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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. The goal is only to make views.
  2. No Maybe, dont know Dispenza work well I've never said that it was only chance
  3. It has nothing to do with the level of consciousness. The extent of your ability to step back and contemplate your relative experience of the world and make decisions accordingly is not proof of freedom at all, it would be like saying that the nature of a film is less "linear". " because it's 4k rather than 1080p. It's not just a matter of acting impulsively or, on the contrary, in a very thoughtful manner. If I rewind time, if things happen in an "infinitely logical" way then everything will happen in exactly the same way, so you're not basically free. If somewhere there is some form of "chaos" (which is probably false, another illusory concept) then you are still a prisoner of that outcome and the result is the same. And,btw, can we only declare that infinity/non duality experience is free? It doesn't really make sense.
  4. This is divine punishment for trying to steal the World Cup from Afri..France in 2018.
  5. Most of autistic people I have met was more afraid by conflicts, was bad at sport because of poor energy and poor spatial intelligence, had weird OCD, liked daydream a lot, was easily stressed.. None of this behaviors are commonly considered masculine or logical. I believe that irrational is an illusion and a problem of bias. I just think women appear irrational because we project our agendas onto her. Many very masculine men are also very stupid. The most “logical” men I have known were in fact low in androgenicity, had small wrists, difficulty gaining muscle… 🤔 Yes, because we are less stressed, and since we are supposed to be less stressed women (or other men, in a social setting) expect us to be more eccentric because of the reduced alertness, because that the ego diminishes. Autistics are stoic and by extension socially awkward because they lack creative energy, their neuroendocrinology is geared towards survival/adaptation (stress). I have seen studies which showed that autistics lack dopamine, serotonin (this one is controversial) and tend to have a lower GABA/glutamate ratio, and have more stress hormones which I have already cited in one of my previous posts. To flex a little on my knowledge of endocrinology lol.
  6. There is no paradox, why do you systematically associate a scarcity mentality with masculinity? Masculinity is richer in GABA and the result is reduced stress/vigilance (Lower CRH/ACTH/cortisol, lower norephedrine/ephedrine/histaminneurotransmition…) and a more fun and creative mentality that appeals to women. « serious or logical » is just low energy, which is what you would expect from someone who is chronically stressed, autistic or even on neuroleptics.
  7. Less than being directed.
  8. Camarade québécois. 🗿 @Leo Gura puts random vegetables and olive oil in boiling water and calls it soup, he also does weird stuff like collecting African masks. @Sugarcoat Eats sugar croissants, and pretends not to be addicted to the forum when I know that you have to manually send a request to be considered connected. @NoSelfSelf Is obsessed with how a real man should be and you can read his posts with a mean Slavic accent. @MarkKol Don't know how to say "Hello" The moderator who gave me the most warning points is Polish. You can't trust Slav dudes these people pretend to have a soul, they are just in imitation, all they can do is eat things made with potatoes and sour cream, pretend to be Aryan, take drugs and do weird things because the shitty weather and cold make them weird and belligerent. There is only one solution
  9. Wild berries taste way better.
  10. It tastes like licorice ?
  11. I didn't talk about race. Whites and Far Eastern people are perhaps on average a little more intelligent than other races, but that does not prevent the fact that there is an almost equal segment of the intelligent and capable population in each country and ethnic group. Fortunately that Turkey has people capable of becoming entrepreneurs, doctors, engineers etc, lol. Europeans are also accustomed to a varied, high-calorie, supplemented diet. They are also protected from infections by the democratization of vaccines and antibiotics, and are accustomed to a richer and more liberal lifestyle in general. All of this promotes higher nervous system functioning and legitimizes white supremacy. But these are relative variables, there was a time when white people lived in huts and had fun playing football with the heads of another Celtic tribe, or other psychopathic things which today would make somalis prefer to stay starving rather than risk migrating to Europe, lol. And there was a time when the greatest civilizations were Arab or Indian. And it's a ""right wing"" person (me) who tells you that !
  12. The brain did not imagine reality, it would generate a conscious experience of a perceived objective reality. You can put a camera in your cranial limp and conclude for several reasons that it is thanks to this gelatinous and electric fatty mass that the experience is possible, but in fact you compulsively imagine it based on what your body supposedly perceives, and you trust that because it is your only possible point of view. All I'm saying is that solipsism is not fundamentally incompatible with materialism. In fact, the materialists, the “atheist bores,” are solipsists. From a materialist point of view, your brain would have no problem disconnecting, for whatever reason, from objective reality to generate experiences different from what is normally perceived of physical reality. There is no difficulty in imagining such a scene (your phone reporting an error and the absence of anyone outside), and as luck would have it you have no proof. No one ever has any proof of this sort of thing, it's always far-fetched. Whether it's "bugs" in the matrix, telepathy etc... I have to be objective, so indeed maybe God is currently playing "Schizophony the Cartesian is right", and that explains why I see the evidence to not believe you. mhh I know nothing.
  13. You are a well-educated person in one of the countries with the best HDI in the world, you certainly won the genetic lottery both physically and psychologically (the two are linked, in fact), you certainly had a family that allowed you to have a parachute, etc etc. So many conditions which have allowed you to manage to own a part of the economy, of big capital, and now to earn on your own up to 10 times the salary of a precarious employee in the tertiary sector. These employees cannot all become rich, it makes no sense. 1) The cake is not infinite, all that some can do is find a significant but poorly exploited part of the market, still relatively free of monopoly, and take advantage of it. 2) Not everyone has the time, energy, intelligence, and start-up capital to start a business that will become fluctuating. 3) We need normal jobs to keep society running, with your superstitious libtard retort based on the law of attraction (may be partly true) or things like that, you legitimize the exploitation of the working mass by the owners of the means of production and capital in general, because your ego doesn't like the idea that you earn almost 10 times a small salary because you were there at the right time. I'm not anti-rich or anything, I'm just telling the truth.
  14. Not many people here seem to question his beliefs. "It's other people who have schizophrenia, not me, it has nothing to do with it." lol.
  15. @Razard86 A materialist might respond that the brain imagines the whole reality compulsively according to what it can perceive from the objective reality. @Jowblob I'm still waiting for that video where you walk through a ghost town.
  16. The fact is that Sadhguru is skinny fat, has poor speech flow, generally looks stoned, and now we learn that his brain almost exploded. There is something wrong with him.
  17. I know it's unrelated, but btw do your parents know about your cross-dressing/transgenderism ? No judgment, just a little flash of curiosity.
  18. 1)Mellon 2)Peach 3)Strawberries 4)Oranges 5)Figs