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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. It is a stimulant, it increases the energy expenditure therefore the blood flow, therefore the heart rate. In the event of an overdose, or if you have problems managing the rhythm of the heart, it can escalate into a heart attack.
  2. What did they say about your cousin?
  3. @Something Funny What about spelled, buckwheat and other flaked cereals/pseudo-cereals?
  4. Why this mix?
  5. For me it's more like "speculoos spread" and some red fruits for "more flavor".
  6. It's wrong, it's not true, my parents' generation is much more mentally ill than mine. The aggressiveness dissipates over the generations until a particularly stressful generalized phenomenon relaunches it and relaunches by extension the cycle of generational transfer. (war and lack of water or food, general loneliness...) Neurosis (what you probably mean here by "mental illness") is an illusory way of organizing the libido in a sense of pleasure in times of stress and libidinal dissatisfaction in general.
  7. It looks disgusting. Why not add something sweet?
  8. @Jowblob Are you the only person who died after taking a psychedelic? @Inliytened1 Freedom is an abstract concept which ultimately, rests on nothing tangible.
  9. You do not understand. Neither did those who answered you. Most of the time these guys don't believe what they're saying, it's kind of like obese, neurotic women who engage in nasty, pretentious behavior. It's just a pathetic ego boost for some mentally ill people. But don't be fooled, you are at least a little in this business. I'm sure you're able to say to yourself "well these are stupid randoms on a random social network" but you choose to use the overvation we were talking about as a way to ruminate. It's always the same problem: Will you have the courage to recognize your misery and work on your agenda, or will you give in again and again for the benefit of being a victim. TIic tac tic tac
  10. So I highly assume it's basically some 5HT2 receptor antagonists.
  11. But hunger is an emotion It still doesn't tell me how my nickname got into the DSM
  12. Because human is largely skewed to allow access to important peaks of enjoyment, of "small death of the ego" only in the event of reproduction. But fundamentally the libido is independent of the sexual act and omnipresent at some basal level. Eating, smoking, crying, laughing, playing sports, being jealous of someone, being melancholy, being sad, doing housework, reading etc etc, all of this is in one way or another the expression of libidinal tension and emotions are totally the translation. I believe that if you were really unable to experience emotions you would not be on Actualized but rather died of suicide/anorexia, or in a psychiatric hospital. Your profile picture shows someone sad and melancholic, which is not an expression of apathy at all.
  13. @KatiesKarma Your profile picture does not show an absence of emotion. Even if it's morbid, it shows that you have a libido, and therefore emotions.
  14. mhh... What do I must understand ? + She's a woman, her profile picture is a woman, there's a woman's name in her nickname and there's the gender "woman" on her profile.
  15. ItS RaCisM eVeRyWhErE
  16. I don't know if I understood correctly but if it wasn't clear I didn't take you for an idiot. I just allowed myself to be more emotionally explicit and wacky because it's a subject that I find light, it's not like it's something "tense" like politics. I don't currently have the ability/inclination to clarify myself again and again but I hope you see where I want to go.
  17. I can find people on every side who think like that.
  18. Because it's fun and helps me convey more complete non-verbal communication. It's not as if your questioning was very serious or of fundamental importance, it's above all a question of etymology so I allow myself.
  19. Yes, but suddenly everything would be more or less art, depending on the point of view.
  20. Unfortunately people are also in their own neurosis and being surrounded by people like that revives performance anxiety and therefore libidinal repression. That's why I stopped going to certain forums or simply rubbing shoulders with certain groups of people, they make me want, in case of insecurity, to abandon my agenda and ruminate over and over like them, a form of infection.
  21. Thank you very much, you are a nice person. I would like to be a little more emotional support but it's always my Achilles heel, so for now that will be it. ... ... grab a benzodiazepine*