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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. @Javfly33 He talked in a completely different voice at the 10:15 mark. That’s some next level yoga right there
  2. The true yoga will guide you on not manipulating your experience, as paradoxical as that sounds. To open yourself more to direct experience. What do you think of as direct experience? Who is manipulating your experience?
  3. Yes and no. Say no to you and yes to Love.
  4. You won’t believe it, but spirituality is the worst thing that can happen to you. Thank God! You’re welcome
  5. Can’t wait for this to come out on Apple Vision Pro
  6. @integral @Sincerity @Inliytened1 —- Mods Unite!
  7. Yes, that’s good observation. Spiritual progress is linear; in an illusory sense. With that said, of course you’ll have some interesting experience now, only to have a completely different experience the next. Yet, even the changing appearances is imagined by no one other than you.
  8. It depends on the context.
  9. Discrimination against non-psychedelic users is immature.
  10. The mature thing to do is to not help him. Paradoxical, huh?
  11. @LSD-Rumi Old Actualized quote, but not expired:
  12. You are imagining every possible experience. Awakening is realizing THIS.
  13. He has a Life Purpose Course for that.