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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. And the construction workers are an illusion
  2. Contemplate how you steal from others. You stole that money first, didn’t cha? Ching!
  3. I can assure you that nobody has everything figured out.
  4. Hey… you also told me that you’re feeling calm! You can feel light and darkness at the same time 😮
  5. Reading this while eating ground turkey, lol.
  6. Just a quick reminder: breaks are essential in this work!
  7. Notably, you have modified the original quote, as that is not what was initially written.
  8. Leo’s PP here: https://www.actualized.org/insights/introducing-pure-philosophy
  9. Driving, a cop car unexpectedly appeared close to, then behind us, as we were approaching home. I felt fear, as I knew my gay magnets were rearing their flasshy heads towards the officer. Offender, I was not, as nothing happened when I made a turn as the cop disappeared into the distance. Our Stonewall ancestors would be proud of the progress we have achieved - being able to be openly gay and without being harassed by the Law!
  10. Holy moley… 2 weeks into the eczema treatment and I’m already experiencing tremendous gains. My back feels like a baby’s skin! I compared it to Beans’ back, and it felt THE SAME. Truly a miracle drug!!
  11. Indulging in philosophical discussions whilst eating froyo on this chill night. Cheers to sweet insightzzz!
  12. It’s best to humble ourselves and admit “I don’t know”. With that said, keep on reading what I’ve written. It’s all true. There’s a lot of tension, uncertainty, and fear for many people right now. Coming up with theories and ideas about what could happen from this place will just lead you down more self-deception masked as horrid fantasies. Trump is a monster. But that’s not the end of the story. Have you ever seriously considered asking the question, “How am I a monster? What does this mean for my life?”
  13. The trap you are falling into is needing Leo’s approval on if you’re doing the work the right way or not. Don’t let Leo dictate how you should do the work.
  14. There are times when authority figures overreach and it’s warranted for you to advocate for yourself. Context is key, though.
  15. It matters if you want to have a better understanding of what actually happened. How did you respond to him? Did you give him an attitude? Did he yell at you? Get more specific.
  16. Let’s consider that being a human is inherently untruthful. The original sin, so to speak (from a snake’s tongue).
  17. He was taking a long shebang to author the epic-est blog post of all time: https://www.actualized.org/insights/some-political-lessons
  18. We will be financially independent one day. For now, there is no shame in asking for help, especially if it's coming from those who genuinely have our best intentions in mind. Progress; not perfection!
  19. What does death look like to you? Are you constantly experiencing fear around death to the point that you can't function consistently in your everyday life?