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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. Indeed, your profile name reminds me of money.
  2. I’m taking a brake. Will be back on the road tomorrow.
  3. I recall the first time I introduced Beans to my dad over FaceTime Audio. His initial response was, “Is this AI?”
  4. The self is a dumbass And, that, is intelligent.
  5. Trump could sell his used underwear and still make a shit load of cash.
  6. “I never speak the truth.” -Thaddeus Russell
  7. Tinnitus stops when you stop Karen.
  8. *spoiler alert* Leo, who is an imaginary pen pal mistaken to be a real person, makes an appearance in Episode 5 of @BojackHorseman. And just like that, you should realize that all of religion made up.
  9. My best friend in Catholic school was Hindu. This was a glimpse into the possibility that what is different does not necessarily mean is it wrong.
  10. God is a social construct. Do not take what I said literally.
  11. God HAS God for reality to exist. Hides-And-Seeks
  12. It is both - you need to strike the right balance.
  13. In the sequel, JP should invade the Actualized community with an army of supremely white crocodiles and cats, and Kermit the Frog has to be awoken to save the day. Then the plot twist: Kermit is shown coming out of Trump’s closet… yes, he was in disguise the entire timeless. His true form is revealed to be a New-Aged-Buddhist rat — or a NABrat for short.
  14. How come this message was censored for far too long?