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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. Sweet. I live literally next to vast farmland that I can walk around. I also happen to live near a major highway that’s located close to the largest shopping outlet in Texas. Creation is amazing.
  2. @M A J I Thanks for the reminder. I actually just went outside and took a short walk after reading your comment… it’s a beautiful night out there!
  3. Benzos are actually not recommended for people with OCD doing ERP therapy. Exposure response prevention therapy is about facing your obsession/fear while also not performing a compulsion/ritual (which can come in the form of behaviors or thoughts). These compulsion/rituals are performed as a way to neutralize the obsession and anxiety, but it only works in the short-term. The OCD cycle not only continues, but gets worse the longer they go without getting proper treatment. Using benzos while doing ERP is inadvisable because it essentially tricks your brain into thinking that the solution to overcoming OCD is to just take a benzo before facing any of your debilitating fears. This then becomes a dependency on benzos. Here’s a great summary from NOCD: “Some providers will prescribe benzodiazepines such as Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan or Valium. These medications are often popular because they quickly decrease anxiety when taken. However, it is this exact effect that makes them problematic for anyone doing ERP. In ERP, one needs to experience the natural highs and lows of their anxiety in order to properly habituate. Benzos prevent that process and also interfere in important brain processes like memory formation and memory consolidation, which are important to support the new learning taking place during ERP.”
  4. You CANNOT have mystery without Mind!
  5. Reality can be infinitely shallow and infinitely deep. Think of it like an infinite spectrum of possibilities. If you’re reading “A New Earth”, consider the possibility of “A New Multiverse”
  6. Mind is all that exists. It can experience both no boredom and boredom without being limited to either of them.
  7. Of course. You’ve got to look even beyond Leo and the forum and the community
  8. Furthermore, the career options you have access to at a given time hinges greatly upon your openness to try new things. This requires being adamantly clear and honest about what your values and vision are for yourself. [I’ve heard there’s a great course one can take to figure that out ]
  9. The attitude I recommend is: - desire to embrace the unknown, even if there’s a ton of resistance in you. - radical open-mindedness - willingness to drop ideas you hold onto for dear life, even if they appear to be 100% correct to you and everyone else you surround yourself with. When you truly understand what’s going on, you won’t need the right mindset. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
  10. From a certain point of view and understanding, dream is an appropriate term. What I mean by dream is that you can become directly conscious that *literally* each and every experience is so beautiful and unique, that you’re no longer primarily interested in maintaining a specific experience or state to satisfy an idea of being complete. Ironic how you can simultaneously be in a dream while still being conscious/awake, huh? Dream can imply fluidity, lucidity, and an openness to experience without bias dictating which experience is right or wrong. After all, how can you access higher states of consciousness if you’re holding on to a specific state as the ultimate reality?
  11. That’s the point I’m trying to make. Think of your all time favorite food or dessert. Would you want to be eating that every single meal for the rest of your life?
  12. Jesus, that’s a lot of Ascensions!
  13. What other myths about witchcrafting do you wish were debunked?
  14. Nobody is responding to it. Lmfao. This is all a fucking dream.
  15. Have you considered that, yeeeeesss, that’s a possibility.. ..But that still doesn’t negate the fact that NOBODY here is AWAKE
  16. I am experiencing more openness and love towards Myself. Definitely has been a net positive in the long term.
  17. You’re right. This forum is about Awakening. At higher states of consciousness you will be able to do shit so perfectly, without ever remembering how you learned how to do it in the first place.
  18. Sweet, I live in Texas. What workshops were you considering attending?
  19. Lol. You’d be surprised all the issues most people’s brains have that science hasn’t even discovered yet
  20. Nobody honestly really knows. Limited research. Then again, you have to ask yourself “Do drugs with a ton of research have no dangers?” Be responsible; listen to yourself. If you have major doubts, then most likely you’re not ready to take psychedelics.