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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. @StarStruck Stop playing games and see that she is an absolute reflection of You
  2. Tongue cleaning also helps with bad breath. I recommend Dr. Tung’s Stainless Steel Tongue Cleaner
  3. @Sincerity I was going through a rough patch last night; it was my girl friend who snapped me out of it. She gave me her raw perspective, rather than playing along with my games. I took her perspective as a personal attack initially, but quickly realized that I was the one being foolish; sneakily seeking reassurance from her. Her presence and wisdom actually brought clarity!
  4. @D2sage I’ve said plenty of things even just a day ago that don’t necessarily reflect my current ideas of how reality is.
  5. Always depends on your level of personal development and unique needs + desires. A book on how to do arithmetics will be useless information for a mathematician, but be extremely valuable for a first grader.
  6. AI is gonna kick all of humanity’s asses on those tests a few years from now, so that should be the least of your concerns.
  7. @Princess Arabia Yes, yesterday in fact while I was out grocery shopping. It was unreal, until I snapped back to mundane human crap.
  8. @Princess Arabia I see it the opposite way. Instead of spacing out, it’s expansion of consciousness. Your sense of reality expands.
  9. @ryandesreu have you tried that? If so, what was your experience like?
  10. Me too. Try reframing surrender from a form of punishment to a form of acceptance.
  11. This is where AI will have a major role in the future. Might as well leave all the logical stuff for the AI to handle.
  12. Perhaps move to the Philippines then.
  13. @mostly harmless people come here from all parts of the world. So you can expect different levels of personal development. We aren’t a university here, and trust me, they have a bunch of confirmation bias as well, if not worse.
  14. It’s amazing how all the good stuff is expensive and takes work to get… almost like by design
  15. Of course. You and I created each other.
  16. It’s amazing how completely different two peoples’ views can be. I don’t notice the shoes or the pedicure at all unless she explicitly mentions it.
  17. How would you know what actually suits you or not if you don’t actually try something? Anything?
  18. It’s good that you don’t agree with Leo 100%. That would turn you into an Actualized Rat.