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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. They’ll name their daughter Princess
  2. Abuse comes in many different forms.
  3. 5MeO is like rolling an infinite amount of dice in Monopoly bruh..
  4. Collect $200 salary as you pass!
  5. Kermit the Devil for President 2069
  6. I wonder who will be directing the sequel “Strange Looper”… …I’ve always wanted to be a director. I want to hire Elon as main actor, just so I can fire him with my Trump impression
  7. I don’t need to even open up my bank app to realize that this entire situation is out of BALANCE!
  8. Upon revisiting the clip more openly, I do see the new perspective. My family is also going through a similar grieving process with my transition… of power… of love
  9. “Elon Musk backs down from $45 million a month pledge to Trump, says he doesn’t ‘subscribe to cult of personality’” https://fortune.com/2024/07/23/elon-musk-backs-down-from-45-million-a-month-pledge-to-trump-says-he-doesnt-subscribe-to-cult-of-personality/
  10. JD Vance and Elon Musk used to be against Trump. The Devil is a sneaky bastard.
  11. Age is certainly not the only factor at play here. For example, you can have a 7 year old pianist who has 1 year experience who’s extraordinarily more proficient than a 28 year old who’s been at it for 6.
  12. Elon Musk’s acting is horrendous… someone give that bloke a Golden Raspberry Award.
  13. It’s easier for a tadpole to hop through Miss Piggy's curly tail than for a bullfrogger with a belly full of flies to leap onto the Rainbow Connection.
  14. Instead of seeing “Made in China”, neo-adviatans see “Made by Who?”.