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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. It's a game that you imagine. In my world there is the mirror effect, but helping my mirrors doesn't change much. I have another game.
  2. I meant in a tacit way that egoistic/altruistic dichotomy is an illusion. You want help people because it makes you happy for some reason, it's your wiring. Can you say it's "not good" if someone is programmed to only care about themselves? Edit : Some yogi live in service because they think it brings them closer to enlightenment/doesn’t feed their ego. I do not know if it's clear. Sadghuru still likes to drive a tesla lol.
  3. He killed himself because of Lewis, unfortunately.
  4. False, i'm a nice, innocent, perfectly normal little boy. Yes.
  5. FSH is strangely low, how are your ejaculations? When I was exhausted from insomnia, my testosterone was still high and my LH normal, but my teticles were smaller and my ejaculations were quite low. I suppose that in cases of chronic exhaustion, the body preserves steroidogenesis but greatly reduces spermatogenesis.
  6. And directly verify neuronal activity by brain imaging ? I had a schizophrenic friend who underwent such tests, I remember that they injected him with iodine intravenously to improve the results.
  7. What happened ? Did he have a physical accident? An aneurysm? Don't worry, I'll replace it.
  8. Simply fire non-quiet/polite students.
  9. What do you mean ? + What energy do you feel from weed ? What's the link with being gay ?
  10. You might do an urinary test testing neurotransmitters.
  11. Yes, because they want to see themselves attractive through this relationship. I believe that women are more anxious and in addition (consequently?) more humiliating among themselves, this can push unattractive women to engage in damage control through pride Men basically do the same thing in other contexts where they are more sensitive, even something as innocuous as watching a football match and identifying with some team is basically a way of filling oneself with pride (unconsciously of " phallus"). It’s a classic sadomasochistic vibrational logic (does that make sense?). With sometimes a deflection of unease on the outside and execrable/proud behavior (a bit like me these days, lol), sometimes a pity for depressive behavior, eating disorders.. All I said somewhat aggressively was that it was the main factor. Being too skinny is actually castrating for a man. The most virile, funny and confident men I saw were overweight, like rugby players.
  12. Have you test you testosterone ?
  13. It's euphoric and goofy, but it's not exactly what makes me happy, and in fact it can make me anxious.
  14. Ultra false. At university, girls came directly to talk to me even though I was a sociopath and half-demented because of my insomnia, just because I'm more handsome, taller and stronger than the majority of soy boys you find in literature school, and that for some reason their brains aren't destroyed by tinder yet. And again I'm not a "chad", imagine someone really handsome. All your stories are giga cope, pompous stories that you and others tell each other in your respective heads to reassure you that you can get sex (or not?) thanks to your looks and nothing else. . To attract attractive girls, you have to be physically attractive enough in their eyes, that's all. The rest is just not behaving like a mentally ill person or a homosexual.
  15. Around 80%. Anyone who denies this has no experience with women.
  16. Raw milk is over-rated, and most of non northern-europeans can't digest it at all. Even where i am (Middle France), most of people can't digest that.
  17. She could have been in the wrong section to have chosen it by default, she did not specify having taken a psychedelic. What is your problem ? Which one ? 🤔
  18. I never smoke, but when I do it's like an LSD high for me.
  19. I like green girls for that, the "light" aura, maybe because it's my energetic polarity (a part of me that I deflex towards the outside) eheh. Do like everyone else, two steps towards her, one step back and she will eventually make you understand what she wants. Usually by avoiding you, by being colder and vice versa if she is actually interested. It's subtle but clear if you're honest with yourself.