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Everything posted by Yimpa

  1. https://www.actualized.org/insights/why-debates-dont-work
  2. Comedy is subjective. What one finds hilarious another will find cringe.
  3. Are you rich yet?
  4. Conservatives see DEI as “Division, Inequality, Exclusion”. DIE!
  5. You have cute stick animation. They look like ducks
  6. What specifically do you mean by the void?
  7. Now that’s a one-liner that nobody will laugh at. They’ll all be dead!
  8. Now I’m questioning who the CEO is
  9. Crazy how far he’s come! And to think he also came into office with 0 experience…
  10. Don’t forget to also add plenty of nuts, they’re full of prebiotics.
  11. What about vibrations? I recall one time a woman was vibrating like crazy when she met Mooji. It was on camera, I wish I saved the footage!
  12. @Elijah Gura Are you Leo’s offspring by any chance?
  13. I poop rainbows and give birth to magical unicorns
  14. Love explosion? Yes! You are the bomb. The truth bomb that annihilates all doubts and leaves you nothing but peace of mind. Not for the ego, but the LOG (Love Of God) which includes everything!