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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Stress is the biggest cause of low libido, the simple fact of being worried and making a post about your SHBG levels shows you are anxious lol. And when i say « stress » i don’t talk about an big stress spike like before an exam at high school or something like that, most of stress is very unconscious. High stress state (and low libido !) looks like an autistic obsessional behaviour lost in mental loops. It’s an intensification of the egoistic process. Low stress state is a playful, peaceful and eventually high libido state where the sexual energy in general is projected into the most essentials compounds of reality. Just touch a pillow is pleasing
  2. No + low libido is not so much related to testosterone levels.
  3. I’m pretty angry and stressed these day yes, maybe it can make my writing more « twisted » even if I didn’t think so.
  4. I think dont recognise your « yin » part cause a preference for ugly girl because you don’t want to project this denied need into a girl you have esteem. I’m single but if i stress all the day and play the « fascist » persona, i will develop a « fetish » and watch porn on ugly, fat or non white (especially asian) women. But if i’m openly « yin » during the day, like being chill and playful, and doing monkey stuff that reduce stress, i will be way more naturally to the fact of dominate a cute women. I fact, the less i give a fuck the more i am dominant in general. The more i « play the lord » energetically by helping people, talking about politics endocrinology etc, the more I will be passive agressive in my behaviour and having a nazi face.
  5. Isn’t already egoistic to consider the black field as purer? Each time try playing with my consciousness to tend to dissolve, expand my ego I just want to open my eyes and contemplate, it's almost like a small dose of 5 meo dmt and my ego tries to go into other three-dimensional worlds. Closing your eyes already feels like an ego trip (“I have to close my eyes to cut myself off from my environment and blahblahblahblahblah”), and it’s going nowhere, it’s just a relatively less egoistical position than usual stuff.
  6. Notice how liberals and philanthropist « gurus » (I my case Joe Dispenza and Franck Lopvet for exemple) are healthy and even have the hability the recover from big issues (respectively damaged bones narrow and stroke).
  7. Leo isn’t more conscious, he has an normal human neuroendocrinal balance when he is not in drugs. He plays personas just like everybody.
  8. You right, but the goal is survival so stress increases one’s sense of self. Modern distractions have made us crazy.
  9. Interesting, she put words on what caused (essentially) my severe insomnia. This exaggerated « self hypnosis ».
  10. If a guru is in bad health i automatically start from the principle that something is particularly wrong in his paradigm.
  11. It’s not the same thing. + Pick up is the hardest way.
  12. You can but don’t consider that as a piece of your « I am this poor guy who is reduced to do that to have sexe » persona, take it like going to McDonald. + Read become superhuman of Joe Dispenza.
  13. No, people vote far right because they are bored to see each week a News like that :
  14. Women fall in love with you because of your face, your money, your social statut and your supposed hability to dominate others people.
  15. That’s a lot, lot of meditation.
  16. Now I’m not insomniac anymore i would get a girlfriend, but i’m not press neither.
  17. Ask when the time comes.
  18. Animal have ego. Just a more primitive one. Btw we are animals.
  19. It is necessary to theorize a minimum
  20. Hi mirror numero 27 279 It seems you waste a lot of energy by faking your relations, also you see in @NoSelfSelf and even me guys who promote to erase emotions, feelings and cravings, and now you talk about manipulation; But thats only projection, you are the one who force his relation because he doesn’t really know how to chill and take pleasure in life ( and so how to choose friends/ a girlfriend), and you are the one who is in constant control. Even your past pp with your skimpy pseudo smile showed you tendency to anxiety and controls. You have moral masochistics fantasies because your brain shout for lowering psycho-physiological stress, to put you in a situation where you actually can have the permission of « receiving ». Balance between you receive (Let you being transported by life) and the energy you spent into control (controlling life). Looks like a kind of « I’m above all of this », or a « I don’t have a persona…persona », maybe you would benefit to playing a more relaxed, goofy, reckless persona. The energy you gain by going out and doing things, by taking risks, by being “yin”, is the energy that you will be able to retransmit, will allow you to be “yang”. Not only in sexual fantasies, but in general with women and others, an abundance of "yang" energy (thus being sufficiently yin) is a predatory paradigm. Women's opinions don't matter too much because you just want to play and fuck them. I'm not going to talk about it too much because I don't want people to misunderstand me and think I'm strange, but this is a "rapist" paradigm, in the sense that your objective is not more really about being accepted (validated) but rather about depositing this excess sexual energy somewhere.
  21. Hi mirror num 167 269 You are not ugly, we can see that at your pp and even your message, actually. You play the character of « The guy who can’t have what he should have 😭😡 », we can see the tendency of sexual repression and sublimation of your persona in your pp, with your costume and distant gaze. I think you could switch to a more « rapist » persona (i don’t say to rape !) like more impulsive, quarrelsome, rude, and closer of your primitive side in general.
  22. I sometimes have horrible dreams, especially when I force sleep with drugs. The common point is that it is regularly attacked/destroyed, with the implication somewhere that it is a tribal war. I've always had problems sleeping (not necessarily infomnia, but "night owl"), and hypervigilence. 1st example: I dream that I am sleeping, but suddenly my house is attacked by armed people, and I am about to be killed in a murky, almost psychedelic atmosphere, extremely high in adrenaline. 2nd example: I am in my house, and a black person is trying to break in. I knock him out several times but he ultimately comes back with armed friends, and I have to fight them. 3rd example (this night): The pov is a kind of camera, I don't know who to identify with. I understand that I am in the middle of the Rwandan genocide and suddenly, I see someone being brutally killed in the street. The Hutu had a sort of short machete and repeatedly beat someone's skull with all his might until he broke it, the unfortunate man was in a sort of trans because of the pain. I could try to do a classic Freudo-Lacanian analysis but that would only tell me where I am currently in relation to the energetic issues involved, not their origins. There are other dreams, it always revolves around the same racial war scenario, and now I have surprisingly precise information ("Rwanda war").