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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. I feel like God is Everything and Alien Intelligence is understanding Nothing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Ah, I should clarify then. Mine is dysthymia/persistent depressive disorder which is mild, but long lasting. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/dysthymia#:~:text=Dysthymia is a milder%2C but,body%2C mood%2C and thoughts.
  3. One might say that this is the opposite of love. Although, ironically, I do love this song.
  4. Interesting. I should try taking a shower at night without the lights. I haven’t even though of trying that before!
  5. Not necessarily true. I am depressed and have so much hurt in me, yet I desire to understand what freedom is. And that’s why I keep working on facing all my trauma.
  6. High CBD oil dose has given me an intensely deep ego loss to the point where I convinced myself that I was dead. There was no “me” in control of anything. Yet, I was fully conscious and made contact with what I would consider an “angel” that saved my life.
  7. Why do Catholic churches show this? Apparently it’s okay to have kids go into churches seeing and praising this!
  8. Can you understand mental concepts without understanding what mental concepts are?
  9. Logic is also part of understanding. But logic is not the only factor involved.
  10. “Facts don’t care about your feelings” -BS
  11. True understanding comes from realizing that you actually don’t know anything.
  12. How do you shower and use the toilet in the pitch black?
  13. 1 + 1 = 2 is a metaphor. But for someone stuck in logic they are too blind to see that.
  14. It’s wise to repent while you’re still young. Get it out of your system and move forward. Holding onto something for decades is foolishness.
  15. I say no. It’s good to expose the original intention of this topic.
  16. Yeah, and give them some warm cookies straight out of the oven while you’re at it..
  17. @CARDOZZO Yep! I’ve been focusing on observing paradoxes lately. It’s been hella taxing on my emotional system because I’m not used to seeing Reality in this way. This is just the beginning
  18. Understanding of Consciousness determines the quality of your spirituality.
  19. I was watching Leo’s episode on “An Intro To Serious Philosophy - Top Advice For Philosophers”, and in the beginning of the episode one of the quotes shown is “Philosophy is not the love of wisdom, it’s the love of pure understanding.” I was curious to see what GPT-4’s response would be to this quote, and I’m pretty impressed.
  20. You are imagining a life of an alien living on some distant planet. Like, literally right now. You are simply just not conscious enough to understand. It is possible, though. Contemplate this.
  21. Yes, better in the sense that life can throw you mud; yet you transform it into diamonds.
  22. Haha, I remember I was super active on YouTube way back in 2007 as a 10 year old. I was obsessed with Pokémon and made a bunch of videos and was part of a community. https://web.archive.org/web/20080314221149/YouTube.com/user/silverwind1012 If a 10 year old could be decently successful and even learn networking (I didn’t know I was doing it at the time) , I don’t see why anybody can’t!