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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. I saw somewhere that it acts a bit like a 5ar inhibitor. Also seen people complaining about erectile dysfunction, although I think that's probably just the hypotensive effect. I drop a few mg orally because some people lack the enzyme in the skin to metabolize minox. I suspect that was my case as I was not reacting topically at all even after several weeks of use. I took it orally like 2 or 3mg on a morning and almost had a panic attack at the end of the day.
  2. Well actually, I still find him suspicious. But in this context its use is precisely relevant, I find. ? I do not know if it's clear.
  3. I don't understand the conversation anymore, I'm not even sure I understood your previous message correctly, lol. It's magic when a Pakistani and a French try to communicate in English. You weren't talking about the cucumber?
  4. In a good summer salad, yum. crunch crunch*
  5. I don't know, I came across everything on both sides.
  6. It seems to be her. GOOD, a real good living woman Only the cucumbers are missing. edit : cucumber is a reference to @Sidra khan, it's not a dodgy joke, lol.
  7. You or him?
  8. That was my question yes. So much the better. If you manage to keep these achievements over time.. The worst is not the feeling of impending death, but the conscious fear of what will happen next. Imagine that your next dream is going to be horrible.
  9. Surprisingly, both are serotonin excess syndromes, ?
  10. Is this a joke from your country to tell someone that they should talk less or something like that? ??
  11. You explained that you had a noticeable improvement in your well-being after waking up, probably on some kind of psychedelic. I was wondering if this awakening had allowed you to settle some burden in your paradigm, or if it was just some euphoric state, a random high, especially some days after a trip.
  12. This forum is politically on the left and people will say yes. On a similar forum more politically right (like ray peat forum) people would say the opposite. And obviously as we have the experience of what we think, everyone has their anecdotes which demonstrate their point of view, myself included.
  13. Hi Can you give an example of an achievement, "eurêka", that would have improved your well-being? If you don't mind
  14. I want to have hair
  15. @Lila9 I could possibly answer on another topic but I will stop polluting this one ah ah
  16. The majority of people I've seen at this level are at best fine/normal, at worst (often) prone to mental illness.
  17. Finally, I managed to find a relatively correct sleep. It seems that a simple cup of coffee or even too much cocoa can ruin my sleep sometimes for several days. I drank another big can of redbull the other day and went from 7 hours of sleep a day to a dead sleepless night the next. Same for chocolate. Phew, I will finally be able to start looking like a homosapiens again. It's cortisol/adrenaline. Depending on your metabolic state (particularly thyroid), your stress levels and the last meal of your day you may experience a spike in adrenal hormones overnight when liver glycogen stores become depleted. Coffee in large quantities can make me super alert, improve my humor, my verbal fluency, my creativity. Thanks to the elevation of glutamate I suppose. As said above, it's unfortunately a catch 22 because it destroys my sleep.
  18. Another shitty night where I couldn't really get back to sleep until 4/5 in the morning, after swallowing a whole packet of belvita and 3 clotiazepam, only to end up waking up 5 hours later tired. I followed the recommendations of my sleep doctor but it's useless, I can't let go, the ideas, the euphoria, the rumination fuse again and again in my head. I can't even yawn anymore, I want to turn around all the time and check my phone or internet every 5 minutes and get upset that I can't sleep. This is getting very complicated, has anyone else here had this kind of issue? The doctors didn't help me except give me benzodiazepines and basic recommendations.
  19. Meditation is not the be-all and end-all of an ascetic lifestyle, they are different things with a different calling.
  20. Yeah it's a scam. Always took one of these things the few times I ordered on uber eats to "relieve the guilt", only to regret not having taken a burger lol.
  21. If you make the decision to adopt any way of life, it is because you believe, even unconsciously, that there is ultimately a gain somewhere. There is something to be gained/good from going there. Otherwise, it looks like a mind game. If you make the decision to adopt any way of life, it is because you believe, even unconsciously, that there is ultimately a gain somewhere. There is something to be gained/good from going there. When someone starts to become quite opaque it's because I think they haven't dug enough, with honesty and humor, into their real intentions. Hypocrite is an abstract concept that you use to designate a phenomenon, in this case "treat someone in a way that I would not want to be treated by others", but it's a dead end, it doesn't predict an annoyance or even any concrete consequence that the triggering of this phenomenon would have on my interests. To put it more simply, yes I kill animals for the pleasure of eating them and, at the same time, I don't want to be killed. What is the problem/contradiction? It's not like deciding in your mind that animals "shouldn't" be killed is going to fundamentally change the rules of the universe and nature. Law refers to a human construction, a set of explicit laws injunctions to the members of a community a way to behave. You also insist on the "no right" and imply de facto that there is somewhere a universal law condemning the consumption of animal products. All I saw when I looked up, day or night, was clouds and stars, I've never seen anywhere written "NO KILLING ANIMALS FORBIDDEN". Incidentally, the majority of human and non-human animals that I have encountered did not seem to really follow the laws that you preach ah ah. Finally, all the value of the law is based on the existence of a Justice having the means to enforce the said law under penalty of sanctions, but you have specified above that you do not believe in punishments. So in summary, you are appealing to a law that cannot be found concretely anywhere, that no one seems to apply and for which you do not recognize any sanction. You're right, but that's no longer idealistic. Mirror neurons are biological things, your history and upbringing (memories) are also concrete things. Your inability to kill an animal is therefore not a question of virtue but of "ability". Ditto, to whom do you have to justify yourself? Who decides who "must" do? What penalties? Where is all this written? same, why would it be a requirement? Happy again, because you too have certainly eaten meat for a whole part of your life. You are also certainly causing a lot of "harm" without even knowing it. Again, what does it matter if there is no punishment in the end. Moreover, it is up to you not to buy battery meat, just as it is up to you not to produce "evil" in other ways, for example by buying manufactured products made largely thanks to human exploitation. I'm not sure with our current state of consciousness we can understand "God" and his will, even with all the DMT in the world haha. I believe that more awareness helps less suffering above all for ourselves, precisely through a greater understanding of our own interests. ditto at least a little ah ah It has not been my experience
  22. You do not understand. I am not the hysterical partisan of any ideology, I do not come to this kind of topic as a proselyte, to convert heretics to my point of view. I tolerate any ideology or simply way of seeing the world, I have never blocked, ghosted or bashed anyone, it has no interest. My only goal is to play, I have a real irresponsible pleasure for the argumentative conflict and the transgression towards an ever purer truth, devoid of parasitic and irrational consideration. One of my earliest childhood memories was of a day in kindergarten, we were outside in a row and holding hands when an adult warned us that the tar in one place was "fresh" and that it was not necessary to go there, the first thing that I did was to rush inside to see what it does, lol. I can honestly seem belligerent judging my character (especially after insomnia, lol) on certain topics but, believe it or not, it's not about hostility. In fact, I would love for someone to come at me argumentatively, destroy their schemas at length and breadth, I have no problem with that. In fact, I would love for someone to come at me argumentatively, until the moment when I know I'm wrong because I have nothing more tangible to bring in contradiction, and then I would have no problem lean in and absorb new knowledge, no matter how provocative and playful I may have been beforehand. Well, I think you can blame me for having a tendency to selfishly try to suck others into my schemes, but it's not just about intolerance. Just the way I "treat" myself. If you know what I mean.