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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. Well, let’s not get too obsessed with each other. Let’s keep it professional.
  2. As am I. I felt like we had a similar conversation like this before. Déjà vu?
  3. God is helping God is helping God is helping God is helping God is helping God……………..
  4. It means you are a fish who just saw food, only for it to actually be bait. Hook, line, and sinker.
  5. Sure, but just like with sex there needs to be balance. Too much and your dick might fall off.
  6. Awww, shit. I thought we were done obsessing over Pete Davidson!
  7. What about when you’re by yourself? Do you ever experience emotional distress then?
  8. Yes, and that can go on forever if you let it. Let’s focus on contemplation, rather than condemnation, brothers and sisters!
  9. That’s the trick. If you have to constantly be defensive about what others are telling you, then that is a sign that something within you needs to change. Just like how NBA teams don’t face high school basketball teams. That would be counterproductive and lack growth for everyone involved (assuming they both played at peak performance).
  10. The point I’m trying to make is why does it concern in regards to how they go about spirituality? And besides, how would you know that your methods would work best for them at the stage that they’re in? For example, what if they need to still go through a nondual / enlightenment phase, and forcing them to drop their nondual / enlightenment beliefs actually hinders their progress in the long-term?
  11. If you were really awake, then it wouldn’t matter what any member on this forum says about you. Because you’re ultimately talking to your damn self, lol. Nobody (I mean, no matter) what is being said.
  12. So that’s what this user kept hammering on about, aha:
  13. That’s the irony of human logic. Alien consciousness is beyond that, so the very notion of understanding, knowing, or experience (again, as a human) flies out the window. It’s so massive, beyond size, that everything becomes alien. Anyway, I’ve only experienced it very briefly once or twice. Maybe I will experience it again, maybe I won’t. I’ll let God decide. I’m currently not alien conscious as I write this reply.
  14. I’ve never done 5-MeO once in my life and I understand what he refers to by alien consciousness. I wish I could give a rational examination, but it’s beyond rational. Let’s not make Leo into a cult leader. That’s against this work.
  15. You are the best teacher. Seriously, look into your direct experience. It’s Self-evident. All these teachers are just prodding you until you finally are able to let them go.
  16. I’ve had experiences where matter didn’t exist, but right now it does for me. I wonder which is more factual. Maybe matter won’t exist for me tonight when I take my medical cannabis and I’m outta here. I’ll let the medicine decide.
  17. Agreeing and believing Leo about God is yet another bias. Best to let the Universe give you a instead and let your own direct experience speak for itself. If you’re still needing a logical and definitive explanation for all of THIS, then good luck. You’ll be searching for the next billion years. THIS is right here, right now. I am you, you are me, blah, blah, blah. Yet, some are still awaiting for the next profound Alien Magic extravaganza for Leo to blow us away with.
  18. Of course it matters. I’m going to date someone who is in a poly relationship. If I didn’t open my mind, I would have immediately closed down that opportunity. If my conservative family members found out, they would kill me.
  19. Ah, yes. Just like the time he skipped seeing a girlfriend for a yoga date and instead shat alien blood on his carpet. Good times!
  20. “Help! I’ve left the forum and I can’t get up!”
  21. Me too. I have shared my synchronicity experiences with my sister, and I think it is making her batshit crazy.