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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Thank you very much, you are a nice person. I would like to be a little more emotional support but it's always my Achilles heel, so for now that will be it. ... ... grab a benzodiazepine*
  2. My ultimate goal is to live in the forest in a caravan, go to town be the village fool who makes jokes and gives candy to children (without ending up in prison)
  3. It's fantastic, you've been too lazy to shoot yourself in the foot while others spend their lives with "friends" who don't like them and are mean to them, others who spend their life with a partner who is with them because he hasn't found anything better and are constantly cuckolded and despised, others who spend their life in a job they don't really like for safety etc etc. You have more effective pellets. You can't fail because there's nowhere to go, of course we can declare that being unhappy/unfulfilled is a failure but you know very well that it is not in this semantics that we invoke the notion success/failure divide. You're just afraid of letting your libido swing into its "schizoid", rebellious position. What you say in Newspeak is "Hey, I'm supposed to have a shitty life by the pressure of a nebula of injunctions registered in my subconscious, but you know what I don't/no longer have the energy because about my traumas and other stuff! Tell me how to accept having "failed" and have the energy again to pursue a shitty life to cure my ego". Note how impersonal it sounds, both in substance and in form. Ps : I'm not trying to be conscending, it's just my way of expressing myself and loving, in case it's not clear. Not matter.
  4. No, it's a science. The final cause is the understanding of reality, not its contemplation (even if ultimately one is de facto the door to the other).
  5. Yes he had surgery (stents + bypass). Statins are a last resort, because of that he has trouble healing and it probably lowers his testosterone.
  6. How do you react to benzodiazepines?
  7. @LSD-Rumi What are your TOCs? Examples ? + Your nickname suggests that you like to consume LSD but you don't have a problem with it? Me it gives me severe OCD like feeling dirty and wanting to wash myself, wash my room, put everything away etc.
  8. This is misanthropy, the dog is unconscious and would have been torn to pieces by wild animals in a similar situation.
  9. Yes, but you could develop "normally" and have a normal level of androgens in adolescence, then gradually colapse for the reasons you mentioned. My dad is in poor health and on statins, I suspect he has low testosterone due to his lifestyle. I'm going to have him try enclomiphene and see what happens.
  10. I don't know if that helps haha, I'm just guessing. I didn't see anything on it but I would have thought hypogonadism.
  11. Butter and onion are anti-bacterial/anti-fungal, maybe that's it lol. Intestinal dysbiosis can reduce libido, and one of the side effects of certain antibiotics is more frequent erections. I still sometimes see guys on certain forums playing with Doxycycline or whatever.
  12. I firmly believe that this is literally the reverse of what actually happens. I will soon make a topic about it.
  13. wtf What do you call "tripping" ?
  14. @Leo Gura What kind of women you like ? Can you describe a little bit?
  15. Interesting. Maybe low aromatase? Have you measured estradiol? When aromatization is low you are more sexually strict and less libidinal. When the aroma is strong you want to jerk off 6 times a day and fuck anything remotely resembling a woman, with a preference for "bigger is better lol". This is what I found while manipulating hormones with SERMS, AI, etc. Guys on Meso rx who are used to using testosterone creams agree.
  16. Not looking enough lol. Give me your email if you want.
  17. Because it's basically legal THC, but less hindsight.
  18. She's imagining somewhere in God's imagination.
  19. Cannabis makes you less demanding. Nobody has great ideas under cannabis or psychedelic, it's always shit lol.