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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Some girls are very obscure about what they think.
  2. Pig is one of the cleanest animals in existence and is no problem if you cook it.
  3. People don't want to commit certain actions out of fear of going to hell, out of suspicion, or simply out of cultural indoctrination. So yes from a certain "myopic" point of view it is rational for them not to do it because they are in agreement with what they feel, but if you take a step back then from a certain point of view quite broad /"holistic" which encompasses the why and how of the mental constructions concerned then no it is no longer rational. Unless you can show me that believing in a stupid punishment or some sort of backlash as a general rule is rational.
  4. probably edit : It's not because the perspective of doing something trigger cognitive dissonance that it's not, fundamentally, the most rational thing to do for me.
  5. I think the aliens are having fun doing things that would appear to us to be Down syndrome. And they would see us as little children who fight because of religion, politics or something else.
  6. Second trial : Not much choice except that I found nothing more relevant to do than make faces in front of my phone. I tried listening to music, but it seemed something primitive, letting myself be lulled by music seemed as stupid as little kids fighting over some random kid thing. Like I'm supposed to listen to rap, metal or whatever, and create a convincing energetic adventure based on that, lol.
  7. I recently saw a series of videos from a philosopher who explained that Hitler did not particularly like Nietzche and that his favorite philosopher was Schopenhauer. It makes more sense, Nazism is based on slave morality. Nietzche was a liberal genius.
  8. Be careful for your personal development, not just to get rid of a person because what they say to you hurts your ego. We are subject to what we think, forgive people for what they think. Even Hitler. I choose truth over ego.
  9. I feel the same thing on LSD, but with hallucinations.
  10. I care more about the death of a family member than a billion people I don't know. Besides, every day there are billions of living beings of all forms who die, I don't care and so do you. We don't want to eat a dog because it serves to keep you company, pigs don't have this prerogative so it's no longer a problem. Etc.
  11. There are people who I wish to be well, who I want to help because I care about them in one way or another, it's not a duty. The people who are supposed to die here are just random people.
  12. Can you describe how you felt on zoloft, abifily and wellbutrin respectively? If you want/have time. I've been looking into cathiones recently and have seen people feeling empty or something like that on Wellbutrin, which is strange because it's supposed to augment ephedrine/norephedrine. Too late Crazy Valentin already has his fake rc ketamine purchased on a random onion market s-ketamine in his cupboard.
  13. I don't want to protect my ego with absurd concepts. I am only interested in what is fundamentally tangible, rational.
  14. Sometimes I wish I was a sheep, it seems less complicated. ... baaa 🐑
  15. It's arbitrary There's nothing to accomplish, you're stressing over duties that don't exist. You must take care of your survival and make your schedule based on what makes you happy. There are those who want to become billionaires, there are those who want to live relatively volatile like hippies, there are those who want a girlfriend, others are gay, others are aromantic/asexual, there are those who like to cook, there are some who like to walk etcetcetcetc. You are free. If for any reason you are motivated by a biased self-image you will pay for it energetically. It's a story that was forced on you and you feel guilty about being a bad actor. Choose another story, and if you're stuck go see a psychiatrist or try psychedelics to break the default mode. 👍
  16. The Yimpa is hot.
  17. Ah ah, it's a pleasure.