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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. ↑↑↓↓←→←→BA And There you go !
  2. Put yourself in the customer's shoes.
  3. Psychedelics are illegal because you can potentially harm others or just potentially annoy emergency rooms/psychiatric services. This won't happen with cigarettes, the purpose of the law is to protect others from you, not from you per se (you do what you want).
  4. I want understand everything. HELP ME
  5. People should have the right to refuse inoculation with an experimental vaccine suspected of being ineffective and, above all, of producing serious side effects.
  6. This topic was made under rumination, whatever anyone tells you it will lead to nothing because the problem is energetic. Go see friends or just do something you really like, women need more energy than men to stay in a "state of opulence" Also work on getting fucked by a man you like enough, that may also be what you're missing and contributing to these ruminations, whether you admit it or not. Psychedelics and ketamines only work periodically. ps : bon courage pour aprendre le français.
  7. lol, I guess it's 5 ht neurotransmission
  8. Survive.
  9. I am relatively sure that behind each strange paraphilia there is an energetic (libidinal) impulse which has difficulty projecting itself onto a more homeostatic symbolism. My fantasies became more "normal" after understanding that I basically had whore-madonna complexe. 👍
  10. No worries. My post insomnia brain fog took care of it 💩
  11. It is a phantasmagorical strategy developed by the nervous system to be right and unconsciously rationalize to avoid having to make additional efforts. Basically a manipulation of your reason by the lymphatic system. Ketamine and psychedelics bypass this even if they remain basically a one-off crutch.
  12. It's not fun, it's disgusting and a lack of self-esteem.
  13. The exterior beauty is as “real” as the interior, they are two different areas. In fact I don't think this saying is that ideal, because it's like indirectly declaring that a person who suffers from mental illness is somehow "worse" than a person who suffers from a physical disability.
  14. Maybe, but what does it matter? All desire is fundamentally selfish and narcissistic in nature. The fact is that it is not tomorrow that a significant number of people will become ascetic monks and transcend human nature, the illusion is and will remain strong and well, we want to have partners and sexual relations, and to attention in general. Yes, you are a mediocre and twisted human. One day I will make a topic "the idiot that I am", if that can reassure you lol.
  15. When we talk about beauty, we talk about the ability to get laid. You try to get around this problem by losing it in a blurred view of the mind where it is "fused" with spiritual notions.
  16. Mirror effect, you project what you want in denial. But it's "normal" to have an energy shortage here and there, unless you're a cocaine addict.
  17. I'm more of the "Coleric" type.
  18. Reading this topic, I had a flash of lucidity about the fact that this whole mess was incomprehensible. Was very anxious for a few seconds.
  19. Are aliens robots or still animals? If humans are already beginning to master transhumanism, then this should already be the case for them. It does not appear that organic individuals have telepathic abilities.
  20. What do yin and yang mean? Is this the equivalent of narcissism vs. death drive, something like that?
  21. A**hole
  22. This topic exists because you are seduced by the Nazi aesthetic. All there is to know is whether it's in your best interest or not.
  23. Because of your dysthymia/chronic fatigue.