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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. Every “A-ha!” moment of insight is a touchdown.
  2. Being trans is illegal cus we’re that special, like psychedelics
  3. One time I took 7-10 puffs of cannabis. All your ideas get thrown out the window after that!
  4. Already done.., jail breaking the mind is the purpose of this work after all.
  5. My sleep the past year has been shitty due to serious health condition flare-ups, but has recently been getting better as my condition has been improving.
  6. Update: Can't make the forum dark on FireFox macOS for some reason.
  7. Also available on Apple Podcast! I like how the podcast thumbnail is from Leo's interview, presumably.
  8. Buddhism says a whole lot of Nothing. The Middle Way is the answer.
  9. Lol, me too. Let’s discover some vegan alternatives
  10. Hey buddy, I refuse to fix this mistake since there was never ONE to begin with
  11. Misspellings are evil to a grammer gremlin
  12. @integration journey Thank you! — I did discover a downside, however. For some reason, on iOS, when I open FireFox (and it’s already on Dark Mode), the scroll bar is dark gray (as opposed to light gray), and therefore it is unseeable. The workaround is I have to turn off Night Mode and turn it back on, then the scroll bar changes to a light gray color and I can see it again. I don’t know if this is a FireFox app issue and/or iOS, but hopefully it gets fixed soon. But then again, it’s a minor inconvenience, and it was fun discovering this workaround!
  13. Ma haterz lub me
  14. Maybe you’ll be the one who helps upgrade his worldview.