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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. Being Absolutely Selfless means including every possible selfish act that could possibly be imagined. Let that sink in.
  2. Which one is more God: a glass that’s empty or a glass that’s full
  3. @Schizophonia I don’t know what they use at my ketamine clinic. All I know is low dose is for relaxing, high dose is for getting mindfucked.
  4. @Hojo I’ve experienced something similar to yours (albeit, without alcohol). Nonetheless, these radical experiences really show you how fragile our ideas of reality are. We can start to appreciate different states of consciousness more openly. There is no one ultimate, correct state of being. Anyone who tells you that is either fooling you, or fooling themselves. Or both.
  5. When purposefully being wrong ultimately brings you to closer to Truth, you know that you’ve officially lost your mind. Only to discover MIND is EVERYTHING.
  6. And accept them for whatever state they are in. This is probably one of the most challenging parts of this work. For example, can you accept when your sister is acting like a complete asshole without needing to fix her behavior?
  7. It’s also important to not try to get your family or close friends to understand what Truth is. They simply don’t want to, even if they claim they do. I’ve made the mistake time and time again of having these profound mystical experiences, then trying to force them to get it as well. Guess what, that doesn’t work and it never will! This is also something you must ultimately surrender.
  8. At this point, mystical experiences happen daily to various degrees. When I have those experiences, I surrender as much as I’m able to handle. I take medicinal cannabis daily; not high in THC. I’m not tripping balls to the walls, but it’s subtle enough to be able to immerse myself in wonder and awe. I’m also allowing myself to have low conscious experiences, since there’s also lessons to learn from them. It’s a mistake to avoid low conscious states, which all these spiritual traditions are demonizing as absolutely bad. What if that demonization is occurring in the same state that you are demonizing from? Can’t that be reframed as hate? Hating yourself unconsciously. I’m taking a more paced approach thanks to all of your guidance. I plan on doing a ketamine again (done it 7 times last year), but I don’t have a strict deadline for it. So in a sense, I’m planning/working my way towards that “big” trip. Meta-tripping!
  9. @funkychunkymonkey you can also become directly conscious that you are your parents. Not in a hippie concept sort of way. Like, literally.
  10. @Husseinisdoingfine You can still cling onto the Buddha and nothingness. This work is more serious than you’re thinking right now.
  11. All manifestations are you and not you simultaneously. Containing Truth in one particular worldview is falsehood since Truth is all there. Truth = Falsehood in the absolute sense. Ironically, that would also make it relative since Truth and Falsehood are two distinctions I just made. And we only scratched the surface.
  12. Thank you for the honest post. I can resonate with this a bunch as well. You trying to make your parents understand is the fundamental problem here.
  13. It’s a matter of perspective.
  14. Solipsism without a profound openness to not knowing is a guaranteed way to live a life of suffering.
  15. Solipsism discussions are controversial precisely because you’re too attached to your identity. It’s possible to become directly conscious of all identities being you… if consciousness is elevated sufficiently.
  16. This is one of the reasons this forum is potent. You can really appreciate the different states of consciousness at work in perfect synchronicity.