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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. Nah. I don’t want restrooms based on identity. For example, there are no Blacks only bathrooms. There is a music venue in Austin called Mohawk that does restrooms properly. Instead of Men or Woman, it’s Sit or Stand.
  2. The fact that who uses which bathroom is still an issue in public shows how immature society really is.
  3. “If we don’t bring God back, we don’t come back.” 💀
  4. Be brave about what it is you’re avoiding.
  5. Be curious about what it is you’re avoiding.
  6. Dealing with eczema is BS. This, on the other hand, is a Beautiful Story
  7. Do you have a butt wink?
  8. https://www.actualized.org/insights/2024-election-prediction I like how Mr. Leo uses fox as a metaphor. It reminds me of Fox News.
  9. "In an interview with Variety, Hinchcliffe stated that the line was a joke and he did nothing wrong, adding that he believed comedians should never apologize for a joke and simply continue with their work, which was the approach he took after the incident." This idiot makes all comedians look bad. You cannot improve your craft by never admitting you are wrong.
  10. Be careful with brown pill ideology.
  11. It is easier to mock the suffering rather than to embrace it.
  12. Time to migrate to TrumpTube / TruthTube…
  13. God suffers. And then she hysterically laughs as a madman.
  14. I don’t see the interview when I search for it. I guess that means that I shouldn’t care.