than many and even most progressives. People on the right are much less likely to walk away from you/block you if you are on the left than the opposite, and social relations between the former are more chill than among the latter. I regularly get proof of all this in my daily life. Moreover, conservatives, right-wing people, are not Catholic people dressed in navy blue who want to kill homosexuals and ethnic minorities, it's much more nuanced than that.
  13. May develop schizophonierenia
  14. Work is one of the main ways to satisfy the ego by feeling important. I think back to kazinsky, and I wonder how it's going to end.
  15. what treatment for example?
  16. from which country/city do you from that makes it so much of a problem?
  17. There's nothing amazing about greens that you can't get anywhere else, except maybe chlorophyll. What is incredible, however, is how effective instinct is and even much more effective than one can imagine, including to decide effectively between processed and raw, processed and unprocessed products. For example, I really like carbonated drinks, it's not very nutritious so it must be integrated into a relatively varied or in any case nutritious diet. They have never given me any problems and my body loves them, if I replace them, for example, with a few unripe bananas every day, I risk having problems with brain fog, then gas etc. Ditto for beans or certain green vegetables. Do you see where I'm coming from? there is no magic food and the majority of plants can be inflammatory for some reason, all this history of diets is useless. What really helps is to eat anything that doesn't seem to cause you problems, and I strongly believe in just listening to your body and your food tastes. If you need green vegetables you will want them. Incidentally, humans are biologically made to consume very dense foods such as meat, animal fat, fruits, tubers, fruits, nuts and seeds etc. Green vegetables are relatively dispensable.
  18. Isn't 4aco dmt a psilocybine precursor ?
  19. It was a pompous way of showing your social class. You're going to try a few times, get tired of putting on all that stuff, and go back to a simpler way of dressing.
  20. I like women with curves. That doesn't mean a skinny woman doesn't have a chance. It's just one point less.
  21. you gave me a good idea
  22. You do what you want, but anyway you have to work to have a house, food, games etc. And you'll probably want to do something else anyway. It's not a question of virtue, but of pragmatism, otherwise you do what you want with your life.
  23. If you like getting high (turn your mind into nonsense), look for psychedelics that increase glutamanergic/dopaminergic signaling the most. I suffered delirious puffs following a disorder of the HPA axis. Waiting to hear from you from the rabbit hole