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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. https://twitch.tv/djqbert killer scratcher
  2. Heat waves personally wreck my skin I deal with eczema
  3. AI ads are the only ones I don’t want to skip
  4. I also have a past. Wise people evolve and mature.
  5. Trump comes out with more lies than the amount of genders there are
  6. Women with big muscles tho
  7. The realization that this is God’s Mind. That all dualities are imaginary. This goes on for INFINITY. That there is no end or beginning as this is all One
  8. Ironically, I am seeing an eye doctor soon. Doctor thinks I might have corneal abrasion.
  9. “To be clear: I don't think Biden tanked the debate on purpose. I think he used the resulting media circus to get his accomplishments out.” -Beautfc
  10. First interview since debate I’m the guy
  11. Back when it was called YouTube Red https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualConversation/s/EAoNDqFJhl
  12. Just be mindful of over consuming YouTube videos if you have Premium. Very easy to do without all the ads distracting you.
  13. I deal with both mental and physical illnesses. If there is a difficulty level higher than legendary, then I’m surely living it!
  14. These indigenous people just got their homes back
  15. @Butters our experiences can also be vastly different.