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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Nobody can "succeed" given that there is nowhere to go.
  2. Beginning the question Why it would be the « cleanest » diet ? -B12, essentials fatty acids (EPA, DHA and LA/AA), Zinc, Copper, Calcium, Vitamine A, iodine etc etc And of course proteins : Even an adult and very sedentary person needs at least fifty grams of quality protein to balance the nitrogen balance. A young and active person will need double that. No most fruitarians look like crap. The only """muscle"""" guys I've seen (John Rose and Doug Graham) look retarded and you have no proof they aren't on roid. Otherwise the others (like Morse) look like human blobs or stick insects. You do what you want. In fact I am directly in mirror with you, I too tend to move forward like a stupid ram, lol. Not at all.
  3. What interest ? You explained that you had discipline issues the other day and that you would like to improve your professional and personal situation rather than just working at Starbucks. Why spend your energy/motivation on such an unnatural and restrictive diet? Without even a real apparent reason? It's a weirdo's delirium to calm their food anxiety by eating "yin" foods, it will literally do you nothing and it will even be dangerous. In fact if you want I can save you 10 years of personal development in nutrition and all that: You can be healthy and live old by eating burgers, fries, coke, alcohol and even smoking tobacco tobacco here and there, as long as the lifestyle (sleep, stress, etc.) is good and the diet is globally balanced. Otherwise, see you in 10 years
  4. To say that a person is mentally ill and is produced by a failing economic and societal system is not a reproach to said person. Moreover your comparison is misleading, there is a difference between working late here and there to give people cocktails and earning a living by being filmed licking a man's sex in front of a camera. No. People should get help from their family or the state so they don't have to go down that rabbit hole. I would be ready to become homeless and work 50 hours a week if it would allow my daughter (or my mother, my sister, whatever...) not to have to do that. Yes ok, It doesn't contradict what OP says.
  5. Yes, it's a disgusting job, no mentally sane woman would allow herself to be fucked in front of a camera, it's rape.
  6. Muscle wasting, low flow of thought,and even eventually dementia brain fog, low androgenity (beard that grows less quickly, less libido...) premature aging, loss/thinning of hair, nails etc etc etc. And no, fruit is not nutrient dense.
  7. I can't make an uncertain psychoanalytical diatribe, all I can tell you is that you deprive yourself of desiring what you love and vice versa. Perhaps the trauma unconsciously causes you to believe that you have the world on your shoulders and feel unworthy to desire, and generally to indulge in a lustful and potentially "self-destructive" endeavor. I spoke of the mother because I suppose that comes, or of you even I do not know. It may sound pretty harsh, but maybe you would gain a lot by trying to understand that your mom is responsible for being submissive to your father and that in general the victims are responsible for their chronic abuse (including you). Also accept that your opposition to your father as a "phalic figure" is an illusion and that your enterprise is also fundamentally libidinal in nature. In other words, it's not you who are a kind of asexual ideal being against your libidinal nature father, you are also a libidinal nature which includes a form of kindness that does not like your father's behavior. There is no hypocrisy or inconsistency in wanting to fuck a girl by pulling her hair and being nice on the side, life is a total walking paradox and any belief to the contrary is delusional. I don't know if what I wrote is coherent, true or false, complete or incomplete, or even if it's going to be of any use. Just my two cents to break up my free time. lol
  8. I've been severely insomniac for a year, nothing works except benzodiazepines but I refuse to take that yet. As of today, I haven't slept in three days, and yet I'm still in a sort of aggressive wired state. I've noticed that anything that increases dopamine (or noradrenaline, how do you know) puts me in a particularly strong state of torpor instead of stimulating me. -Sexual excitement tires me, when the excitement rises I almost give up the idea of fap because I'm always suddenly hit by a feeling of tiredness where I particularly want to sleep. Once the orgasm is reached I am actually stimulated. -When I smoke a cigarette or vape nicotine (cigarette is stronger because of the MAOIs), it "torpedoes" me to the point where I just want to lie down thinking about nothing, and even sleep. -Dissociatives are actually stimulating for most people, obviously it makes me very sleepy. -LSD makes me tired too, it's still physically stimulating, in a way, but I literally can't do anything except lay down and curl up in bed. What could explain this? For now my main theory is that dopamine actually calms the HPA axis by suppressing the "fry or fight" state of the vagus nerve, giving abundance info. I suffer from loneliness, I noticed that my insomnia was much worse when I no longer saw anyone, regardless of the apparent stress.
  9. I see. Are you close to your mother? you have a sister?
  10. Are you anxious/obsessive?
  11. You can't claim to know the current "game" if you're not in it, that's elementary logic. All I see is you raging and rambling on a tik tok eco+ video made by 3 randoms that nobody cares about. If that's enough to convince you, it's natural selection. blablabla Yes, they are women. It's like raging on pets because they can get plenty of attention and companionship. After if some men are mops it's not my problem, lol. Yes, women can be abused in sexual relationships. But above all, it is not because they can theoretically have sex easily that they want it and especially that they can really have a serious relationship in return, not at all. Men do the same thing, it's an error of approach (according to you) that you try to graft on women. There are also many women who rarely go there. All you do is seek to enrich your delusion. Lol. Has nothing to do with what was mentioned but not surprising since your only business is to use the topic of op to ruminate. Topic which, as a reminder, has as its main object a shitty tik tok video. Curious accusation for a guy who now hides behind an avatar
  12. Happiness is to be in a homeostatic state, but you have to know yourself. My ultimate goal is to live like a tramp in a caravan or in the forest.
  13. Yes, but women tolerate loneliness much less. And even if they can get fucked that doesn't mean they're going to enjoy it and not prefer having a "normal" boyfriend. Lol, actually you just talk like someone with brain inflammation. "gnegnegne look at them and I am alone because you see gnegnegne"
  14. It's bad misogynistic pornography, even in times of absolute hate I couldn't fap ruminate on it so badly it sucks and makes no sense.
  15. Lmao I don't think we can speak of a "trauma". I have literally spent my entire life at best constantly brooding in solitude, at worst literally swimming in HUGE levels of stress. Fortunately everything has gradually improved and I currently feel relatively well apart from this problem of insomnia. Maybe a little too lonely and bored, but that will change. I think I have mild ADHD or something, I think I have mild ADHD or something, people with ADHD have weird reactions to "stimulants".
  16. Sometimes yes.
  17. The author of the book is very ideologically biased.
  18. This is only true for mild sleep problems.
  19. White men who intentionally want to date non-white women are mentally ill. Many are isolated, desperate, sometimes just plain crazy people, who believe that they cannot be loved by the white women they really esteem, as they have less esteem for non-whites this gives them, paradoxically, a feeling of enough influence to afford a more or less normal relationship, especially since the cultures of Asian and African shitholes condition these women to be diminished.
  20. Lmao. I would like to be more friend with God, but right now he's mostly like sometimes: "look look, lol"
  21. Maybe Sometimes it's quite disturbing.