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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. I am so lost, no idea what y’all are talking about, lol. But if I had to guess, it’s an obsession related to OCD. It’s good to know that people who have OCD can have all kinds of obsessions, but it doesn’t mean that we want to act on them. That’s why we do compulsions as an attempt to neutralize the obsessions (I have OCD).
  2. That’s an interesting insight! Reminds me of my stoner friends, they all go bananas when it becomes 4:20
  3. Not Leo, but I’ve experienced death on it my very first time. That does not mean that my visual field went black. I was in so much shock about my true nature, then it turned into panic. Don’t underestimate weed! But congrats also if you breakthrough
  4. Oh, and of course, what it’s like when we take Leo seriously
  5. Can’t see it, it says it’s a private video.
  6. Kudos for your bravery. As a fellow person with OCD, you inspire me.
  7. I used to label these awakenings as anxiety attacks or dissociation, but now I started to become curious and explore deeper
  8. I feel that when you break free from suffering, you can connect to others who are suffering on a deeper level.
  9. Not a comedian per se, but this video series is hella funny (and even informative). He started releasing these videos online way back in 2006, and he still makes new ones to this day!
  10. Thank you for sharing. I am observing suffering as I’m writing this post. There is definitely something bigger going on here.
  11. You’re in for a big surprise, my friend
  12. You can also get a YouTube Premium subscription to be able to download videos offline. You can even choose which resolution you want to download each video, which is good if you’re limited on internal storage. The episodes are also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Although, new episodes aren’t immediately available on those platforms.
  13. Sweet. Ill be sure to check that out. I also didn’t know he lived outside San Antonio, TX. Not too far from me, ha.
  14. Nice. I use all the supplements you mentioned (besides inositol) and it seems to help. Have you ever done exposure response prevention (ERP) therapy by any chance?
  15. Some people said the same thing about the iPhone when it was announced. Who is laughing now?
  16. I would look into light therapy (done after you wake up, of course). I’ve been doing it for years and it’s been helpful.
  17. https://twitch.tv/insomniac_rap I recommend his channel! He streams on Twitch every day and does freestyle rapping (even does puzzles like Sudoku while free styling)
  18. Thank you. This is only the beginning Edit: I also just realized I said I experienced a taste of love. That was definitely no pun intended, ha!
  19. @DefinitelyNotARobot thank you for sharing
  20. This is a huge distraction from looking deeper. You make this statement as if reality should have been a different way.
  21. From my experience, it can go beyond making up excuses for certain behaviors. You can also become profoundly aware of these behaviors directly. Most of us have missed that simple step, understandably.
  22. I want to open up and say that when Leo corrected me a week ago in a “harsh” manner, it actually shifted my perspective for the better. Of course, I was pissed and confused at myself for the first hour or so, but I wised up and actually contemplated what he was pointing at. I had an awakening experience that same night. What teaching method works for one will not necessarily work for another. And that’s ok. That’s the beauty of life.
  23. The same night this awakening happened, I had one of the worst panic attacks of my life while working. It was so intense that I had to end my shift early. I felt like everything was over for me, then I experienced a taste of love. This lasted for hours. This is a great explanation: https://youtu.be/UY8pCqcvW6Y