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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. No, what makes me the boss is that i decide, do what i want in my enterprise.
  2. So, why i still see plenty of little Hitler in everyday life ?
  3. Except that very often you don't know, for many reasons (misunderstanding, denial, paranoia...) The "fat and ugly" example is quite bad because it's too obvious, think of other more ambiguous scenarios. Also, I did not particularly target male-female relationships. EXACTLY, I would be very happy if an employee said such a thing to me, because my goal is to please my employees at least a little bit so that things go well. Because ultimately, neurosis, conflict, is essentially based on misunderstanding. I'm not interested in employees who kiss my ass, or spit on me behind my back because they are too cowardly to tell me things to my face (or quit). I tried to understand what you meant
  4. Btw, hippies are slaves to their odd jobs or their PARENTS' money.
  5. You know what ? It's strange because i've seen this position several time on trip. I mean i've seen this position of the legs become an element of my visuals and it was stimulant/intriguing. Mhh. It must have a rabbit hole here.
  6. When you don't want to date someone because he/she is fat and ugly, it doesn't matter if you don't tell them. Ultimately you are only postponing/spreading out over time the violence of the refusal. Maybe these people could actually have a better life by accepting their condition as soon as possible, by being brutally honest, rather than wasting their time. Maybe I'm wrong somewhere, but it's not about gratuitously insulting someone about their physical or mental condition, nothing to do with it. This is what I've been talking about all along. And sometimes the diagnosis is violent, that's all. It's always unpleasant actually. What do you mean ? I dont see the link with what i've said. Do you fantasize that maybe your girlfriend is pretending to love you? Force herself when in fact there is a problem somewhere? Something like that ? Ditto
  7. They are basically giant baby. Like 0 neuroplasticity.
  8. The devil is in the details. Is there a monolithic line with an authoritarian pole, and a decadent and unproductive liberal pole?
  9. You're right, after all it doesn't matter if your daughter gets f***** by as***** who won't treat her well. Your daughter can't be manipulated and broken, that only happens to other people right.
  10. What i've said is just as valable for escort girls, ones who own an onlyfan, pronographic actresses... Not only consumers.
  11. @Princess Arabia @bebotalk I invite people to have a normal sexuality, that's all, in an ideal psychological configuration you could enjoy a "vanilla" sexuality to the maximum, rather than degrading yourself, wasting time and money with escorts. who don't like you. That's all I'm saying. In fact, I may have had tendentious fantasies here and there, almost BDSM. With a lot of introspection I realized that I was looking for my mother, except that a vanilla scenario held me too close to this original fantasy, and since my mother has always been quite borderline/demanding, this was stressful/disturbing. In fact it is the majority of cases, a man or a woman who aggressively searches for his mother but avoids her at the same time because of the fear of being stressed or beaten, fear of breaking the anxiety (tr of the ambivalence. For example, a daughter (I suppose women tend to have submissive scenarios) who has an imprint (and therefore somewhere an attavistic attachment) from her father, but who at the same time was very demanding, even authoritarian. She will retain this dynamic there, her ideal fantasy would be to be with a strong man to whom she takes pleasure in "serving" including sexually, without going into details. But if the relationship is too stressful and creates a more or less traumatic ambivalence, she will tend to avoid this scenario for scenarios that are similar without exactly finding the father. So she will engage in non-pleasant, degrading relationships, where she will act like a bitch, get ejaculated on or whatever, because the only way to find this enjoyment in a normal sexuality in love is to find his father, which triggers anxiety. There are plenty of scenarios that lead to paraphilias and none of them are healthy. Except that you may actually spend most of your life in scenarios, not just sexual but in life in general, that are undesirable. This is what this liberal mentality encourages. There is a difference between wanting to harm people who have differences, and wanting to bring them as far as possible into a more ideal way of life in the long term. Liberals like to mix things up to discredit certain conservative opinions.
  12. I studied Lacan, a bit Freud. i also use common sense. You want a normal sexuality for several reasons. if you need BDSM, it’s that you have in you psyche some blockage who prevents you to project certain energies in a normal symbolism. Why being sodomized and do other weirds stuff when you can share LOVE « normally ». It’s all what I say, I could be more clear but I don’t have the time/the will. Lol, what is that ?
  13. Your avatar is funny. You can find a good psychologist, psychedelics never have done anything for me.
  14. BDSM is mental illness. No one wants to get used to BDSM, you want normal, nice sex, with love. I don't want to encourage people to get into trouble when they should go see a psychiatrist. If we just accept that, all that happens is that people go through life with these failings, and by extension, poor sexuality.
  15. It's developing paranoid schizophrenia a god sign Above all, it is the perfect consumer for the “bondage” category.
  16. Less each day thanks to the Internet, fortunaly Thanks
  17. I watched the part 2. It's super cringy, human incarnation is hard.
  18. F***ing chrome who translate my message when i edit them.
  19. Great sweety, but u forgot the daily transdermal vitamin D in my balls. 5000IU of vitamin E every morning, super important