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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. Being “normal” is foolish
  2. What is right is relative to each moment.
  3. That’s exactly why I don’t have kids. I already have immature ones… in my brain ?
  4. Warranted shame can actually be a powerful teacher. Unwarranted shame keeps us trapped in victimhood, however.
  5. Thank you. If anything, this topic just proved why psychedelics are illegal. Very controversial; highly misunderstood!
  6. I’m at a stage where I can literally have a mental breakdown, then set myself free from it. It’s a skill that I’ve been fine-tuning for about a year now. Prior to these awakenings, I would be trapped in mental hell for days, weeks, months, eternity. And this is just the beginning There is no cookie-cutter 1-2-3 step on how you realize this for yourself. That’s the beauty of it!
  7. The conditions I have are OCD, ADHD, anxiety, depression, autism. It’s like a cocktail lmao.
  8. For sure. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger (hopefully not the ego, lol)
  9. I’ve lived decades with mental illness and have also had many awakening experiences.
  10. Because if society gets too wonky and too fast, then we will not survive.
  11. Imagination is Amazing. There is literally nothing wrong, unless you dream it to be.
  12. Yup. At the higher doses, your trip sitter goes bye-bye
  13. https://firesideproject.org/ I also recommend checking this out. Currently they only offer peer support to people in the USA, but they are planning on expanding to other parts of the world.
  14. Don’t do psychedelics solo if you have suicidal thoughts and/or mental illness.
  15. I personally don’t smoke or vape. I take 3:1 (CBD:THC) cannabis oil w/ terpenes, sublingual 2x/day
  16. The truthful answer is we really don’t know whether it’s negative or positive in the long run. Even with SSRIs. I trust my doctor and the process. “You’ll see when you stop using it.” Of course, just like how I have ADHD and take stimulant medication daily. Trust me, if I stop taking it I’ll be in big doo-doo.
  17. I would argue that weed (prescribed by a doctor) helped me get off of antidepressants and helps with my sleep. I personally would rather spend money on medical marijuana than go back to taking SSRIs (which insurance will gladly cover, and I’d pay $0).