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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Addict means that you can't do without something or have great difficulty, it's another concept than attachment.
  2. Completely stupid. Means that, unless he is a genius, he does not try to understand what he reads at all and just tries to read read and read to inflate his ego.
  3. Music, really. If I listened to myself I would listen to it 24 hours a day, and I sometimes have feelings of lack when I force myself to stop. edit : It's not really what I call an addiction ah ah, you are even very reasonable.
  4. I don't know why but I like the pain. I am not at all a fan of BDSM or this kind of bizarre practice, but sometimes, if there were no health and physical risks, I would have liked to scarify myself. The intensity and its interest goes beyond the avoidance reflex, a bit like drinking a strong whiskey, if you know what I mean.
  5. I think I had an INFJ friend (we took the test) in high school, or at least he was a "diplomat". I remember he thought I was weird because I was cracking dirty jokes, politically incorrect, or just childishly miming bombings with a fake plane made with a ruler and a pen. "piou piou piou" Ah ah, the good times ? edit : my mom took the test and is an INFJ, explain some things edit 2 :I redid the test being as honest as possible and in fact I would be "ENTP", we learn about it every day, I suddenly change gangs lol
  6. I see, I don't even disagree. What I don't understand is what does it change in the end. Even from the standpoint of loneliness, infinity seems to contain all scenarios anyway. You imagine your mother but at the same time God plays her in a totally similar dimension, so it comes to the same thing I think. I do not know if it's clear I have 5 meo DMT left, I still need to experiment a bit, hoping it goes well this time lol.
  7. Alcohol is cheap, relatively easy to dose (little chance of overdose to consume it in stupid doses), obviously has a taste quality.
  8. Nazism is not white supremacy. The Nazis demonized the Slavs who for the most part were pure whites for political-historical reasons. Conversely for the Indians, it is above all anti-Semitism which is the basis of the National Socialist ideology.
  9. Thank you, I keep in my favorite ? even if this one seems to want to eat my soul: ?
  10. Yeah, the guys at the head aren't even necessarily gay. Probably mostly delusional mental patients.
  11. Gillet's advertising campaign was much worse.
  12. How could religious dogmas free you from indoctrination? How could it be possible that your life is not in line with the "truth"? At first glance, this looks like a paradox. I think you're bothering too much. Incidentally your symptoms look like under methylation
  13. There's a difference between associating pleasantness with unhealthy things and being disciplined like that. It's like he never had time to do what he really wanted, or just let go.
  14. I'm going to form my own ESTJ gang, man. You are not ready
  15. Free will and therefore will are illusory and above all dual concepts. How could God be free ? How did he choose how to make said reel?
  16. This heavy and incredibly boring daily life.
  17. @funkychunkymonkey Do you intend to form a cult or a gang on this same forum ?
  18. lol Your ability to conceive of other paradigms is close to nil to the point of pissing you off on your own like a monkey at the OP, who must surely be half trolling and giggling behind his pc, and now me.
  19. Anabolism : Saving energy -> Security, miserly/pragmatic attitude, tendency towards simplification (More authoritarian, national/statist vision of the organization of society, traditional nuclear family, simple clothes, simple and orderly mind…) Catabolism : Use of energy -> creativity, fickle attitude, tendency to complexification (for democracy, more individual rights, different family models, colorful clothes, gender theory...) I could explain better by detailing more and removing any biases but I think you see where I'm coming from.
  20. Hello you. Have you ever had a girlfriend? Why do you think you should tell your potential girlfriend that you watch pornography? do you feel guilty about having your "secret garden" ? serious questions
  21. You understood nothing. I didn't talk about polyamory. I asked if you think a person is capable of sincerely loving their partner and at the same time going elsewhere just out of sheer sex drive/lust.
  22. It must just be tough and painful.
  23. You basically said that OP didn't respect his wife. Can you conceive that a man loves his wife and wants to make love to another at the same time? I don't even imply that's how I work, just that I manage to conceive it.