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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. You are Consciousness. Relatively, you’ve got shit to do. But I can assure you, it’s all imaginary shit. And you as God can transform bullshit into beautiful shit
  2. @Jordan Nice, I’m going to meditate more often. Not just in one position, but in any position.
  3. You’ll no longer have any control. The salvia will control you
  4. @UnlovingGod You are very mature in your love and communication. Great work
  5. I totally resonated with that. Thank you
  6. There is nothing to destroy or erase. Embrace yourself fully. Accept yourself holistically. Expand yourself gracefully. You Are Creation Itself!
  7. You fools! You will never run out of things to say because YOU’RE INFINITE
  8. @Javfly33 I have no idea what siddhis are, either. Also… are you assuming @Moksha’s gender?!
  9. It’s a reply to nothing and nobody… …apparently
  10. Surrender with the intention of connecting deeper with You Are Self
  11. @Jowblob Sadly, you missed the part where he mentions Mature Love. It’s still all leading to transcending human conditioning
  12. I’m sorry, but slaughtering deer and geese with my bow and arrow in Zelda is super satisfying.
  13. Allow your body to do whatever it needs to do in each moment without you needing it to be a particular way. Learn to first accept your body. Then you can gradually open yourself to new and exciting experiences.
  14. This dude became a window pain.
  15. The only words that make sense at the point are “I Love You”. As they say, “Three strikes, you’rrre out!”
  16. @Revolutionary Think I strive to be as mature as GPT-5 one day
  17. To truly realize your cuteness requires embracing your ugliness
  18. The proof was in the pudding… …but then I ate it