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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. When it becomes uncomfortable, that’s a great opportunity to do some contemplation.
  2. Consciousness cannot be distracted by anything, because it is everything
  3. Ain’t nobody gonna spoon feed you the answers, friend. You are the experience!
  4. You created limits to transcend them. How genius is that!?
  5. Nah dude, I agree with you on transcending even nonduality. When I first met my current therapist a year ago, I mentioned being into nonduality. She (implicitly) communicated to me that nonduality is ultimately bs And, yes, my therapist IS me!
  6. Got into a car crash (first time) yesterday. Miraculous, nobody got any serious injuries. And the only burn I received on my finger happens to be shaped like a heart <3
  7. With all due respect, what happened to your rule about nonduality wars not allowed here? Seems like you’re contradicting your own standards lately.
  8. I have autism and can assure you that I’ve experienced Love directly. Careful with your assumptions.
  9. I just got into a car crash just now. That is Love.
  10. Be careful about idolizing any human being. Ralston, Leo, Obama, you name it.
  11. I think the point Leo is trying to make is to be careful not to turn any practice into dogma or ideology. Even Luke Skywalker had to learn that the hard way, lol.
  12. Being “normal” is foolish
  13. What is right is relative to each moment.
  14. That’s exactly why I don’t have kids. I already have immature ones… in my brain ?
  15. Warranted shame can actually be a powerful teacher. Unwarranted shame keeps us trapped in victimhood, however.
  16. Thank you. If anything, this topic just proved why psychedelics are illegal. Very controversial; highly misunderstood!
  17. I’m at a stage where I can literally have a mental breakdown, then set myself free from it. It’s a skill that I’ve been fine-tuning for about a year now. Prior to these awakenings, I would be trapped in mental hell for days, weeks, months, eternity. And this is just the beginning There is no cookie-cutter 1-2-3 step on how you realize this for yourself. That’s the beauty of it!
  18. The conditions I have are OCD, ADHD, anxiety, depression, autism. It’s like a cocktail lmao.