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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. That’s why I’ve learned to gradually increase my dose. Even my weed doctor wants me to go higher, but he warns me to go slow.
  2. Isn’t a psychedelic trip an experience, though ?
  3. Perfect. This is your opportunity to observe your sensations without judging them.
  4. Have you tried cold showers? That’s an exposure practice you can try out https://www.wimhofmethod.com/benefits-of-cold-showers I want to start doing those again
  5. Not resisting your current experience is a great start
  6. When you find the right therapist for you, I can assure you it’s not ineffective. I get what you mean, though. It’s really, really tough to find the right fit.
  7. Agreed. Just like how there are an infinite amount of music that can be played. I used to only listen to a few bands and genres, but have recently expanded my musical taste exponentially!
  8. God is infinite, so of course life and death are allowed.
  9. By accepting what is in any given moment. Not in an unconscious way, but in a conscious way. If you feel like you’ve achieved something, I can guarantee you that that, too, will come and go. Isn’t that beautiful, though?
  10. He will have to turn to Professor Proof to get the Scoop
  11. More connected to my emotions, rather than always suppressing them.
  12. The “you“ who wants to defeat the ego, is also imagined.
  13. I have OCD. That sounds like something I struggle with often!
  14. I can vouch for this. I did ketamine before you made a video about it, as well as cannabis before you mentioned you started doing it on the forum.
  15. Wow, thanks for sharing! I never knew this episode existed til now
  16. Love it, like you love your best friend. That’s the key.
  17. Seriously dangerous in what way(s)?
  18. I think seeking therapy, if you don’t already, would be beneficial. Perhaps one who specializes with trauma patients. There may be stuff you need help processing; it’s too scary to process it on your own at this stage. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, as I still have difficulty processing stuff on my own.