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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. No, it lacks GREASE. Don't forget that you are the ultimate result of a race that spent 2000 years on a flat, rainy island. You have life and therefore your taste tastes are automatically horribles “oh, I mixed beans, oats, tomato puree and turmeric. Hummm it tastes lovely, can't wait for me to sell it at the vegan fest in london And if it doesn't rain, I'll treat myself to a lukewarm beer » NO IT'S NOT A "LOVELY MEAL", IT'S HORRIBLE, YES IT HAS AN A:A FOR ANOREXIC. HEUZJSJUSHSU%%%
  2. Lmao. Again, you use your "trauma" to turn a universal problem into a personal singularity, to be right. Everyone is a problem for the everyone else, everyone potentially pisses everyone off. OUGA OUGA OUGA
  3. Lol. You can't cause anyone trouble, it's people who call trouble
  4. Salade : chicken, pasta, cucumber, tomatoes, olive oil, a bit of cider vinegar, salt pepper etc.
  5. It will pass + if you have nothing left to lose then you can take risks I guess What is your health problem? Yes, but you will have the weight of having to face death in a fully conscious way, and the possibility that God will dream of similar or worse problems again.
  6. No, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. And even if what you say was true, what's the problem with being « stupid » ? Whether here or in other posts you show that contrary to what you say you are not what you think you are politically but a pedantic guy stashed in his ivory tower in the middle of the Nevada desert. I won't lick your ass because you're the admin.
  7. I have to pee just reading this
  8. Who dreams of being the human who posts on actualized with pseudo schizophonia ? If it is, I will wake up soon and do a podcast with some alien friends to explain my extraordinary experience on the alien youtube. Then he too will wake up from a trip of salvia from another race of another dimension who will say to his friends of another race and another dimension ("hey I was 20 years old in life of another who himself was 20 years in the life of another") bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzopqdcshnqscsq
  9. Beauty is attraction, it is a dual notion, and by extension contingent. It is this semantics that is understood when you invoke the notion of beauty in the context of the underlying intent of your message. But to protect your ego and not have to confront me you back off and lie about the meaning of the words you used. As if your slightly strange vision of beauty, universal or whatever, had a lot to do with it. I'm not even here to convey pessimistic ideas, but I kind of sleight of hand stops me and everyone else in the development of a more profound and pragmatic paradigm. A more complete view of the world will always be more effective, in the end, than illusory encouragement. That's how I work afterwards.
  10. I have both. I'm both bad and good, depending on the context and who I interact with.
  11. Even if that's true, it wouldn't occur to anyone in the least normal way to get excited about the idea of being superior to their pets, even if that's true according to a certain number of criteria (dependency of the animal, difference in intelligence...). It's just an animal. It's funny, I currently mirror you. It's not a crazy or not crazy question, I like the way you tell the story, but you tell it because you deny your own emotional needs. So you turn your passion for philosophy, spirituality etc into a way to disconnect from the lack of your instinctual needs. And the world sends you back to what you want to escape for your sublimatory agenda, ie someone unconscious, normal etc. You need a compliment or something like that.
  12. It's very nice, but can be a bit strong for a crazy person you don't even know irl. ?️?️ Even though I'm the smartest and most subtle person in the universe in despite of
  13. Yes it is true that it is good. But it remains overrated
  14. No that sucks, I think it's a conspiracy of the French not to arouse suspicion and keep true knowledge esoteric. Do his own stuff, that's the elite of sweet gastronomy. Not: As a general rule, always listen to obese cooks, they are the best
  15. "french" dJaNgO lE dOzO
  16. No way
  17. Can bipolar disorder be on very short cycles? Like a few hours to a few days?
  18. You can ask me anything. After all, I'm still the smartest person in the universe, that seems pretty clear to me.
  19. I want to live like Diogenes the cynic
  20. It's wrong. 1) Beauty is a judgment purely and simply relative to experience. Let's be clear enough, beauty is about nothing, absolutely nothing other than your ability to seduce another human (this also goes for "inner beauty") and no one would have this consideration if they were stuck living alone on a desert island. So yes there are ugly people that nobody wants, disgusting inside and out, and these people may never be liked by anyone (unless you really try hard). The first people I saw denying this OBVIOUSNESS on this forum weren't ugly, they were just protecting their egos trying to convince themselves that they weren't ultimately saved by their appearance at least correct, sometimes their wealth etc. 2) As the final cause of this enterprise is to protect the ego from an energetic charge that it would not bear, if only by proxy (it is almost always by proxy in fact, not for nothing that 90 % of vegans come from developed countries lol), this position is in fact an injunction and nothing else. I don't want to be beautiful, it's horrible to want to be beautiful because you deny a whole part of yourself (and of God). Everything else is basically an attempt to somehow self-convince yourself of a fraudulent paradigm that again is supposed to protect your ego and nothing else. Being aggressive and destructive is normal, in fact I even believe that if someone tries to humiliate you, you are allowing it and even asking for it. I see how some people around me are mean to others but nice or avoidant to me. It's part of life.