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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. Ok. I Am having another mystical experience. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Update: I’m literally Conscious of how time is a construct. It’s all Infinite Beauty.
  2. What I am comprehending currently is that the more selfless I become, the more beauty is revealed. Like, seriously, whenever your mind tries to convince you reality should be a different way than it is, it’s just trolling on an epic scale.
  3. It seems like “right” and “wrong” exists in the realm of human consciousness. However, at higher states of consciousness there are no distinctions. Well, there are, but it’s seen in a more playful/imaginary way since it becomes directly clear that it’s all Consciousness.
  4. Undoing 14 years of religious upbringing and 10 years of nonduality isn’t going to happen overnight
  5. Thank you for clarifying. I’m still shedding the whole nonduality look-up-to-the-master deal. I’m glad you don’t approve of that behavior.
  6. For sure. When I had my mystical experience yesterday I was sitting in my kitchen minding my own business. It wasn’t planned; not forced. I was just going about my day. It’s as PURE as pure gets.
  7. Lmao, this thread is pure gold. I am not AWAKE as I type this comment, but Leo is absolutely AWAKE. I experienced what he’s pointing to. He’s not bullshitting anyone here.
  8. I relate to that. Rest assured, the ones who are taking your work seriously are forever grateful and growing at a rapid pace, thanks to your masterful guidance and laser focused vision. Even if only a few Awaken to the highest levels you try to communicate, it’s all worth it in the end. Just like a musician, you’ll have a crap ton of cringe ideas, but the few gems that stand out will make it through the entire process.
  9. I am discovering that there are degrees of comprehension; it’s actually not all essentially the same.
  10. This comment Leo said says it all: Holy shit! As I’m typing this comment, that’s precisely what’s happening. I’m accessing a higher levels of consciousness; it’s too good to be true! I’ve been on disability for my entire life, yet these realizations are really shattering the life I thought I was trapped… it’s truly a miracle unfolding infinitely. I’m so in love with life… so in love with MYSELF. Peace and Love You all have my blessing forever.
  11. You are infinitely alone and in LOVE with yourself
  12. Nah dude, you’re not alone. Can’t be arrogant when we are ONE.
  13. Wow… that hits deep. Your communication is on another universe and beyond. I would’ve never been able to contextualize it like that if it wasn’t for you. Love you
  14. You ARE important. You are Everything. And I love you.
  15. I think Leo has a point. I mean, look at how we handled the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic is peanuts compared to what a potential AI dystopia can present.
  16. Deep into a trip last night, I remembered an interaction I had with someone I love. I then took it a step further by taking the POV of said person. I literally became them and imagined how they were seeing things in that moment of our interaction. I love imagination!
  17. When you take weed, but experience mushrooms instead
  18. You make good points. I agree that we can’t know for sure. We still gotta be careful, though. I’ve been in many failed relationships, so I know what it’s like to fuck up an amazing thing
  19. This is the way
  20. No worries. Jesus will come back down and save us on that day