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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Try a cathione like bupropion I guess.
  2. Does MALT have dangerous pharmacology? Intuitively I had more confidence in 5-MeO-DMT, certainly more physiological.
  3. mhh... Too bad, I'm sticking with my Monsanto white wheat pancakes, yum
  4. Yes, there are great dominas like you and submissive men, lol. But the vast majority of the time, the opposite is true, from what I have observed. It's cool. I think that the more open you are to love, the more balanced the relationship, and the more closed you are, the more your libido takes an authoritarian (including masochism, i guess), hierarchical and quite poor turn.
  5. I stopped making banana pancakes because it was too difficult to cook unless I added more fat to the pan.
  6. Doesn't matter, you'll die a lot quicker than you think. It's just a random way to avoid the existential void while waiting for the end. 👍
  7. Benzodiazepines, stimulants... But it remains a last resort solution.
  8. It's probably "just" a matter of false belief.
  9. It's not a question of being nice or not, the devil is always in the details. Women like to be bossed around, that's all. When they say “too nice,” it’s essentially diminishing oneself energetically to try to save the woman. It's not even a question of being weak or whatever, most of the time it's just misunderstanding.
  10. I'm not going to continue to divert the topic, I'll stop there.
  11. It's wrong. B12, EPA and DHA and vitamin A literally do not exist or almost none in the plant world. All vegans will eventually become impoverished unless they supplement and/or consume ridiculous amounts of flaxseed and carot juice, lol. The only significant sources of zinc are legumes and assimilation is poor, you can prevent the assimilation of zinc from oysters by consuming them near legumes (I don't remember the study). You don't want to be vegan if you want to minimize prolactin and maximize your fertility. The same goes for fats/proteins but I'm too lazy to go into that area. In any case, I'm generally not even interested in going into this field, I'm not a scientist and even less someone who comes up with theories from his ivory tower. No, what ultimately works for one works for everyone. We are one and the same species. And this is not just my personal anecdote, but thousands of testimonies that I have read on different forums. In fact, even major vegan public figures don't have a good track record, so that should ring a bell. Ty, i know i'm right when someone respond me something like that.
  12. Btw, this is not important, because the vast majority of exchanges have the fundamental purpose of feeding the ego. (including this one, of course). We are full of poop.
  13. No. She's a little low on energy and used to going with the flow, even going out with a guy like that. As not much matters in this energy system, this topic was basically made to "furnish" and try to remind herself that it exists, basically to feed her ego. Look closely, there is no real question even conveyed tacitly, or at least the answers to possible questions are quite obvious, it is just a matter of explaining a crazy personal situation and letting the egos of others react. Now she just doesn't really know what to do with her topic (because the fundamental goal was not to have answers or to discuss a problem that she doesn't really understand!).
  14. Yimpa is happy these times, lol.
  15. No one wants "a healthy vegan diet", no one wants to eat beans, potatoes and leafy vegetables in significant quantities without filling them with fat, it's a lie. I am sure that beyond orthorexic delusions ("it's corpses", "it's animal excretions bwaa"), most dream of fatty red meat, chicken with the skin, seafood, bone marrow, coconut oil/cream, and dairy products. Stop lying.
  16. B12 is the least problem in a vegan diet. It is also low in Zinc, omega 3, fats in general, proteins, fat-soluble vitamins, iron (I am naturally low in iron, even if I avoid consuming dairy products or anything that chelates iron), calcium (except lacto-vegetarian). Btw, whether you find a low level of x vitamin in a chemiluminescence test, analyzing a hair root or whatever doesn't matter. All that matters is that I can get through this without having to track my diet, and how I feel in general. I feel much better, especially mentally, when I was on a “primal” diet than when I was vegan. Much better attention, better libido, better sleep, better mood, feeling more androgenic in general, testosterone levels doubled...
  17. Thanks, I'll try it again tomorrow, I think.
  18. Every time I see a random YouTuber going to extraordinary people for their video, I feel sorry for them.
  19. Learn to fuck people. That’s what business is all about, isn’t it?
  20. Unless you have a micro-penis it's not a problem, it's basically a way to ruminate. At worst the size can increase in adulthood, that was the case for me. If you are really concerned, a DHT cream (less safe: Halotestin and very strong androgens, perhaps not progestins like 19nor-testosterone derivatives) could increase the size of your cucumber by up to several centimeters.