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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. I want a girl or even a boyish guy that I can hug and devote myself to. There isn't really a precise criterion, the rest is obvious.
  2. Anything that increases dopamine greatly decreases the symptoms of asperger's syndrome, regardless of glutaminergic or GABA signaling.. I'm sure it's a problem of brain inflammation due to ignored food intolerance, endotoxin leak, or anything related to the digestive system in general. Btw, milk is a super strong trigger for autism in me and mucus issues, for me.
  3. My aunts talked a lot about (Western/Tropical) astrology and numerology, they did my charts ah ah. What is the difference with Hindu astrology? A guy also told me about Human Design, I don't know what it's worth.
  4. Psychedelics are banned everywhere and it's actually definitely easier to get them in India. I am going to have N M DMT, is it effective?
  5. To be nice =/= to be pushed around. And not everyone can be perfect.
  6. The central bank of a currency holds enough banknotes both to compensate for the destroyed cash, and also and above all to maintain a slight inflation (because preventing deflation is less risky). The bank generally creates money ex nihilo when it grants loans to natural or legal persons, it is a simple and sufficient means of monetary creation.
  7. No, I was saying that to "enlighten you" on how to get more and better answers, for your own good. This goes for any topic and any subject.
  8. Can you give at least one example ?
  9. When people say "society society society", it usually means "me". It's a way of twisting reality to be right and escape one's own judgment (and bullshit?). Asperger ?
  10. Testosterone and even more DHT is very anxiolithic, greatly increasing gabaergic and dopaminergic signaling, then decreasing serotonergic signaling (many SSRIs work against anxiety by actually acting as an antagonist of certain 5-HT sub-receptors such as 5HT3). His symptoms, in particular his habit of disguising himself as a woman, make me bet on hypogonadism.
  11. I would live as a hermit in the forest, spend my time cooking, walking and doing DMT.
  12. completely wrong + + it doesn't matter, op has an "energy profile" conditioned by his biology and has to live with it.
  13. If you want answers avoid making topics with such indigestible posts, especially if you loop on it. People will be like "oof" *sigh, and just think about going on to another topic, even if you're tormented. Incidentally, there is no really relevant answer to give because obviously you just want to talk to people and have company. Afterwards it's normal, even as a man it remains a very present atavism especially if you are facing major mental problems (in this case). But as I said above, people will probably just be too bored to answer you, so it probably won't do much.
  14. Do you suffer from schizophrenia? What symptoms/kind of schizophrenia?
  15. There is no difference between cola sugar and fruit sugar, not even a different isomer or anything. The only difference is that fruits have micronutrients, and in any case people should complement each other given the quality of food, even unprocessed. Which isn't much. I need about 3000kcal, a big 330 coke bottle is only 160kcal. I never talked about eating mainly coca cola. Coke does not cause anything of what you said, it is precisely the purpose of my remarks. Imagine having a petrol car, putting in some different type of oil but with a relatively similar refining will always be better than putting in diesel, even if the latter is originally closer to petrol.
  16. I sometimes drink coca cola. It's just sugar, CO2 and plant extracts, obviously not a source of micronutrients but nothing carcinogenic, allergenic, anything that could cause intestinal irritation, an endotoxin flare-up... Same for the white chocolate, once I ate a whole bar of white chocolate and was fine and strong afterwards, looking back I've never had such a serious and relaxed voice lol. Besides that I can go into the forest and literally DIE eating certain berries and mushrooms. There is only a select set of commercially available edible plants, and most of them will give you trouble. I remember when I was in high school when I fell into vegan propaganda, I ate whole chunks of beans and/or well-cooked whole grains (disgusting, sincere person wants to eat this shit ), even soaked for several days in basic water before long pressure cooking. I had MASSIVE brain fog and huge gas to the point where I thought my ass was going to turn into a jet pack. Once I was doubled over in philosophy class because I had had a colopathy attack
  17. Sometimes processed foods are healthier that "whole foods"
  18. When the first hominids migrated to the plains of southern Africa, despite the gradual increase in the consumption of animal products, there was no evolutionary pressure to develop such characteristics because intelligence made them unnecessary. You can admit it, vegans always justify short human digestive systems with cooking. You underestimate the influence of the epigenetic condition on human psychology. Humans today are much softer than a few hundred years ago (especially in "rich" countries). Even today, you can find whole populations with particularly violent practices, for you it may not be normal but for them it is. You can get used to and un-get used to almost anything. In the meantime, I have no problem killing an animal, animal flesh tastes good even raw. In fact the taste is mostly better raw than cooked. Agree ""
  19. Go to a laboratory in the morning on an empty stomach and test: Prolactin, testosterone, and estradiol. Then post the results here.
  20. I understood very well what you mean by "subtle" and it is. The only thing that is perfect is muscle meat and fat. You are not open-minded enough. I'm not a carnivore at all but the carnivores I see are mostly physically fine, with a very decent flow of thought, good expression etc. Next Sadguru who explains the importance of fruits to be "energetic" looks like a human peanut and looks lethargic.
  21. @puporing I have seen many people talking about Mount Shasta in the United States.