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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. What about times you’re in the flow state, though?
  2. My mom stopped talking to me a few months ago. My dad finally opened up in therapy the reason for this - my mother wants me to forgive her family before she’ll talk to me again. But her family is very much against my values. I choose not to talk to them. And if she doesn’t like that, then I can’t do anything about it. I’m not changing my mind even if that means I’ll never talk to my mother again. This is what happens when you place your entire identity on groupthink and family values. You’ll defend and justify the group members’ behavior even if they go against your values. My family members abused my mother, and she acts like it was no big deal. That’s how I learned to have idiot compassion towards anybody, but now I’ve had enough.
  3. Bard (casual response):
  4. Bard (casual response):
  5. Had discussion about God, and this is what Bard has concocted: And this: Annnnnd this: I think AI needs to stay, lulz
  6. @Thittato have you even tried it yourself, though?
  7. ? You’ve got it right on the nail
  8. Selfishness is Love, believe it or not. GOD loves selfishness. GOD loves all of itself, including selfishness. What else were you expecting? (now go back to working on being more selfless!)
  9. I moved my bed a few feet from the wall today. I made an unintentional discover by doing that… I discovered that I can now stretch both my arms out fully. I was very thankful for this random discovery!
  10. In what ways do you lose a lot of your freedom? I have not experienced that part (yet?…) since the relationship I’m in is in the very early stages. Interestingly, though, I feel like we’ve had several deep conversations that have made us both wiser and more loving. I would have expected us to have those conversations maybe after we’ve known each other for 5-10 years, but what do I really know? (we’ve only known each other for a little over a year).
  11. GPT-4 would like to respond to your points @thenondualtankie GPT-4: —— GPT-4:
  12. Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas from me and GPT-4:
  13. Me: Why can you be so stupid sometimes? Bard (“More professional” response): Me: Why did you bold “Sincerely,”? Bard:
  14. Recontextualizing has been very useful from my experience. But it takes a lot of work to make your mind flexible enough to do that. I still struggle with it myself ? Letting go is useful, but it’s also important to be very clear about how your mind creates meaning in the first place.
  15. Just remember that there is an infinite chain of deeper meanings you can discover.
  16. Damn, I wish he was my science teacher growing up I’d even prefer a rock as my science teacher
  17. Where has your liking for the term bambi come from I’ve never seen the movie, but some damn rap line from Machine Gun Kelly spoiled it for me:
  18. That happened to me yesterday, except I was kneeling/squatting on the floor; not lying