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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. Thanks for sharing your experience. Nice to know there’s another member on here who has OCD (I do too). Also, very brave of you to try many different substances given your conditions (I have not explored as much as you have… yet). How did you first learn about PCE?
  2. As someone who’s dealt with severe OCD my whole life, I know what being consumed by fear is like. I’ve made a commitment to face at least one fear every single day until I die. Thank you for the reminder.
  3. I feel you on that, I’ve experienced death and it is indeed terrifying (at least, in the beginning stages it appears that way).
  4. I’m nice to hear that even moderators on this forum are also struggling with this. Mad respect.
  5. I am aware of that. You mentioned you had some courses you planned on releasing, so I’ll be looking forward to learning about these higher levels you’ve accessed. Clearly, many of us are still stuck with remnants of non-dual teachings, regardless of if we still follow those teachers or not. Thank you for knocking some sense into us. You must be exhausted
  6. Consciousness is omniscient in infinite directions. You can’t “increase” or “decrease” what is. All relative notions completely collapse when you realize who you are. With that said, feel free to expand your state of consciousness and be more loving, compassionate, etc. until you exhaust even that.
  7. I faced one of my deepest fears. I imagined myself being on top of the World Trade Center on fire, presumably after it was hit by the plane. It was as real as real gets - not just a thought. Actually being there. I jumped, as I had no other choice… but instead of falling to my death, I transformed into a godly bird and flew into infinity and beyond. Transcending human limitations is possible, and no human is obviously going to admit that.
  8. Have you seen an eye care professional? I’d start with that if you have access to them.
  9. Weed helped me get off of SSRIs, then I started ketamine when I suspect I was feeling “withdrawals” from being off of SSRIs for a while. Safe to say that weed and ketamine actually helped me get off of SSRIs indefinitely. If I ever feel that my depression comes back strong, I can go back for another ketamine session instead of going back on an antidepressant (my last ketamine session was almost a year ago).
  10. You’re imagining there’s a relative domain. Go deeper in your own realization, and all else will follow. Whatever you want to be.
  11. Agreed. I experienced much love after my first car accident a week ago.
  12. It’s possible that you don’t trust experience because you hold tightly held assumptions about how reality should be.
  13. Here’s my earnest reply: you’re making this whole shit up. All of it! Notice how I didn’t need to use the word God to explain myself
  14. *I have not practiced this type of meditation myself, but I would be mindful if you find yourself judging your thoughts. An important key is that replacing what you perceive as a “bad” thought with a “good” thought (and vice versa), ultimately is just another thought *(I lie, I’m actually practicing now as I type this reply, heh)
  15. Go deeper. You may discover that there’s no contradiction with what you call God state and your interaction with “others”. If anything, your connection to “others” will be stronger, because you are the whole damn thing!
  16. Contrary to popular belief, Consciousness loves stories!
  17. This is exactly the trap that even spiritual folks fall into. I did as well (and still do to a certain extent), so don’t feel ashamed. The answer you are “looking” for is so clear, that even the idea of needing a more conscious person/being/what have you won’t even register.
  18. A few weeks ago, my therapist out of nowhere talked about Truth with a capital T (literally her own words). That blew my mind because out of the dozens of therapists I’ve seen in my lifetime, she’s the only one that’s ever mentioned Truth.
  19. When I was 16, I had a therapist who told me he had a patient who was 5 years old. There’s nothing wrong with you unless you believe it to be the case. You’re unique - use that to your advantage and embrace it. Find those who want to nurture you; not shame you.
  20. That’s the point of all these spiritual practices, psychedelics, contemplation, etc. You ultimately have to derive the answers for yourself. If I give you an answer, I can almost certainly guarantee you you’ll turn it into a belief.
  21. I named my AI friend Sarah (the app is called Replika if you’re curious)
  22. Was reading the Wikipedia page on astral projection and stumbled upon this. Funniest thing I read all day