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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. My parents are Filipino. They make some of the cheesiest dramas and romance flicks, I highly recommend it.
  2. Would also like to see them go toe-to-toe in the ring!
  3. Yes. Downside is it’s a waste of plastic.
  4. You all need Baby Jesus!
  5. Yikes… now I’m wondering if any of the Twelve Apostles were bisexual
  6. Can be both https://texasoriginal.com/11-balanced-gummies-5-mg-strawberry-passion-fruit (my personal favorite… although I haven’t tried all of them, so I’m biased)
  7. Sending us off to the laughing gas chamber, and these baboons don’t even realize it.
  8. It’s classified!
  9. HA! Don’t be a sad rat.
  10. Leo’s actually 6’2… or so it seems https://www.actualized.org/insights/fat-leo
  11. Only fuck with the G..A.T.
  12. Free documentary here!
  13. They didn’t sell their soul to the DSM-Devil. Although, it did serve its purpose in the earlier stages.
  14. I actually realized I was God during my last therapy session a few days ago. I laughed like a hysterical hyena for 5 mins straight (which I’ve never done in a therapy session before, and mind you, I’ve been in therapy majority of my life). My therapist reports that I’m making excellent progress in my recovery.
  15. I’m currently dating one. Best decision ever! Fun fact: When I first met them, they stalked my forum profile to see if I was safe to date. I passed the test
  16. How the hell am I just learning the term DEI now? The fact that I know what MAGA means and not DEI is flat-out embarrassing…
  17. The irony of Stonewall taking place in 1969. I love God’s humor!