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Everything posted by Schizophonia
Schizophonia replied to StarStruck's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I'm am a 72kg pile of poop -
Btw, most psychologists suck.
Psychology degrees don't matter, anyone who is self-taught can be a therapist. Psychiatry is another matter, it is a medical profession, but I never claimed to be able or willing to be a psychiatrist lol. It’s a bit of the same story as Dietitians versus Nutritionists, in short.
Schizophonia replied to StarStruck's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The only way to not be full of shit is to not be biased, aka be god (dead ?). -
True strength is to be grounded and uninhibited, in other words not to identify excessively with the outside.
Btw, I have nothing against homosexuals. In fact, in some cases I can be attracted to certain very specific phenotypes of guys, some people know. mhh Okay, I'll stop there.
Why ? What is the relationship between psychosis and the declaration that bodybuilding has little interest other than responding to insecurities, or preparing to get fucked in the onion ? 🤔
You don't understand, stress is not physical suffering. Stress is the coping mechanism, to maintain blood sugar levels and possibly repair damage. Even if you adapt to the pain, it doesn't change the stress. No one cares about your arms, it's not even something anyone will see most of the time. It's an illusion, what matters is your look and your energy.
Maybe this is the case for you and that's great, but most people don't like meditation because it's boring. Fortunaly Because you are neurotic or homosexual. It's the same story as "I want a good physique for myself", as if anyone would want to look good on a desert island. Well no, we want to be handsome to sleep with women, and possibly to integrate socially. There's no point in bodybuilding when you can do something else except please. Men would do better to focus on what really matters, namely vital energy. Sorry to loop around on this lol, but it's the alpha and omega. A person with a strong metabolism will be naturally muscular, with good bones, a big beard, veiny arms, etc. If you do weight training without a lot of vital energy, you will just exhaust yourself even more and look like a random but with a slightly better physique, still "soft" and weak in general. Btw, without even cosmetic surgery, most men can improve their face as adults by taking large amounts of testosterone (leaving the aromatase!), or by cycling powerful steroids like 19nor. Puberty never stops, only the growth plates calcify and prevent you from growing any further, and even then... I dont recommand steroids at all, that say. This is one more reason not to do bodybuilding. Anything that takes you away from the problems of daily life, ruminations etc. will trigger the flow state. When I was learning Python I had a state of flow, that doesn't mean that it's amazing to code and that it's the best thing to do. The important thing is not stress, it is the investment ratio and the gain in vital energy that you gain from this investment, against physiological stress. Being competitive increases your metabolism and hormonal cascade through the roof, outweighing the effects of stress. Yes no It's the firtst term who come to my mind, the point is that to my opinion sport would be a game, otherwise it would just be slavery. You can be proud of your progress and your physics, but it's pretty small/mediocre, you get used to it and you actually can become dependant of your physics and become bigorexic. Because they are stuck in their loop at best out of habit, at worst because of neurosis. People spend their lives wasting it for whatever reasons. Golf is not stressful or even physiologically dangerous. It's boring yes lol, but it's good for old people or boring people in general. Waste of time. It's true. Bodybuilding is even worse, people who think they are strong while they take drugs to get on stage like African-American slaves being sold to work in the cotton fields. Excuse me if I seem hostile, it's not, you do what you want if it makes you happy All I wanted to say, even if I could qualify, is that most of the time it is more stressful than pleasant and that it is probably not the best solution for mental and physical health (and therefore the longitivity).
spot on No it's boring, even the guy in the second video is just suffering (stressing) and the first video is a compilation of guys raving about personal performances. Don't make me think they're like that most of the time. Btw, be careful not to confuse bodybuilding and powerlifting. Powerlifters want to be powerful, most of the time they have an abundance mentality, they are bon vivants. The average bodybuilder is an orthorexic, generally traumatized by life who thinks that injecting trenbolone will make him attractive to women, it's just sad. What's funny, however, is when I get criticized for advising really ugly guys (and therefore malformed, in fact) cosmetic surgery which could help change their lives for only a few thousand euros by guys who promote an orthorexic, stressful lifestyle for poor results.
I would like to become your psychologist if you pay me lol
I like older women, there's a certain kink to it and I guess it reminds me of my mother or something. It doesn't matter, I like, want and attract women my age. From experience, it is better to indulge in the women you attract rather than the ones you want, because women have less ego and are less mistaken about the energy they are looking for.
In his own words, he's just frustrated at not having a girlfriend at 20, and making a big deal out of it rather than having fun now and by extension in the future, when that's the only thing that matters. I mean that if it turns out, he is in the process of developing extremely serious cancer and will soon find himself in cachexia and spitting blood, but he is worried about something as random as "the women I easily attract are on average too old, I'm frustrated because it brings me back to a problem with my ego." What a fantastic problem lol.
What does this have to do with a “mother figure”? A young woman can unconsciously play your mother, there is no problem. Stop rambling about this thing to dishonestly try to be right.
I know, it was a comment. Edit : because I like to intrude and ramble, because I'm narcissistic and I think I'm right.
In any case, it is only the present moment that counts, everything else is a delusion of the ego.
Catch up on what? As I said, there are plenty of 20 year old girls with bad looks, and especially not very proactive, and even who suffer from mental problems. There are plenty of women even 40/50 years old (I'm not saying you have to go out with a woman of that age, lol) who are still physically pleasant, and are manic, will cook for you regularly, full of hugs, sexual relations... You are the only person in the room who is ego-driven and has suffered a loss of vital energy (so you correlate that with age intuitively), not particularly women (unless you are in or near menopause).
Life is too difficult to have the luxury of having complexes like that.
What's the difference between you and a hysterical woman ? Above all, these women should not approach you in an unpleasant manner, women at least should be careful of sexual predators.
All i've said is that age isn't the main factor. I have plenty, it's a miracle i am still here. On this forum alone I recreated some of them by interacting with people who resembled (it was very unconscious) my parents. Whatever.
It sounds like you're motivated by a twist somewhere in your ego.
I like older women, they are more mature. Many guys want younger and mostly virgin guys because they project their mood problem onto them, so will assume that if she doesn't benefit from the added excitement of being a newbie, then she will be more passive. This is not true at all, there are plenty of super passive and dystimic 18-year-old virgins, and there are very dopaminergic “old” women who are very hypomanic and dependent. Brief
Schizophonia replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes but the main reason people ruminate and victimize themselves is because it fills them more energetically than boredom and acceptance. Winning > Losing (ruminating, complaining) > Lack of interest. -
I would have rather written "thanks to your contribution, these cats will be burned in boiling acid, thank you" It's not funny if it's not cynical.
I have never used an insulin pen. I was obviously talking about syringes. 👍