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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. Funny you ask. I was just watching this clip earlier
  2. @Ry4n That was exactly the point I was making, to point out how all of humanity is absurd. Doesn’t matter if you’re religious, a scientist, mentally well, or a successful business man. You’re all full of shit
  3. @De Sade You can awaken deeply without 5-MeO-DMT. But you need to learn to think for yourself.
  4. I listened to Matt Khan when I was seriously high one time, and that dude definitely touched something deep within me. Like metaphysical sex or something.
  5. @ryandesreu Dunno. But just like the deleted solipsism episode, you can find it if you really want it.
  6. I mean… you can go the religious route and beat yourself up for being a bad person. Or you can realize You are GOD, and literally stop giving a fuck. Which will ironically make you more loving in the long-term.
  7. That is a good realization to have. Now you can reduce blaming external forces for your problems and move forward on solutions. One step at a time.
  8. And you assume that having a mental illness means it’s total doom. Not true at all. As someone with mental illness, I am fortunate to have access to one of the most powerful drugs on the planet. I choose to only do it rarely due to how insanely powerful it is. It’s so powerful, I can access LOVE deeper than any Buddhist on the entire planet ever could, if they could even ever.
  9. If I had to choose to pay $1000 to do two ketamine infusion vs. buying the new iPhone, I would do the ketamine in a heartbeat. The new iPhone won’t teach me jack shit compared to what two powerful ketamine trips would.
  10. Consider that you can love so deeply without even touching someone physically. I’m dead fucking serious.
  11. Take things less personally. Let her do her thing. If you find yourself being needy, then that’s something you need to address; it has nothing to do with the girl. Also, you are taking things too seriously if you are triggered about girls playing games. Dating is literally a game. Frame it as such.
  12. Increase your consciousness and everything else follows. Because it’s all you, right?!
  13. @Loveeee That would require going beyond the confines of the internet and physical reality, then.
  14. $10 spent wisely is infinitely times better than $100,000 spent on foolishness. Not even winning the lottery can compete with that kind of love.
  15. @Loveeee Leo should re-upload that video as his final Actualized video (at least on the main channel).
  16. One time when I was a teenager, I hit on a girl at the mall. After a few minutes, a woman security officer walks up to us and she asks the girl if I’m bothering her. The girl said I wasn’t, and the security officer looked surprised and simply walked away. This is what happens when you have nice rapport instead of raping people.
  17. I think we all need to take a bus to Peter Ralston’s house and explain all this to him personally
  18. @Bazooka Jesus I think that edible had a delayed reaction on @Osaid.
  19. If God’s gentle stroke doesn’t wake you up to Love, then God’ll stick a stiff broom up your beautiful ass
  20. @Princess Arabia She’s in a really bad place in her life right now, and it would be selfish of me to interfere with her own growth.