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About Yimpa

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  • Birthday July 17

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    Right here
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  1. test
    Healthy Foods/Recipes/Products Mega-thread
    I am not that specific and structured in my eating habits. I just eat what I want when I want, for the most part. Fortunately, I'm mostly drawn to healthier foods as that is who I am naturally. As far as nuts goes, I don't count how many i eat, I just incorporate them into my diet whenever I'm snacking or making specific dishes that they go well with. Like, the other day I went to a convenient store to purchase some water and I grabbed a bag of pistachios, which I enjoy eating at night when I'm on the internet and have the munchies. 
    I put all kinds of nuts in oatmeal, salads, top yogurt, cereals and pancakes amongst other things.

  2. Dropping Toothpaste
    Dropping Toothpaste
    Flour full of chemicals toothpaste kill bateria short term but also kill the natural defenses of your mouth, what worked for me is changing to organic natural products based toothpastes.
    Anyways you should at least floss your teeth, this is done even by animals with tree branches and that stuff