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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. I never smoke, but when I do it's like an LSD high for me.
  2. I like green girls for that, the "light" aura, maybe because it's my energetic polarity (a part of me that I deflex towards the outside) eheh. Do like everyone else, two steps towards her, one step back and she will eventually make you understand what she wants. Usually by avoiding you, by being colder and vice versa if she is actually interested. It's subtle but clear if you're honest with yourself.
  3. Currently I don't have a girlfriend yes, well I have almost no libido. I can force myself to masturbate, the machine works fine lol, but the orgasm will be weak, and I can only use my imagination or at worst a pov porn, because I can't stand seeing another man with a woman. That's just what I was saying. I think the big problem with people today is that they agree to jerk off while watching people fuck. It's nonsense, it's an advanced form of lack of self-respect.
  4. This is false, because the body can actually produce abundant stem cells with original-sized telomeres. Old age is a programmed process, desired for whatever reason. Technically nothing prevents us from living for thousands of years.
  5. Steroids destroy health and are addictive.
  6. You deserve no respect if you willingly watch other people have sex without cringing.
  7. Porn is disgusting. I want have sex, not watch someone else having it.
  8. Why wouldn't it be? Do you think it's pure coincidence that you were triggered for something? That being triggered by the idea of being crowded is a genetic mutation? Lol, in fact I don't believe in the illogical, in randomness at all, or rather I just see it as yet another illusion. 🤔
  9. None of these things are enough to make you someone you want to be with. These are just favorable factors, but not the main thing.
  10. Dont confuse being vulnerable and being weak.
  11. Once on LSD I looped to Lady Gaga's "Just Dance" a bit, for some reason.
  12. Do you do theater or something like that?
  13. I'm pretty sure the O6/O3 ratio doesn't have virtual reality. All there are are theories about prostaglandins, in fact nuts like almonds make me feel good and increase my ejaculatory volume. If I eat too much saturated fat, my headaches come back like when I was little.
  14. Ty. I think i will try Deodorized CC + baking soda + a bit of cinnamon essential oil. Should be not bad
  15. I think it's still relatively correct, i don't swallow anything. I should try making my own non-fluoridated toothpaste.
  16. The soup is actually almost funnier. Whatever, too much actualized for today.
  17. @Understander @Princess Arabia The worst part is that I made a mistake in the translation lol, corrected
  18. I sometimes lack social intelligence because I'm afraid of being left out or something, so I say incoherent/sassy things to "be present".
  19. I got hard. Love coconut, fresh as ripe. I recently bought a coconut toothpaste as a change from mint, I brush my teeth just for the taste lol.
  20. @Leo Gura I remember your statement about the number of brain hemispheres of aliens, why would aliens always be "organic" in nature? Wouldn't they have mastered "transalienism" a long time ago with their technological advance?
  21. For 1000 euros I could make you act like a maid, on a leash to your French master Chad with a big cock in a luxury Parisian hotel. I would treat you like a little queen. Okay I'll stop there lol Modos dont kick me.
  22. Disagree “My sentence will go unnoticed in the heat of the topic”
  23. It's super embarrassing and disgusting. I highly suppose they compensate for certain prohibitions/dysfunctions. Well, they do what they want, but it's a twisted and unsatisfying sexuality. 🤷‍♂️
  24. Did she crush your balls as promised?
  25. Probably because they make up most of the white tourists and expats in Jamaica? lol I wonder what's behind that. It would disgust me, or make me sulk and even cry if I had to do that to you, I would want to slap you. In fact even the slightly feline energy described above is a little too aggressive. I like to be seen as a God, the sexual 5 MeO DMT that makes him suck my finger, put my hand on his mouth/throat etc, his energetic proxy in a way. I suppose they are too careful with people for whom they unconsciously have less respect, and normal/relaxed in the opposite situation. I also assume that I actually have the opposite software. It doesn't matter. wtf what am I saying Humm you are a really naughty dominatrix, actually. You also seem like the black alternative version of my mother, which isn't so reassuring lol. More seriously, do you like doing this to men?