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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. It's random, I think. 4 HO MET !
  2. Post before telephone harassment by Indiamart wholesalers.
  3. As you are a woman you could try (just to try) a good amount of oral progesterone for a few days, like 100 to 200mg per day. Very anxiolytic by increasing gabaergic neurotransmition and decreasing that of serotonin and histamine by increasing the activity of monoamine oxidase (probably by opposing estrogens, I don't know). Can also greatly accelerate recovery from neurological damage due to depression.
  4. Stop antidepressants and your high protein diet. Test your thyroid hormones and androgens.
  5. No, take real modafinil. It's not like it's hard to get, don't waste your time and money on cowardice.
  6. Nothing constipates me more than legumes and dates.
  7. But their opinion is not monolithic, even when it comes to endocronologists, nutritionists or even (especially?) biochemists.
  8. No idea, and in fact I don't really believe in "trauma storage". I believe above all in learned helplessness, in (limiting) beliefs in general.
  9. New micro-second, new you
  10. Lol. Ben voyons
  11. @Breakingthewall You are confusing fascism and Nazism. I can be a fascist and be opposed to everything you referenced. I can be a libertarian and be the worst sociopath. Also, the great ethnic replacement of Europeans from Central Europe is largely justified by this shame, you can justify everything by guilt.
  12. What is the problem ?
  13. Excess cortisol/adrenaline increases alertness.
  14. Can be many things. It could be certain deficiencies (especially low choline). It could also be due to poor thyroid function, the failure of oxidative phosphorylation and therefore glycolysis makes any effort much more difficult and by extension stressful.
  15. It contributes to it.
  16. Are you not afraid of the inhibition of 5ar by lauric acid? I mean because of all that coconut oil.
  17. I won't let you spread misanthropic hake and bean eating propaganda. Save your lemonade, op needs more sugar yogurt
  18. If sugar is so bad, why do you use it intuitively to reduce stress? What's the problem with sugar? it's just a very safe macronutrient. Eventually replace refined sugar with more nutritious sources like fruit, black molasses, unrefined cane sugar, maple syrup etc.
  19. Send it to Janoshik, or any laboratory capable of performing a test. It's a bit expansive.
  20. Low density makes wheat products very tasty. Especially bread and pasta.
  21. I thought I was smart with my cynicism, until I started seeing people like me everywhere and becoming more paranoid and unhappy as a result. I understand better the "transpersonal", "integral" ego stages of spiral dynamics and these kinds of references in general.