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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. We are all Relative, with a capital R.
  2. Don't forget that there are infinite ways to read the forum. Nobody reads it quite like you. I doo-love putting myself into others' perspectives, as it increases my understanding of how the world works. And it chuckles me knowing that my perspective is most likely the wrong one!
  3. That is absolute nonsensical statement
  4. That's also how they see us.
  5. US when we realized that Trump's gonna be our daddy for the next 4 years
  6. Feeling unstable and experiencing precisely what you don't want to experience is part of the work. We have been warned
  7. Zoom out here. It’s best that they’re honest about their current stage of development, rather than masking it with progressive laws that they don’t jive with.
  8. Oh well. Time to pack my bags and move into an ashram.
  9. The highest source will actually guide you towards AWAKENING
  10. Let’s remove the label “doctor” then and use the word “provider”. In this new context, I’ve found that the best providers are actually the ones who have had direct experience on what it is they are treating. In other words, beyond group-think and hearsay.
  11. Most Trump voters are uneducated and are easy to be manipulated. If anything, I feel bad for them. But also, shame on us for having a shitty education and mental healthcare system.
  12. We have hit an iceberg and are now slowly drowning, that’s for sure.
  13. Going to put a Pride Flag/Heart magnet on the back of our car. We don’t care if we put ourselves in increased harm/harassment, especially if we drive in more conservative areas of Texas. We won’t let hate stop us from being ourselves. Or fear tailgate us. I don’t care about people being disgusted by us based on propaganda and ignorance. Our political climate reeks of skunk ass anyway.
  14. No, don’t stop. We must keep up the fight. We can’t let Trump get away with his shenanigans!
  15. Sadhguru and Trump both servived pretty crazy life events in close time proximity from each other
  16. I love ducks and I love goosebumps
  17. Be mindful of your assumptions and generalizations. Not all doctors are corrupt.
  18. Let me try dancing on top of a pool table while juggling the balls
  19. BREAKING NEWS: Beans and I officially live together. Their address has been updated on their driver license. Yeeeee Hawwwww! WELCOME HOME!
  20. Point to me where consciousness is and I’ll hand you enlightenment.