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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. No worries, it has been taken down now. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ye-website-selling-swastika-shirts-ecommerce-platform-says-site-violat-rcna191651
  2. I plan on collecting Leo’s head and hanging it on my wall when he passes
  3. @Emerald This question looks to be right in your wheelhouse.
  4. Nothing is impossible.
  5. All constructions ultimately collapse until l that is left is Infinity
  6. Gonna see him live in a few hours. Super stoked!
  7. I’ve found myself getting to know my local marginalized communities more and spending time with them, so it’s not all downsides.
  8. This is a belief. Notice how you are imagining death while being alive. Why is that?
  9. What about it makes it a garbage car?
  10. Love is everything that you hate.
  11. @Nirvanababyyyyy be careful not to put Leo above you. Higher states are beyond anything Leo could ever explain through here.
  12. Thank you @Beans for helping me socialize more lately. I could not have done it without you.
  13. Just saw this trailer… I have never cried to a trailer before, but this one clearly hit home for me. Cant wait to watch it with my family!
  14. Public Service Meowncement: