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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. umm
  2. I think ultimately I prefer intrigue to happiness. Narcissism/self-construction and preservation over love/death pulsion if it means something.
  3. All I said was that nofap helped motivate relationships.
  4. You don't need anything at all in life if you become a Buddhist monk with feathers up your ass. But it's not in my interest. 🤷‍♂️
  5. My Swadhisthana is weak. If I discharge my sexual energy, then I become excessively disinterested again.
  6. I need this chi, regardless of whether I master it well or not.
  7. Observe how you act unconsciously and selfishly literally all the time, and when you try to escape selfishness, it's always selfishness. I assume I am an asshole.
  8. Even for 2000€ I could click. I might be apprehensive at first because of the cognitive dissonance, and then as my neuroplasticity is excellent I wouldn't even care a few days or weeks later.
  9. Yes, but it diminishes your compassion for having a girlfriend. Sex with a cool woman is one of the wittiest things you can do. Masturbation is just a waste for a mediocre orgasm.
  10. To inflate my ego, my character of “the virtuous man who helps his neighbor”, and possibly satisfy his atavistic urge for empathy. But it's still not "ethics"
  11. I wouldn't do it because I might come across as untrustworthy or something. I don't know if I can kill a human being just like that either.
  12. I've already seen a reddit post of someone who put a famous indian modafinil brand to a lab test. It wasn't Modafinil, just a blend of two kinds of amphetamines. Mod dont allow sourcing but mine (Modafinil200) has been tested positive by janoshik, by the same source. I put the test result somewhere in this forum.
  13. I wanted to say that it's not because you have, for some reasons, difficulties to takes a decision that it's not rational. In other words, it's not because you feel guilt for killing people that it's not the best thing to do according to the context. Yes. Blood doesn't have too much importance. But if I know my son and I educate him, obviously for nothing in the world I would sacrifice him for money.
  14. I started nofap too, but it's just to increase my motivation and sexual power in general. No transmutation.
  15. Remind me I Doser lol.
  16. Avoiding orgasm is certainly a major energetic aid.
  17. Some girls are very obscure about what they think.
  18. Pig is one of the cleanest animals in existence and is no problem if you cook it.
  19. People don't want to commit certain actions out of fear of going to hell, out of suspicion, or simply out of cultural indoctrination. So yes from a certain "myopic" point of view it is rational for them not to do it because they are in agreement with what they feel, but if you take a step back then from a certain point of view quite broad /"holistic" which encompasses the why and how of the mental constructions concerned then no it is no longer rational. Unless you can show me that believing in a stupid punishment or some sort of backlash as a general rule is rational.