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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. I’m sure it’s limited to 5 mins because it’s tailored to those with mental illnesses and trauma. Anything more could potentially make their condition worse… …so now we know why legalizing and researching psychedelics for mental health conditions is vital. Could really help unstuck the mind with proper set and setting - thus making therapy more effective. I’ve been fortunate enough to do cannabis and ketamine infusions with a psychedelic therapist legally due to my conditions, and it’s really helped open me up (and I still struggle, so imagine how stuck many of those with mental illness are who’ve never done psychedelics!)
  2. Agreed. I used to do a type of therapy called RO-DBT, and one of its main focus is literally to help the patient do self-inquiry. Taken directly from the RO-DBT skills manual:
  3. Damn, that hit me hard.
  4. @Leo Gura how come McDonald’s doesn’t sell organic fries cooked in organic frying oil? Do you think that’ll be a possibility in 5-10 years?
  5. Sure! I used to have severe eczema as a kid and teen all over my body, but now as an adult it’s no longer all over my body; no longer severe.
  6. People, suicide, judgement, afterlife. Bananas, onions, pink chair, donkey.
  7. Facts. It’s like the kids say, “I’m here for a good time, not a long time”… except, you realize there is no time
  8. Just finished watching the comedy movie “Dogma” from Kevin Smith (a movie that pokes fun at religion). While the vast majority of the movie is comedy, this scene comes out of left field and speaks about awakening very well!
  9. It’s the same for everyone in the sense that you discover your true nature.
  10. Nice. How about physical pain, though? Or any thoughts that you previously had strong aversions or resistance to (assuming you ever did)?
  11. @roopepa Thank you for sharing your story with us. I can relate a bit, since I have mental health conditions myself. Just checking in, how are you doing now? Do you see a therapist regularly? (I do).
  12. I started with 30mg, then worked my way up to 65-70mg. I’ve only done ketamine through IV infusion. I also suffer from panic attacks (from time to time).
  13. Learn to crawl before you walk, my friend.
  14. 100% agree with this. My very first trip was so intense that I’m surprised I didn’t ban psychoactive drugs from my life after that.
  15. The timing and amount of session is individualized and a personal choice. Some people only need 3 sessions, some need 12, and in rare cases some need 20+. You can do 2-3/week, or space them out further like I did (about 1 trip/week, though, I spaced it out because of the therapist’s availability). I’ve personally done 7 sessions with a therapist. The therapist that guided me has done a bunch of psychedelics herself, and has guided over 700 other trips. After my 7th session, she said that I was ready for self-guided ketamine infusions. So I did an 8th one by myself a month or so later (well, technically there was still a paramedic in the same room to monitor me). Each session ramped up the dose gradually. The amount of ketamine they give you for medical reasons is safer than the amount you’d be taking if you were using ketamine for recreational/party use. By the 8th (self-guided) infusion I was so “woke” that I took off my headphones and eye mask and told the paramedic that I loved him, lol (there was actually no ”other” at that point). Yes, it helped my depression and other mental health conditions. I still struggle, albeit far less than before. I’m actually living life now, and still have mini awakenings post-infusion. After my infusions, I started doing specialized therapy for OCD, which is a condition I suffered with for decades untreated. I can say with confidence that I wouldn’t be where I am now had it not been for ketamine infusions. I also take medicinal cannabis legally (in Texas!), so I actually wouldn’t be where I am without these amazing drugs. The best part is I can always go back for another ketamine trip if I feel the need to explore consciousness further (my last trip was almost a year ago).
  16. Yeah, I thought I was having terrible heart symptoms during one of my ketamine assisted therapy sessions (I’ve done 8 of them). I asked the therapist if anything was wrong, and she said I looked calm af. I also had my heart rate and other vitals being monitored the whole time; after my session I asked the nurse if they found anything abnormal, and he said nope. Crazy, huh?
  17. It’s all consciousness. The first, the second, and even the 1000th order and beyond.
  18. It is, quite literally, all imagination. Also, I failed science class, so I have no idea what atoms are